



  • 書名:國際貿易實務:英文版第四版
  • 作者:帥建林
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年7月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787566321770


  《國際貿易實務(英文版)(第四版)》筆者於2016年至2019年在美國紐約州立奧爾巴尼大學工作期間,為該校全體本科生開了一門名為“Topics in Globalization”的課程(3個學分),授課期間主要使用的教材就是《國際貿易實務(英文版)(第四版)》。教學過程中,筆者充分融合了國際貿易規則和美國商務實踐,跟學生互動,探討全球化課題、國際經濟與貿易、美國商務操作等,激活了課堂氛圍,豐富了跨文化交流之國際經濟貿易教學,拓展了筆者的學術視角和人生閱歷,積累了寶貴的教學資源和人生財富。在此,筆者將所得一併融入《國際貿易實務(英文版)(第四版)》第四版,與讀者分享。


PART 1 Overview
Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade
1.1 Why Do Countries Trade?
1.2 How Is International Trade Measured?
Chapter 2 International Trade Policy
2.1 Import Tariff
2.2 Non-tariff Bamers to Imports
2.3 Export Taxes
2.4 Export Subsidies
Chapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade Block
3.1 Trade Bloc
3.2 Trade Block
Chapter 4 WTO: A Navigation Guide
4.1 What Is WTO ?
4.2 How Does It Work?
4.3 WTO: Objectives, Functions and Basic Principles
4.4 WTO Agreement: A Navigation Guide
PART 2 Terms of International Trade
Chapter 5 International Trade Terms
5.1 Generalization
5.2 A Guide to lncoterms 2020
5.3 Incoterms and VAT
5.4 Incoterms and Contracts
Chapter 6 Terms of Commodity
6.1 Name of Commodity
6.2 Quality of Commodity
6.3 Quantity of Commodity
6.4 Packing of Commodity
6.5 Commodity Inspection and Customs Formalities
Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport
7.1 Modes of Transport
7.2 Clause of Shipment
7.3 Major Shipping Documents
Chapter 8 Cargo Insurance
8.1 Parties to the Insurance
8.2 Marine Insurance
8.3 Insurance of Land, Air and Postal Transportation
8.4 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance
Chapter 9 Terms of Price
9.1 Price Elements
9.2 Pricing Methods
9.3 Conversion of Major Trade Terms
9.4 Exchange Cost: An Evaluation Tool
9.5 Pricing Strategies
9.6 Money of Account and Avoidance of Foreign Exchange Risk
9.7 Use of Commission and Discount
9.8 Clause of Price
Chapter 10 International Payment and Settlement
PART 3 International Trade Procedure
PART 4 Trade Forms
Appendix Glossary of International Trade Terms with English-Chinese Interpretations


