



  • 中文名:國際化時代背景下的大學間競爭與合作
  • 作者:喻愷
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年6月1日
  • 頁數:288 頁
  • 定價:39.00
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:7313073119, 9787313073112
  • 外文名:Competition and Cooperation Among Universities in the Age of Internationalization
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語


《國際化時代背景下的大學間競爭與合作》講述Hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU),the Fifth AcademicConsortium 21 International Forum was held in Shanghai from October 18 to 21,2010.The Forum brought more than 100 participants together to discuss the significance of,strategies for,and benefits of the intemationalization of highereduction.In mtendance were representatives from 16 AC21 member institufionsand two institutions considering membership.Additionally.me Forum attractedprofessors and educational specialists from numerous non-member universities andinternational organizations around the globe.


About AC21
About the Contributors
Preface: A Successful AC21 International Forum in Shanghai
Section One: World and World-Class Universities
1. The World University -- Teamwork in a Time of Financial Turbulence
2. Building World-Class Universities in the Age of Internationalization: The "E" Elements in Nagoya University
3. Creative Analogies and the Reading of Rankings
4. The Effective Use of Global Rankings in Making Institutional Strategic Plans and Positioning for Building a World Class University
Section Two: Education/Training Development
5. The Internationalization of Doctoral Education - A Two-Way Approach: Promoting Productive Educational Experiences for PhD Students
6. A Model of Researcher Education that Facilitates International Research Collaboration and Internationalization of the Curriculum
7. Researching Abroad: Developing Self, Developing Nation?
8. The Shaping of China's Postdoctoral Community
Section Three: National and University Case Studies
9. Using World University Ranking to Inform and Guide Strategic Policy Making: A Case Study of a Canadian Research University
10. World-Class Universities or a World-Class System: Which Way for Australia?
11. Academic Partnerships in the Age of Globalization: Exploring Policies for Cross-Border Collaboration in Hong Kong
12. Understanding Research Performance: The Evolution of UWA's Research Management Tool, Socrates
13. A World-Class University in China? The Case of Tsinghua
14. Building World-Class Universities in the Age of Internationalization
15. Deploying the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora: A Case Study of the 111 Project at Peking University


