- 中文名:國情故事·最佳化電力資源的工程
- 作者:趙承
- 譯者:張鴻鵬、 閆雙
- 出版時間:2008年9月1日
- 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
- 頁數:102 頁
- ISBN:9787508513485
- 開本:32 開
- 裝幀:平裝
I 40-year-old procedure from planningto emergence of West-East electricitytransmission Proiect
Background of the project
Historic opportunity
Prelude to Development of the Western Regions
Ⅱ "Energy bridges" connecting eastern
and western parts
Magnificent blueprint
Establishment of energy bridges
Creating records
Developing in the market
Ⅲ A winning result for everyone
A project changing "power transmission" into "powergeneration"
The power source for the development of the easternpart of China
Environment improvement
Building China's new power distribution pattern
Ⅳ West-East electricity transmissionunder snow disaster
Disaster strikes off southern channel
Restoring transmission lines against time
Lessons make people stronger