- 中文名:中學英語學習文庫·國中英語詞義辨析
- 書名:中學英語文庫國中英語詞義辨析
- 出版社:上海科學技術出版社
- 頁數:195頁
- 開本:32
- 品牌:上海科學技術出版社
- 作者:朱震一梁藺
- 出版日期:2010年6月1日
- 語種:簡體中文,英語
- ISBN:7547802583,9787547802588
——陳錫麟 上海資深英語教學教學專家
1.affair business matter
2.amount number
3.avenue road street way
4.career iob work
5.cause excuse reason
6.cloth clothes clothing
7.cook cooker
8.cost price expense
9.end ending
10.energy force strength power
11.exercise exercises
12.experience experiences
13.family house home
14.fish fishes
15.journey tour trip travel voyage
16.noise voice sound accent
17.problem question
18.room place space
19.scenery scene sight view
20.time times
Chapter 2 動詞
21.accept receive
22.advise persuade
23.affect effect influence
24.answer reply
25.arrive get to reach
26.attend join join in take part in
27.award reward
28.beat hit strike
29.borrow lend
30.bring take fetch
31.buy pay spend cost
32.clean clear
33.create invent design develop
34.discover invent
35.dress wear put on be dressed in dress up
36.find find out look for
37.fix mend repair
38.forget 1eave
40.happen take place break out
41.hear listen sound
42.hoDe wish
43.iniure hurt wound
44.1ie lav
45.1ive stay
46.100k watch read see stare notice
47.manage try
49.offer provide supply
50.raise rise
51.search Search for
52.shoot shoot at
53.tell talk say speak
Chapter 3 介詞
54.above over
55.dbove over more than
56.across through over past
57.among between
58.below under
59.besides except except for
60.by with
61.in into
62.1ike as
Chapter 4 形容詞和副詞
63.abroad aboard
64.accurate correct right
65.alive lively living live
66.almost nearly
67.alone lonely
68.aloud loud loudly
69.already just yet“?
70.appear look seem
71.asleep sleepy sleeping
72.average common general ordinary usual normal
73.boiled boiling
74.calm still silent quiet
75.chemistry chemical
76.close closely
77.deep deeply
78.either too
79.especially specially
80.fairly rather
81.freezing frozen
82.frightened frightening
83.gold golden!
84.high highly
85.historic historical
86.physics physical
87.real true
88.wide widely
89.worth worthy
Chapter 5 連詞
90.as because since for
Chapter 6 代詞
Chapter 7 詞組
Chapter 8 形似詞
Chapter 9 詞義辨析小題庫