

嚴成增,1986年生,教授,博士生導師,湖北省青年拔尖人才,香江學者,入選2022、2023和2024年全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單,獲2021年度Scott Sloan最佳論文獎,2021和2022年度領跑者5000中國精科技期刊頂尖學術論文獎。主要從事多物理場岩土材料斷裂及破碎數值方法、有限-離散元法(FDEM)及其仿真軟體的研究工作。自2011年以來,建立了系列FDEM水力、熱力、水熱、接觸傳熱、濕度、化學-斷裂耦合模型,提出了多物理斷裂分析系統性計算方法,研製了GPU並行多物理場斷裂分析軟體MultiFracS,相比串列版加速2個數量級。有包括來自澳大利亞莫納什大學、西澳大學、美國塔爾薩大學、印度阿米巴巴國家研究院在內的國內外200餘位用戶使用本軟體並在國際主流SCI期刊發表論文數十篇。主持國家自然科學基金、北京自然科學基金等項目多項。在國內外主流期刊發表論文76篇(一作/通訊SCI 51篇),ESI高被引4篇,論文總被引次數3045次,單篇最高被引233次,單篇引用超過100次的有6篇;申請及授權發明專利6項,軟體著作權2項。應邀在香港理工大學、加拿大多倫多大學FDEM global workshop等作特邀報告。。


  • 中文名:嚴成增
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:湖南衡陽
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院武漢岩土力學研究所、長安大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:岩土工程
  • 職稱:教授


2010.9-2015.6 中國科學院武漢岩土力學研究所 岩土工程專業 獲博士學位
2006.9-2010.6 長安大學 地質工程專業 獲學士學位


2017.5- 中國地質大學(武漢)工程學院 特任教授
2015.7-2017.4 北京工業大學 助理研究員 博士後


[1] 能源、邊坡、隧道、採礦
[2] GPU並行計算
[3] CAE軟體開發
[4] 多尺度多相多物理場斷裂破碎數值模擬
[5] 地質工程
[6] 岩土工程
[7] 有限-離散元法


[1] 模擬含任意複雜裂縫網路水力壓裂的FDEM-flow3D方法研究. 國家自然科學青年基金項目(No:11602006),2017.1-2019.12,(負責人)
[2] 中國博士後科學基金項目(No: 2015M580953),2015.11-2016.12, (負責人)
[3] 北京市自然科學青年基金項目(No:1174012),2017.1-2018.12,(負責人)
[4] 朝陽區博士後科研活動經費資助(2016ZZ-01-08),2016.6-2017.4,(負責人)


(1) HuY, Yan Chengzeng*, et al. Analysis and countermeasures of asymmetricfailure in layered surrounding rock tunnels based on FDEM: A case study[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024: 109049.
(2) YanChengzeng*,Wang T. A 3D discrete model for soil desiccation cracking in consideration ofmoisture diffusion[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics andGeotechnical Engineering, 2024.
(3) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*, Zheng H. Investigation on rock breaking and optimumspacing of TBM cutters under confining stress using a continuum-discontinuummethod[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2024, 165: 105775.
(4) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*. Fracture characteristics andfailure analysis of underground caverns in Longyou Grottoes induced by humiditychange. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024(160):108214.
(5) AliS, Yan Chengzeng*, Wang T, Zheng Y, et al. Evaluating the impact ofcalcite and heterogeneity on the mechanical behavior of coal: A numerical studywith grain-based finite-discrete element method. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 2024.
(6) YanChengzeng*, Wang T, ZhengY, et al. Insights into the Effect of Water Content on Mudstone Fragmentationand Cutter Force during TBM Cutter Indentation via the Combined Finite-DiscreteElement Method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2024: 1-36.
(7) GuoH, Yan Chengzeng*, Zhang G, et al. Mechanical analysis of topplingfailure using FDEM: A case study for soft-hard interbedded anti-dip rock slope.Computers and Geotechnics. 2024, 165: 105883.
(8) ZhengY, Yan Chengzeng*, Zheng H. Modified jointelement constitutive model for FDEM to simulate the nonlinear mechanicalbehavior of rocks.Computers and Geotechnics. 2023.
(9) LuoZ, Yan Chengzeng*, Ke W, et al. A surrogate model based on deepconvolutional neural networks for solving deformation caused by moisturediffusion. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2023.
(10) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*, Han D, Ali S, Zheng H. Insights into the breakingmechanism and fragment pattern of soft rock assisted by free face under TBMwedge cutter indentation. Engineering FractureMechanics, 2023, 109580.
(11) WangT, Gao R, Yan Chengzeng*. Dynamicfragmentation and chip formation of water-soaked rock in linear cutting with acoupled moisture migration fracture model.Computers and Geotechnics.2023, 163: 105723.
(12) YanChengzeng*, Wang Y, Xie X,et al. A 2D continuous-discrete mixed seepage model considering the fluidexchange and the pore pressure discontinuity across the fracture for simulatingfluid-driven fracturing. Acta Geotechnica.2023, 10.1007/s11440-023-01974-6.
(13) YanChengzeng,Zheng Y, Wang G. A 2D adaptive finite-discrete elementmethod for simulating fracture and fragmentation in geomaterials. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.2023,169:105439.
(14) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*, Zheng H, et al. Optimum spacing and rock breakingefficiency of TBM double disc cutters penetrating in water-soaked mudstone withFDEM. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.2023,138:105174.
(15) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*. Investigating the influence of water on swellingdeformation and mechanical behavior of mudstone considering water softeningeffect. Engineering Geology. 2023,318:107102.
(16) YanChengzeng*,Zhao Z, Yang Y, Zheng H. A three-dimensional thermal-hydro-mechanical couplingmodel for simulation of fracturing driven by Multiphysics. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023, 155,105162.
(17) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*, Zheng H, et al. Microfracture behavior and energyevolution of heterogeneous mudstone subjected to moisture diffusion. Computers and Geotechnics.2022, 150:104918.
(18) YanChengzeng, Ma H, et al. A two-dimensional moisture diffusion continuous model forsimulating dry shrinkage and cracking of soil. InternationalJournal of Geomechanics.2022,22(10):04022172.
(19) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*, Wang G, et al. Numerical studyon the deformation and failure of soft rock roadway induced by humiditydiffusion. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.2022,126:104565.
(20) YanChengzeng,Guo H, et al. Three-dimensional continuous-discrete pore-fracture mixed seepagemodel and hydromechanical coupling model to simulate rock fracture driven byfluid. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.2022,215(B): 110510.
(21) WangT, Yan Chengzeng*, Zheng Y, et al. Numerical study on the effect ofmeso-structure on hydraulic conductivity of soil-rock mixtures. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022,146:104726.
(22) Yan Chengzeng, Gao Y, Guo H. AFDEM based 3D discrete mixed seepage model for simulating fluid drivenfracturing. Engineering Analysiswith Boundary Elements. 2022, 140:447-463.
(23) Yan Chengzeng, Wang T, Gao Y, Ke W, Wang G. Athree-Dimensional grouting model considering hydromechanical coupling based onthe combined finite-discrete element method. InternationalJournal of Geomechanics. 2022, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002448.
(24) Yan Chengzeng, Luo Z, ZhengY, et al. A 2D discrete moisture diffusion model forsimulating desiccation fracturing of soil. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2022, 138:42-64.
(25) Yan Chengzeng, Xie X, Ren Y, Ke W, Wang G. A FDEM-based 2D coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical model formultiphysical simulation of rock fracturing.  International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2022, 149:104964.
(26) Yan Chengzeng, Wei D, Wang G.Three-dimensional finite discrete element-based contact heat transfer modelconsidering thermal cracking in continuous-discontinuous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2022, 388:114228.
(27) Yan Chengzeng, Tong Y, LuoZ, Ke W, Wang G. A two-dimensional grouting model consideringhydromechanical coupling and fracturing for fractured rock mass. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2021,133(1): 385-397.
(28) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng Y, Ke W, Wang G. AFDEM 3D moisture migration-fracture model for simulation of soil shrinkage anddesiccation cracking. Computersand Geotechnics. 2021,140:104425.
(29) Yan Chengzeng, Wang T, Ke W, Wang G. A2D FDEM-based moisture diffusion–fracture coupling model for simulating soildesiccation cracking. ActaGeotechnica. 2021, 16:2609-2628.
(30) Yan Chengzeng, Wang X, Huang D, Wang G. A new 3Dcontinuous-discontinuous heat conduction model and coupled thermomechanicalmodel for simulating the thermal cracking of brittle materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2021,229(15):11123.
(31) Yan Chengzeng, Fan H, HuangD, Wang G. A 2D mixed fracture-pore seepage model andhydromechanical coupling for fractured porous media. Acta Geotechnica. 2021,16(10): 3061–3086.
(32) Yan Chengzeng, Yang Y, WangG. A new 2D continuous-discontinuous heat conduction model for modeling heattransfer and thermal cracking in quasi-brittle materials. Computers and Geotechnics. 2021, 137:104231.
(33) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng Y, Huang D, Wang G. A coupled contact heat transfer andthermal cracking model for discontinuous and granular media. ComputerMethods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2021,375:113587.
(34) Yan Chengzeng, Fang H, Zheng Y, et al. Simulationof thermal shock of brittle materials using the finite-discrete element method.EngineeringAnalysis with Boundary Elements. 2020, 115:142-155.
(35) Yan Chengzeng, Tong Y.Calibration of microscopic penalty parameters in the combined finite-discreteelement method. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2020,20(7):04020092.
(36) Yan Chengzeng, Ren Y, YangY. A 3D thermal cracking model for rock based on the combined finite-discreteelement method. ComputationalParticle Mechanics. 2020, 7:881-901.
(37) Yan Chengzeng, JiaoY-Y. A 2Ddiscrete heat transfer model considering the thermal resistance effect offractures for simulating the thermal cracking of brittle materials. Acta Geotechnica. 2020, 15:1303-1319.
(38) Yan Chengzeng, Jiao Y-Y, Zheng H. Athree‐dimensionalheat transfer and thermal cracking model considering the effect of cracks onheat transfer. InternationalJournal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.2019;43(10):1825- 1853.
(39) Yan Chengzeng, JiaoY-Y. FDEM-TH3D: A three-dimensional coupled hydrothermal model for fracturedrock. InternationalJournal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2019;43(1):415-440.
(40) Yan Chengzeng, Jiao Y-Y. A 2Dcoupled hydro-thermal model for the combined finite-discrete element method. ActaGeotechnica. 2019;14(2):403-416.
(41) Yan Chengzeng, JiaoY-Y. A 2D fully coupled hydro-mechanicalfinite-discrete element model with real pore seepage for simulating thedeformation and fracture of porous medium driven by fluid. Computers & Structures. 2018;196:311-326.
(42) Yan Chengzeng, Jiao Y-Y, Zheng H. A fully coupled three-dimensional hydro-mechanical finitediscrete element approach with real porous seepage for simulating 3D hydraulicfracturing. Computers and Geotechnics.2018;96:73-89.
(43) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng H. A coupledthermo-mechanical model based on combined finite-discrete element method forsimulating thermal cracking of rock. InternationalJournal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2017;91:170-178.
(44) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng H. FDEM-flow3D: a 3Dhydro-mechanical coupled model considering the pore seepage of a rock matrixfor simulating three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing. Computersand Geotechnics. 2017;81:212-228.
(45) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng H. A newpotential function for the calculation of contact forces in the combinedfinite–discrete element method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods inGeomechanics. 2017;41(2):265-283.
(46) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng H, Sun G, Ge X. Combined finite-discrete elementmethod for simulation of hydraulic fracturing. RockMechanics and Rock Engineering. 2016;49(4):1389-1410.
(47) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng H. A two-dimensional coupled hydro-mechanicalfinite-discrete model considering porous media flow for simulating hydraulicfracturing. International Journal ofRock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2016;88:115-128.
(48) Yan Chengzeng, Zheng H.Three-dimensional hydromechanical model of hydraulic fracturing witharbitrarily discrete fracture networks using finite-discrete element method. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2016;17(6):04016133.
(49) Tang Z, Yan Chengzeng*. Newempirical criterion for evaluating peak shear strength of unmatcheddiscontinuity with different joint wall compressive strengths. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-02939-z.
(50) HanD, Fan H*, Yan Chengzeng*, et al. Heat conduction and cracking offunctionally graded materials using an FDEM-based thermo-mechanical couplingmodel. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12(23), 12279.
(51) KeW, Wang X*, Yan Chengzeng*, Qiao C. Numerical study of rock damagemechanism induced by blasting excavation using finite discrete element method. Applied Sciences. 2022,12(15):7517.
(52) Kang H, Zhangjun DAI, Chengzeng YAN, etal. Unraveling engineering disturbance effects on deformation in red-bedmudstone railway cuttings: incorporating crack-facilitated moisturediffusion[J]. Journalof Mountain Science, 2024, 21(5): 1663-1682.
(53) Mengyao Wang, Quan Gan, Tao Wang, YueqiangMa, Chengzeng Yan, Philip Benson, Xiaoguang Wang & Derek Elsworth. Propagationand complex morphology of hydraulic fractures in lamellar shales based onfinite-discrete element modeling. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. 2024, 10,71.
(54) S Zhang, S Qiu, Q Jiang, C Yan, L Zhou, XLi. Modeling damage evolution in granite under temperature using athermo-mechanical grain-based FDEM model. Computers and Geotechnics. 2024,169, 106198.
(55) Y Zheng, R Wu, C Yan, R Wang, B Ma. Numericalstudy on flexural toppling failure of rock slopes using the finite discreteelement method. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2024,83 (4), 1-11.
(56) Huang K, Dai Z, Yan Chengzeng, et al. Swelling behaviors of heterogeneous red-bed mudstonesubjected to different vertical stresses. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024,16(5):1847-1863.
(57) HuangKang, Dai Zhangjun, Yan Chengzeng, Chen Shanxiong. Numerical study on theswelling and failure of red-layer mudstone subgrade caused by humiditydiffusion. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023, 156,105272.
(58)Ding H, Fu X, Sheng Q, et al. Study on MacroscopicMechanical Behavior and Meso-failure Evolution of Gabbro of Different ParticleSizes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2023:1–17.
(59) LiY M, Zhao G F, Jiao Y, Yan Chengzeng, et al. A benchmark study of differentnumerical methods for predicting rock failure. InternationalJournal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2023, 166: 105381.
(60) Huang M, Jiao YY, Luo J, Yan Chengzeng, etal. Numerical investigation on heat extraction performance of an enhancedgeothermal system with supercritical N2O as working fluid. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020,176:115436.
(61)Yang Y, Sun G, Zheng H, Yan Chengzeng. An improved numerical manifoldmethod with multiple layers of mathematical cover systems for the stabilityanalysis of soil-rock-mixture slopes. Engineering Geology. 2020, 246: 105373.
(62) Zou JP, Jiao YY, Tang Z, Ji YL, YanChengzeng, Wang JC. Effect of mechanical heterogeneity on hydraulic fracturepropagation in unconventional gas reservoirs. Computersand Geotechnics, 2020, 125:103652.
(63) 嚴成增,鄭 宏,孫冠華,葛修潤.模擬水壓致裂的二維FDEM-flow方法. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2015, 35 (1):67-75 (EI).
(64)嚴成增,鄭 宏,孫冠華,葛修潤. 三維FEM/DEM中摩擦力的實施及驗證. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2014, 33 (6): 1248-1256 (EI)
(65) 嚴成增,鄭 宏,孫冠華,葛修潤. 基於FDEM-flow研究地應力對水力壓裂的影響. 岩土力學 2016, 37(1):237-246 (EI)
(66)嚴成增,鄭 宏,孫冠華,葛修潤. 基於OpenMP的二維有限元-離散元並行分析方法. 岩土力學, 2014, 35 (9): 2717-2724 (EI)
(67)嚴成增,鄭 宏,孫冠華,葛修潤. 基於數字圖像技術的岩土材料有限元-離散元分析. 岩土力學, 2014, 35 (8): 2408-2414 (EI)
(68)嚴成增,孫冠華,鄭 宏,葛修潤. 基於局部單元劈裂的FEM/DEM自適應分析方法. 岩土力學, 2014, 35 (7): 2064-2070 (EI)
(69)嚴成增,鄭 宏,葛修潤. 基於統一標定的FEM/DEM勢接觸力計算. 岩土力學 2015, 36 (1): 249-256 (EI)
(70)嚴成增,孫冠華,鄭 宏,葛修潤. 爆炸氣體驅動下岩體破裂的有限元-離散元模擬. 岩土力學, 2015, 36(8): 2419-2425 (EI)
(71) 嚴成增. 模擬水壓致裂的另一種二維 FDEM-flow 方法. 岩土力學, 2017, 38(6):1789-1796. (EI)
(72)嚴成增,鄭 宏,孫冠華,葛修潤. 粗粒料多邊形表征及二維FEM/DEM分析. 岩土力學, 2015, 36(supp.2):95-103 (EI)
(73)嚴成增. FDEM-TM方法模擬岩石熱破裂. 岩土工程學報, 2018,40(7):1198-1204. (EI)
(74) 嚴成增,鄭 宏. 基於FDEM-flow的多孔水力壓裂模擬.長江科學院院報,2016,33(7):63-67. (核心)
(75) 嚴成增,鄭宏. 基於FDEM-flow方法研究非均質性對水力壓裂的影響. 地下空間與工程學報, 2016,12(supp.2):625-631.
(76)尹小濤, 鄭宏, 王水林, 李春光, 嚴成增. 基於顆粒流數值實驗的碎石含量和尺寸對碎石土邊坡穩定性影響機制研究(C). 顆粒材料計算力學研究進展. 2012 (會議)

