- 中文名:嚴一爾
- 畢業院校:韓國全北國立大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:5G無線通信調製與解調技術、空時碼、多載波調製、疊代解碼算法
- 任職院校:廣州大學機械與電氣工程學院
- 職稱:副教授
2004.8-2010.8韓國全北國立大學MDMC實驗室Research Fellow
2010. 12-廣州大學專任教師
[1] Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, A Turbo-like Symbol by Symbol Decoder for Randomly Distributed Space-Time Coding in Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
[2] Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, Recursive Estimation of the Partial Clipping Noise in IDMA System with Limited Peak, IEICE Transaction on Communications
[3]Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, A High Rate Transmission for Space-Time Block Coding with one Additional Bit information
[4] Xueqin Jiang, Yier Yan,Ternary Codes From Modified Jacket Matrices
[5] Xueqin Jiang, Yier Yan,Construction of Multiple-Rate Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes via the Hyperplane Decomposing
[6] Yier Yan, Xueqin Jiang, Moon Ho Lee, Iteratively Suboptimum Decoder Design for Distributed Space-Time Coding Based on Distributed Interleavers
[7] Xueqin Jiang, Yier Yan, Xianggen Xiang, Moon Ho Lee, Application of Nonbinary LDPC codes Based on Euclidean Geometries to MIMO System
[8] Xueqin Jiang, Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, Semi-Random and Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes Based on Multiple Parity-Check Codes
[9] Yier Yan, Xueqin Jiang, Moon Ho Lee, A Combined Decoder for STBC and Non-Binary LDPC Codes with Spatial Diversity
[10]Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, Joint channel estimation in asynchronous amplify-and-forward relay networks based on OFDM signaling, 871-875, 9th International Symposium onCommunications and Information Technology
[11]Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, Cooperative Diversity Based on Distributed Interleavers and Its Efficient Algorithm in Asynchronous Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
[12]Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, Low Complexity Decoder Design of Non-Binary LDPC Codes in Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks with Cooperative Diversity
[13] Yier Yan,S. P. Balakannan,Moon Ho Lee: Modified Clipping in Superposition Coding System in Low Region of Clipping Ratio
[14]S. P. Balakannan, Yier Yan,Moon Ho Lee: An Efficient Network Delay Analysis using End-to-End Delay-Constraint.Communications in Computing
[15] Yier Yan, Jeong Ki Kim, Zhu Chen, Moon Ho Lee, “Modified Clipping for Iterative Decoding of Superposition Coding”.44-51, Journal of The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea
[16] Yier Yan Gye Mun Jo, Balakanan S.P., Moon Ho Lee, “Joint Channel Estimation in Asynchronous Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks Based on OFDM Signaling”
[17] Yier Yan Gye Mun Jo, Balakanan S.P., Moon Ho Lee, “Cooperative diversity Based on Interleavers and Its efficient Algorithm in Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks”
[18]Zhu Chen, Jeong Ki Kim, Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, “Efficient DFT/DCT Computation for OFDM in Cognitive Radio System”
[19] Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, “A novel transmission scheme for STBC with one additional bit based on labeled MPSK constellation”
[20] Yier Yan, Moon Ho Lee, “An Improved Decoding Algorithm for Refined Clipping Noise in IDMA System with Limited Peak Transmission”
2011.07-2013.07 廣東省自然科學基金 多中繼虛擬MIMO系統中隨機分散式空時碼的研究 主持
2013.07-2015.07 教育部歸國留學人員啟動基金分散式空時碼在中繼輔助協同通信網路中的研究 主持
2011.05-2013.05廣州大學青苗基金 分散式空時碼在協作輔助通信網路中的研究 主持