




  • 中文名:嚈噠史料輯注
  • 作者余太山
  • 原作品:嚈噠史料輯注
  • 出版社:商務印書館
  • 出版時間:2018年10月
  • 頁數:354 頁
  • 定價:148 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787100165501


Sources on the History of the Hephthalites(《嚈噠史料輯注》)是一部全英文論著,輯注了關於嚈噠的九種語文(漢文、希臘-拉丁文、亞美尼亞文、敘利亞文、阿拉伯文、波斯文、梵文、藏文)的約70種史料。在收集各種語文的史料時,作者不僅收集其現代語言的譯文,還注意收集其原文;同時,對作者而言,那些出自歷史語言學專家之手的譯文與原文是等值的。本書在充分利用語言學家成果的基礎上,通過輯注的形式,將各種語文的嚈噠史料熔鑄於一爐,是國內外學者首次對嚈噠史料所進行的最為全面系統的整理和研究。




PREFACE ...... 1
A. Sources in Greek and Latin ...... 1
1. Priscus, History ...... 1
2. Procopius, History of the Wars ...... 6
3. Agathias, The Histories ...... 19
4. Maurice, Strategikon ...... 20
5. Menander the Guardsman, The History ...... 21
6. Theophanes of Byzantium, The History ...... 27
7. Kosmas, Christian Topography ...... 29
8. Theophylact Simocatta, The History ...... 30
9. Theophanes Confessor, The Chronicle ...... 32
10. Die Akten der Edessenischen Bekenner Gurjas, Samonas und Abibos, aus dem
Nachlass von Oscar von Gebhardt ...... 35
11. Nikephoros Callistus, Historia Ecclesiastica ...... 36
B. Sources in Armenian ...... 41
1. �0�9azar P�0�6arpec�0�6i, The History of Armenia ...... 41
2. E�5�9ishē, History of Vardan and the Armenian War ...... 47
3. The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos ...... 53
APPENDIX: Pseudo-Yovhannēs Mamikonean, The History of Tarōn ...... 58
C. Sources in Syriac ...... 65
1. History of Mār A�5�1bā ...... 65
2. Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite ...... 66
D. Sources in Arabic ...... 71
1. �5�2abarī, History ...... 71
2. Dīnawarī, The Book of Lengthy Histories ...... 89
3. Eutychius, The Annals ...... 97
E. Sources in Persian ...... 108
1. Firdausí, Sháhnamá ...... 108
2. Mirkhond, The Rauzat-us-safa ...... 161
3. Bal�0�6ami, Chronique de Abou Djafar Mo�0�6hammed ben Djarir ben Yezid Tabari ...... 172
F. Sources in Sanskrit ...... 191
1. Bhitarī Stone Pillar Inscription of Skandagupta ...... 191
2. Junāga�5�7h Rock Inscription of Skandagupta, the Years 136, 137, and 138 ...... 192
3. Eran Stone Pillar Inscription of Budhagupta, the Year 165 (484-485 CE) ...... 193
4. Eran Stone Boar Inscription of Toramā�5�5a ...... 195
5. The Kura Inscription of Toramā�5�5a Shāha ...... 197
6. Eran Posthumous Stone Pillar Inscription of Goparaja, the Year 191 (510-511 CE) ...... 198
7. Gwalior Stone Inscription of Mihirakula(c. Early 6th Century CE) ...... 199
8. Mandasor Stone Pillar Inscription of Yasodharman ...... 201
9. Mandasor Stone Inscription of Yasodharman and Vishnuvardhana,
the Malava Year 589 ...... 204
10. Aphsad Stone Inscription of Aditysena ...... 205
APPENDIX: Kalha�5�5a’s The River of Kings ...... 207
G. Sources in Chinese ...... 215
[A] ...... 215
1. Liangshu ...... 215
2. Weishu ...... 225
3. Zhoushu ...... 244
4. Suishu ...... 247
5. Jiutangshu ...... 251
6. Xintangshu ...... 252
[B] ...... 254
1. Tongdian ...... 254
2. Tanghuiyao ...... 259
3. Zizhi tongjian ...... 260
[C] ...... 262
1. Youyangzazu ...... 262
2. Taiping guangji ...... 262
3. Cefu yuangui ...... 263
[D] ...... 264
Liang zhigongtu ...... 264
[E] ...... 272
1. Luoyang qielanji ...... 272
2. Xu gaosengzhuan ...... 279
APPENDIX ...... 280
1. Datang xiyuji ...... 280
2. Lianhuamianjing ...... 284
3. Fufazang yinyuanjing ...... 284
H. Sources in Tibetan ...... 289
Rgyal-rabs for Several Monarchs in the North ...... 289
APPENDIX ...... 293
Records on Early Sogdiana in the Offcial Histories of the Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern
and Northern Dynasties ...... 293
POSTSCRIPT ...... 354


余太山著作集 (共10冊), 這套叢書還有 《古代地中海和中國關係史研究》,《兩漢魏晉南北朝與西域關係史研究》,《兩漢魏晉南北朝正史西域傳要注(上下冊)》,《古族新考》,《兩漢魏晉南北朝正史西域傳研究》 等。


