


喬治·吉恩·內森(Nathan, George Jean,1882.2.14—1958.4.8)美國作家、編輯、戲劇評論家。1904年畢業於康乃爾大學。參加《紐約前鋒報》編輯部工作。1906年起開始寫戲劇評論。作為一位評論家,他推崇蕭伯納、歐尼爾、歐凱西和薩洛提等人的劇作。1943∼1951年,他每年都發表《舞台年鑑》。他的評論被認為有助於提高劇作家和觀眾的水準。


  • 中文名:喬治·珍妮·納珍
  • 外文名:Nathan, George Jean
  • 出生日期:1882年2月14日
  • 逝世日期:1958年4月8日
  • 性別:男


George Jean Nathan
born Feb. 14, 1882, Fort Wayne, Ind., U.S.
died April 8, 1958, New York City
American author, editor, and drama critic, who is credited with raising the standards of play producers and playgoers alike.


Nathan graduated from Cornell University in 1904 and joined the staff of the New York Herald. Beginning in 1906, he was at various times drama critic for numerous magazines and newspapers, but his name is particularly associated with The Smart Set, of which he was co-editor (1914–23) with H.L. Mencken, and with the American Mercury, which, also with Mencken, he helped to found in 1924. As a critic Nathan championed the plays of Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, George Bernard Shaw, Eugene O'Neill, Sean O'Casey, and William Saroyan. Nathan published his Theatre Book of the Year annually from 1943 through 1951, as well as more than 30 volumes of lively essays on theatrical and other subjects. Nathan married the actress Julie Haydon in 1955. His correspondence with O'Casey was edited by Robert G. Lowery and Patricia Angelin as My Very Dear Sean: George Jean Nathan to Sean O'Casey, Letters and Articles (1985).

