



  • 中文名:喔,加拿大!:1867-2017加拿大150個難忘的故事
  • 作者:(加)凱倫·史密斯(Karen Smith)
  • 出版時間:2017年
  • 出版社:天津人民出版社
  • ISBN:9787201122359
  • 類別:英文版
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂


This book is written and published forcelebrating the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation. For this 150 yearsold great country, it has many incredible stories to tell ——
◆ Read about the explorers who first camelooking and the battles that were fought with the natives they met over land.
◆ Learn how the country was settled by the manyimmigrants, including the Chinese, who helped to grow it.
◆ Discover little known and interesting factsabout Canada’s culture, sports and symbols.
◆ Find out what Canadians love about theircountry and who they consider to be their heroes.……
The easy-to-read and fascinating stories inthis book highlight a special moment from each of the 150 years that Canada hasbeen a country. It’s quite readable for both native English speakers and ESLlearners all over the world.


1 A Country Is Born (1867)
2 The Maple LeafForever (1868)
3 Turn of the Tide (1869)
4 Where Money Grows onTrees (1870)
5 Signed, Sealed andDelivered (1871)
6 A Home Away from Home(1872)
7 The Mountie AlwaysGets His Man (1873)
8 The Better to See YouWith (1874)
9 Give Me a CallSometime (1875)
10 The Great White North(1876)
11 Play Ball (1877)
12 To Have and to Hold (1878)
13 Fair Play (1879)
14 Canada Is On Song (1880)
15 Shop till You Drop (1881)
16 A Cotton Picking GoodIdea (1882)
17 Take Your Medicine (1883)
18 Is the Train on Time?(1884)
19 Fight the Good Fight (1885)
20 Hey there Cowboy (1886)
21 For the Birds (1887)
22 A Borderline Decision(1888)
23 I Will Vote for That (1889)
24 Canada’s Ship hasCome In (1890)
25 A Slam Dunk (1891)
26 A Bricks and MortarBusiness (1892)
27 With Child (1893)
28 Out in the Cold (1894)
29 That Sounds Like aGreat Idea (1895)
30 There Is Gold inThose Hills (1896)
31 Search High and Low (1897)
32 To Drink or not toDrink (1898)
33 A Star Is Born (1899)
34 Selling Canada (1900)
35 A Barrel of Fun (1901)
36 Can You Hear Me Now? (1902)
37 Let’s Go for a Drive (1903)
38 Paddle Your Own Canoe(1904)
39 A Right of Passage (1905)
40 A Good Read (1906)
41 A Belt of Wheat (1907)
42 Every Book Is aFriend (1908)
43 That Ice Is Mine (1909)
44 I Promise to do MyBest (1910)
45 Park Yourself Here (1911)
46 Do You Understand? (1912)
47 Zip Her Up (1913)
48 Hollywood of theNorth (1914)
49 As I Live and Breathe(1915)
50 That Took Ages (1916)
51 United We Stand (1917)
52 Cover Your Mouth (1918)
53 Strike Out (1919)
54 I Will School You (1920)
55 Our Ship has Come In (1921)
56 How to Live Like anInuit (1922)
57 Down to a Science (1923)
58 Up in the Air (1924)
59 The Light of Night (1925)
60 Seeing Snakes (1926)
61 Work of Art (1927)
115 We Give You Our RightArm (1981)
116 A Sign of the Times (1982)
117 I am Immune to That (1983)
118 Like a Three RingCircus (1984)
119 War and Peace (1985)
120 Boat People (1986)
121 One for the Money (1987)
122 A Woman’s Body Is HerOwn (1988)
123 World Wide Web (1989)
124 Get Along LittleDoggies (1990)
125 The Unhappy, LuckyOnes (1991).
126 Canary in a Coal Mine(1992)
127 Bad Blood (1993)
128 We Trade with OneVoice (1994)
129 Just Say No (1995)
130 Sent from My Wireless(1996)
131 The Human Tsunami (1997)
132 Where there’s Smoke,there’s Fire (1998)
133 First Nations, FirstTerritory (1999)
134 Fresh off the Boat (2000)
135 Grounded at Gander (2001)
136 We Can’t Bear It (2002)
137 Keeping the Peace (2003)
138 Midnight Sun (2004)
139 Out of the Closet (2005)
140 Sorry Is Hard to Say (2006)
141 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle(2007)
142 Just Like a Human (2008)
143 Canada’s Stonehenge (2009)
144 Seeing Flying Cigars (2010)
145 Will Canada Go Green?(2011)
146 Watch this Space (2012)
147 A Dead Loss (2013)
148 A Fish Tale (2014)
149 An Old Drink of Water(2015)
150 Canada has a NewLeader (2016)
Strong, Proud, Free (2017)


《O,Canada!》 凱倫·史密斯(Karen Smith),加拿大出生並長大。大學畢業後開始遊歷世界,在五個國家工作和生活過。在倫敦生活期間,她獲得TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of OtherLanguages)證書。後移居澳大利亞,在悉尼從事六年的國際學生英語教學,並加入澳大利亞國籍。


