


  • 書名:商務英語寫作教程(第二版)
  • 作者:雷春林
  • ISBN: 9787566310491
  • 定價:35.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014.7
  • 開本:185mm×230mm/
  • 版次/印次:2/1
  • 字數/頁數:391千字/
  • 適用層次:研究生
  • 叢書名:財經類研究生英語核心教材
內容簡介,目 錄,



目 錄

Unit 1 Overview of Business Writing(商務寫作概論)1
1.1 Introduction(概述)1
1.2 Academic writing and business writing(學術寫作與商務寫作)2
1.3 Business writing style(商務寫作風格)3
1.4 Tone in business writing(商務寫作的語氣)5
1.5 Business writing samples(商務寫作範例)9
Unit 2 Business Letter Writing(商務信函寫作)19
2.1 Introduction(概述)19
2.2 Principal uses and channel characteristics(主要用途及渠道特徵)19
2.3 Format and structure of business letters(商務信函的格式和結構)21
2.4 The style and tone(風格和語氣)27
2.5 Categories of business messages(商務信息的分類)30
2.6 Samples of business letters(商務信函範例)34
Unit 3 Memo Writing(備忘錄寫作)43
3.1 Introduction(概述)43
3.2 Memo format(備忘錄格式)44
3.3 Common types of memos(備忘錄的基本類型)49
3.4 Writing rules for memo(備忘錄的寫作規則)53
3.5 Other tips for effective memo writing(備忘錄寫作的其他要點)55
Unit 4 Minutes Writing(會議記錄寫作)59
4.1 Introduction(概述)59
4.2 Functions of minutes(會議記錄的功能)60
4.3 Structure of a minutes(會議記錄結構)60
4.4 Types of minutes(會議記錄類型)63
4.5 Stages for producing minutes(做會議記錄的步驟)68
4.6 Note-taking skills(記錄技巧)74
4.7 Tips for good minutes writing(會議記錄寫作要點)76
Unit 5 News Release Writing(新聞稿寫作)81
5.1 Introduction(概述)81
5.2 Planning a news release(規劃新聞稿)82
5.3 Types of news release(新聞稿種類)84
5.4 Parts of a news release(新聞稿的構成)87
5.5 News release samples(新聞稿範例)95
Unit 6 Business Report Writing(商務報告寫作)105
6.1 Introduction(概述)105
6.2 Classification of reports(報告的劃分)106
6.3 Report writing process(報告撰寫的步驟)107
6.4 The structure of a formal report(正式報告的結構)116
6.5 Common types of reports(常見報告類型)130
6.6 Tips for writing effective reports(報告的寫作要點)139
Unit 7 Business Contract Writing(商務契約寫作)149
7.1 Introduction(概述)149
7.2 Classification of international business contracts(國際商務契約的分類)151
7.3 The structure of an international business contract(國際商務契約的結構)152
7.4 The exemplification of a business contract(商務契約範例)160
7.5 Basic rules for drafting a business contract(起草契約的注意點)165
7.6 Stylistic features of contract English(契約英語的文體特徵)166
Unit 8 Résumé Writing(履歷寫作)179
8.1 Introduction(概述)179
8.2 How to write an effective résumé(怎樣寫出好的履歷)180
8.3 Types of résumés(履歷的體例)186
8.4 Résumé samples(履歷範例)200
Unit 9 Advertisement Writing(廣告寫作)215
9.1 Introduction(概述)215
9.2 The differences between literary style and advertising style
9.3 Features of advertising language(廣告語言的特點)223
9.4 Word dictions in advertisement writing(廣告寫作中的措辭)231
9.5 Tones of English advertisements(廣告的語氣)239
9.6 The writing types of each part of the copy(廣告文案各部分的創作類型)244
9.7 Online advertising(網路廣告)253
Unit 10 Research Paper Writing(研究論文寫作)261
10.1 Introduction(概述)261
10.2 Prepare for a research paper(研究論文的準備)262
10.3 Methods and techniques(方法與技術)265
10.4 Research design(研究設計)267
10.5 The structure of a research paper(研究論文的結構) 270
10.6 Tips for research paper writing(研究論文寫作要點)276
10.7 The Harvard style of referencing(哈佛引文體系)279
Reference answer(參考答案)287

