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  • 中文名:唐軍
  • 出生日期:1970年10月
  • 畢業院校:美國麻省大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:分子和細胞生物學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學







以第一作者和通訊作者身份在Nature Cell Biology,Gene&Development,Oncogene,Journal of Biological Chemistry,J. Virol和DNA Repair等國際知名刊物發表論文多篇。近5年共發表SCI論文19篇,累計影響因子79.482。以第一發明人獲得發明專利一項。其代表論文有:
1. Zheng J, Lang Y, Zhang Q, Cui D, Sun H, Jiang J, Jiang L, Chen Z, Zhang R, Gao Y, Tian W, Wu W, *Tang J, *Chen Z. Structure of human MDM2 complexed with RPL11 reveals the molecular basis of p53 activation. Gene & Development Accepted (IF=12.63)
2. Geng Y, Wang X, Yang L, Sun H, Wang Y, Zhao Y, She R, Wang MX, *Wang DX, *Tang J. (2015)Antitumor Activity of a 5-Hydroxy-1H-Pyrrol-2-(5H)-One-Based Synthetic Small Molecule In Vitro and In Vivo. PLoS One 10(6):e0128928. (IF=3.534)
3. Xu Z, Cheng W, Guo K, Yu J, *Shen J, *Tang J, Yang W, *Yin M. (2015) The molecular size, shape and electric charges are essential for perylene bisimides-based DNA intercalator to localize in cell nuclei and inhibit cancer cell growth. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(18):9784-91 (IF=5.9)
4. Xu A, Qin C, Lang Y, Wang M, Lin M, Li C, Zhang S, *Tang J. (2015) A simple and rapid approach to manipulate Pseudorabies virus genome by CRISPR/Cas9 system. Biotechnology Letters 37(6):1265-72 (IF=1.73)
5. Wang Z, Xu A, Hou X, Chen F, Cao W, Yu J, Liao M, *Tang J. (2014) COP9 signalosome subunit 6 binds and inhibits avian leukosis virus integrase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 453(3):527-32 (IF=2.281)
6. Cui D., Li LJ, Lou HJ., Sun HL, Ngai S-M, Shao GZ, and *Tang J. (2014) The ribosomal protein S26 regulates p53 activity in response to DNA damage. Oncogene 33(17):2225-35 (IF=8.559)
7. Xu Z, Guo K, Yu J, Sun H, Tang J, Shen J, Müllen K, Yang W, Yin M. (2014) A unique perylene-based DNA intercalator: localization in cell nuclei and inhibition of cancer cells and tumors. Small. 10(20):4087-92 (IF=7.51)
8. Huang C, Zhang Q, Guo XK, Yu ZB, Xu AT, Tang J, Feng WH. (2014) Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus nonstructural protein 4 antagonizes beta interferon expression by targeting the NF-κB essential modulator. J Virol. 88(18):10934-45 (IF=4.648)
9. Bi Y, Guo XK, Zhao H, Gao L, Wang L, Tang J, Feng WH. (2014) Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus induces prostaglandin E2 production through cyclooxygenase 1, which is dependent on the ERK1/2-p-C/EBP-β pathway. J Virol. 88(5):2810-20 (IF=4.648)
10. Wang L, Hou J, Gao L, Guo XK, Yu Z, Zhu Y, Liu Y, Tang J, Zhang H, Feng WH. (2014) Attenuation of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by inserting an additional transcription unit. Vaccine. 32(43):5740-8 (IF=3.48)
11. Tang J., Agrawal T., Cheng Q., Qu L., Brewer MD., Chen J., Yang X. (2013) Phosphorylation of Daxx by ATM Contributes to DNA Damage-Induced p53 Activation. PLoS One 8(2):e55813 (IF=3.534)
12. Ma ZT, Wang YL, Zhao HY, Xu AT, Wang YQ, *Tang J., *Feng WH. (2013) Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Nonstructural Protein 4 Induces Apoptosis Dependent on Its 3C-Like Serine Protease Activity. PLoS One 8(7):e69387. (IF=3.534)
13. Geng YY., Monajembashi S., Shao AW., Cui D., He WY., Chen Z., Hemmerich P., *Tang J. (2012) Contribution of the C-terminal regions of Promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) isoform II and V to PML nuclear body formation. J Biol Chem 287(36):30729-42 (cover story) (IF=4.6)
14. Li LJ., Cui D., Zheng S.J., Lou HJ., *Tang J. (2012) Regulation of Actinomycin D induced upregulation of Mdm2 in H1299 cells. DNA Repair (Amst). 11(2):112-9 (IF=3.362)
15. Fu Y., Quan R., Zhang H., Hou J., *Tang J., *Feng WH. (2012) Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) Induces Interleukin-15 through the NF-κB Signaling Pathway. J Virol. 86(14):7625-36 (IF=4.648)
16. Wang J., Wang Y., Liu J., Ding L., Zhang Q., Li X., Cao H., *Tang J., *Zheng S.J. (2012) A critical role of N-myc and STAT interactor (Nmi) in Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) 2C-induced apoptosis. Virus Research 170(1-2):59-65. (IF=2.827)
17. Chen K., Luo Z., *Tang J., and *Zheng S.J. (2011) A critical role of Heat shock cognate protein 70 in Apoptin-induced phosporylation of Akt. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 409:200-4 (IF=2.281)
18. *Tang J., Qu L., Pang MS., Yang X. (2010) Daxx is reciprocally regulated by Mdm2 and Hausp. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 393:542-5 (IF=2.281)
19. Pang P.,Chen FY., Tang J., Ma JC. Wang JC., Zheng S.J. (2010) Avian leukosis virus p27 inhibits tumor necrosis factor α expression in RAW264.7 macrophages after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. Acta virologica 54: 119-124 (IF=1.03)
20. Tang J., Qu L., Zhang J., Wang W., Michaelson JS., Degenhardt Y., El-Deiry WS., and Yang X. (2006) Critical role for Daxx in regulating Mdm2. Nature Cell Biol. 8(8): 855-62
21. Tang J., Kawadler H., Yang X. (2005) Lymphocyte Life and Death: The Caspase-8 Connection. Cancer Biol Ther. 4(7): 700-2
22. Tang J., Xie W., Yang X. (2005) Association of Caspase-2 with the Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein Nuclear Bodies. Cancer Biol Ther. 4(6): 645-649
23. Tang J., Chang HY., Yang X. (2005) The death domain-associated protein modulates activity of the transcription co-factor SkipNcoA62. FEBS Lett. 579(13):2883-90


研究興趣主要集中在細胞應激的信號轉導及分子與病理機制,具體方向包括:(1)比較腫瘤學與細胞信號轉導調控(Comparative Oncology & Signaling Transduction),主要以禽類和伴侶動物多發的腫瘤性疾病為模型,與人類腫瘤疾病進行比較醫學方面的研究,側重於研究腫瘤發生和發展的信號轉導機制及調控途徑。(2)模式病毒與宿主相互作用機制(Herpes virus & Host Interaction),主要以人類和動物模式病毒(如皰疹病毒HSV-1和PRV等)為模型和載體,研究病毒感染與宿主間的相互作用機制,為動物和人類腫瘤疾病的基因和藥物治療提供載體。(3)亞細胞核體(PML-NBs)的功能與調控。(4)化學小分子的抗腫瘤和抗病毒活性。


