- 中文名:唐繼國
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1988年11月
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工程大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:兩相流動與沸騰換熱、高效換熱技術等
- 職稱:特聘副研究員
- 籍貫:山東
2008/09—2012/07 哈爾濱工程大學,核工程與核技術,本科
(1)Jiguo Tang, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun. Feature of acoustic sound signals involved in vapor bubble condensation and its application in identification of condensation regimes. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 137, 384-397.
(2)Jiguo Tang, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun. A study visualizing the collapse of vapor bubbles in a subcooled pool. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 88: 597-608.
(3)Jiguo Tang, Guangyu Zhu, Licheng Sun. Microbubble emission boiling in scbcooled pool boiling and the role of Marangoni convection in its formation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 50, 97-106.
(4)Jiguo Tang, Zhengyu Mo, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun. An experimental study on Microbubble Emission Boiling in a subcooledpool: Heat transfer characteristics and visualized presentation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 80, 40-52.
(5)Jiguo Tang, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun. Enhanced vapor bubble condensation and collapse with ultrasonic vibration. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 70, 115-124.
(6)Jiguo Tang, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun. Effects of noncondensable gas and ultrasonic vibration on vapor bubble condensing and collapsing. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2015, 61, 210-220.
(7)Jiguo Tang, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun. Effect of liquid subcooling on acoustic characteristics during the condensation process of vapor bubbles in a subcooled pool. Nuclear Engineering and Design,2015, 293, 492-502.
(8)Jiguo Tang, Changqi Yan, Licheng Sun, Guangyu Zhu. Effects of a noncondensable gas on the microbubble emission boiling. Heat Transfer Research, 2016, 47, 597-607
(9)唐繼國, 閻明,肖友軍,閻昌琪, 孫立成. 基於小波變換的直接接觸凝結過程研究. 哈爾濱工程大學學報,2017, 38(6): 969-974.
(10)唐繼國, 閻昌琪, 孫立成, 莫政宇. 蒸汽流量對蒸汽直接接觸冷凝影響. 航空動力學報, 2016, 31(7), 1610-1616.
(11)唐繼國, 閻昌琪, 孫立成, 朱光昱. 加熱面邊界條件對MEB形成過程影響的分析. 哈爾濱工程大學學報,2015, 36(1): 29-33.
(12)唐繼國, 閻昌琪, 孫立成, 李亞, 王開元. 蒸汽凝結過程聲壓波動信號實驗研究. 化工學報,2015, 66(7): 2442-2449.
(13)唐繼國, 閻昌琪, 孫立成, 侯曉凡. 含不凝性氣體的蒸汽氣泡凝結過程研究. 原子能科學技術, 2015, 49(9): 1593-1598.
(14)唐繼國, 閻昌琪, 孫立成. 超音波場中蒸汽氣泡凝結過程及傳熱特性. 化工學報, 2015, 66(11), 4359-4365.
(15)唐繼國, 閻明, 肖友軍, 閻昌琪, 孫立成. 過冷度對蒸汽泡破碎及微氣泡噴射過程的影響. 原子能科學技術, 2015, 49(11), 2030-2035.
(16)唐繼國, 孫立成, 朱光昱. 微氣泡發射沸騰形成機理. 航空動力學報, 2014, 29(4):777-782.
(17)唐繼國, 閻昌琪, 孫立成, 朱光昱. 氣泡微細化沸騰過程中氣泡冷凝破裂現象. 化工學報,2014, 65(8): 2902-2907.