- 中文名:唐一文
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 畢業院校:湖北大學
- 代表作品:華中師範大學中央科研業務費項目(CCNU09A02011) 主持國防基礎科研項目(A1420060185)主持
- 研究領域:功能納米材料合成及套用
- 職稱:華中師範大學教授
博士,教授,博士生導師。2000 年博士畢業於武漢大學物理科學與技術學院凝聚態物理專業,2001-2003 年在美國新澤西州立大學-Rutgers University 化學與生物化學工程學院做博士後研究。目前主要從事納米光電材料和功能氧化物薄膜材料的微觀結構及其物理化學性能的研究,其中包括新型納米太陽能電池、超級電容器及新型鋰離子電池等的研究,主持完成了國防基礎科研項目、武漢市重大攻關項目和湖北省自然科學基金重點項目等,獲2012 年湖北省自然科學三等獎(排名第二)。目前主持一項國家基金面上項目。在Adv.Function.Mater.、Chem. Commun.、J. Mater. Chem. A 等國際知名SCI 期刊上發表論文70 余篇,他引1500 余篇。授權國家發明專利6項。
1986 - 1990: 湖北大學物理系本科,獲理學學士學位;
1990 - 1994:深圳富康精密電子陶瓷有限公司,助理工程師;
1994 - 2000: 武漢大學物理科學與技術學院物理學博士,獲理學博士學位;
2000 - 2001: 武漢大學物理科學與技術學院,講師;
2001 - 2003: 美國Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey化學與化學工程系,博士後研究工作;
2003 – 今: 華中師範大學物理科學與技術學院,副教授,教授。
1.華中師範大學中央科研業務費項目(CCNU09A02011) 主持
1.Gan Qu, Tianqi Li, Shuangfeng Jia, He Zheng, Lei Li, Fan Cao, Hai Wang Wenhao Ma, Yiwen Tang, Jianbo Wang. Rapid and Scalable Synthesis of Mo-Based Binary and Ternary Oxides for Electrochemical Applications. J. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 29, 27.
1.Gan Qu, Tianqi Li, Shuangfeng Jia, He Zheng, Lei Li, Fan Cao, Hai Wang Wenhao Ma, Yiwen Tang, Jianbo Wang. Rapid and Scalable Synthesis of Mo-Based Binary and Ternary Oxides for Electrochemical Applications. J. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 29, 27.
2.Gan Qu, Lulu Zhao, Shuangfeng Jia, He Zheng, Lei Li, Wenhao Ma, Wanjun Yang, Hai Wang, Yiwen Tang and Jianbo Wang. In situ facile bubble-templated fabrication of new-type urchin-like (Li,Mo)-doped Lix(Mo0.3V0.7)2O5 for Zn storage. J. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 18253-18260.
3.Hai Wang, Junling Guo, Chen Qing, Daming Sun, Bixiao Wang and Yiwen Tang. Novel topotactically transformed carbon–CoO–NiO–NiCo2O4 nanosheet hybrid hetero-structured arrays as ultrahigh performance supercapacitors, J. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 8697-8700
4.Hai Wang, Chen Qing, Junling Guo, A. A. Aref, Daming Sun, Bixiao Wang and Yiwen Tang. Highly conductive carbon–CoO hybrid nanostructure arrays with enhanced electrochemical performance for asymmetric supercapacitors. J. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 11776-11783.
5.Luo, L.J.; Tao, W.; Hu, X.Y.; Xiao, T.; Heng, B.J.; Huang, W.; Wang, H.; Han, H.W.; Jiang, Q.K.; Wang, J.B.; Tang,Y.W.*, “Mesoporous F-doped ZnO Prism Arrays with Significantly Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, J. Power Sources, in press.
6.Hu, X. Y.; Tang, Y. W. *; Xiao, T.; Jiang, J.; Jia, Z. Y.; Li, D. W.; Li B. H.; Luo, L. J. “Rapid Synthesis of Single-Crystalline SrSn(OH)6 Nanowires and the Performance of SrSnO3 Nanorods Used as Anode Materials for Li-Ion Battery”, J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114 (2), 947.
7.Tang, Y. W. *; Hu, X. Y.; Chen, M. J.; Luo, L. J.; Li, B. H.; Zhang, L. Z. “CeSe nanocrystal sensitized ZnO core-shell nanorod array films: Preparation and photovoltaic properties”, Electrochimi. Acta 2009, 54, 2742.
8.Jia, Z. Y.; Tang, Y. W. *; Luo, L. J.; Li, B. H. “Shape-controlled synthesis of single-crystalline CdCO3 and corresponding porous CdO nanostructures”, Cryst. Grow. Des., 2008, 8, 2116.
9.Tang, Y. W. *; Luo, L. J.; Chen, Z. G.; Jiang, Y.; Li, B.; Jia, Z. Y.; Xu, L. “Electrodeposition of ZnO Nanotube Arrays on TCO Glass Substrates”, Electrochem. Commun. 2007, 9, 289.
6.Hu, X. Y.; Tang, Y. W. *; Xiao, T.; Jiang, J.; Jia, Z. Y.; Li, D. W.; Li B. H.; Luo, L. J. “Rapid Synthesis of Single-Crystalline SrSn(OH)6 Nanowires and the Performance of SrSnO3 Nanorods Used as Anode Materials for Li-Ion Battery”, J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114 (2), 947.
7.Tang, Y. W. *; Hu, X. Y.; Chen, M. J.; Luo, L. J.; Li, B. H.; Zhang, L. Z. “CeSe nanocrystal sensitized ZnO core-shell nanorod array films: Preparation and photovoltaic properties”, Electrochimi. Acta 2009, 54, 2742.
8.Jia, Z. Y.; Tang, Y. W. *; Luo, L. J.; Li, B. H. “Shape-controlled synthesis of single-crystalline CdCO3 and corresponding porous CdO nanostructures”, Cryst. Grow. Des., 2008, 8, 2116.
9.Tang, Y. W. *; Luo, L. J.; Chen, Z. G.; Jiang, Y.; Li, B.; Jia, Z. Y.; Xu, L. “Electrodeposition of ZnO Nanotube Arrays on TCO Glass Substrates”, Electrochem. Commun. 2007, 9, 289.