咆哮: 遠離風暴

咆哮: 遠離風暴

《咆哮: 遠離風暴》是2019年Michel Fernández / Marilina Oriolani / Jerónimo Montoya / Joaquín Caminos主演的一部微電影,導演是Santiago Reale。


  • 中文名:咆哮: 遠離風暴
  • 外文名:Los rugidos que alejan la tormenta
  • 其他譯名:The Roar That Keeps the Storm Away
  • 類型:劇情 / 短片
  • 製片地區:阿根廷
  • 導演:Santiago Reale
  • 編劇:Santiago Reale
  • 主演:Michel Fernández、Marilina Oriolani、Jerónimo Montoya、Joaquín Caminos
  • 片長:15 分鐘
  • 上映時間:2019-02-09(柏林國際電影節)
  • 對白語言:西班牙語
Michel has chosen to leave the city and his family and friends behind to go live alone at an idyllic lagoon, where he fishes and climbs, listening to the sounds of nature and relishing its untamed beauty. He doesn’t need much in this new solitary life. And he doesn’t feel lonely – his friends know where to find him. A brief, reflective portrait shot on grainy Super 8 stock that tells of the freedom inherent in living a self-determined life.


