周紅章,男,中國科學院動物研究所研究員,曾先後擔任動物研究所昆蟲分類室副主任、動物進化與系統學研究中心常務副主任、動物標本館常務副館長、青年實驗室副主任等職,兼任《中國動物志》、《Insect Science》、《生物多樣性》、《動物分類學報》等編委,是國際甲蟲學會、國際生物系統學會、中國昆蟲學會等會員。主要從事昆蟲系統學、進化生物學和甲蟲多樣性研究,率先開拓了我國法醫昆蟲學研究。主持或承擔完成科技部“973”項目課題等重大科研項目,在 Entomolgia Experimentalis et Applicata,Environmental Entomology,Invertebrate Systematics,Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,Molecular Biology and Evolution 等國際一流雜誌上發表多篇論文,現已發表論文100餘篇,參與編寫專著10餘部,培養博士及碩士研究生14名。
生物多樣性研究越來越受到全球科學家的關注。物種多樣性時空格局作為生物多樣性研究的重要內容,是針對物種的數量變化和物種的生物學多樣性程度,在不同尺度範圍內探討物種多樣性的時空格局及其變化規律。通過討論物種多樣性的空間格局,特別是不同尺度上的“物種-面積”模式,分析了緯度梯度、棲息地因素對物種多樣性格局形成的作用,對當前國際上發展進行比較詳細的總結。在時間尺度上,通過分析物種多樣性在不同時間尺度的變化格局,認為從生物長期進化的地史時間看,物種多樣性穩定增長受到周期性大絕滅事件中斷;而在較短的時間範圍內,如生態群落演替、季節周期等,注意研究物種多樣性變化一些特殊模式,特別是季節變化模式,以及寄主上寄生物種的多樣性隨時間變化的模式。提出區系分析是物種多樣性研究的核心內容之一。通過承擔國家科技部973項目《長江流域生物多樣性變化、可持續利用與區域生態安全》、國家基金委九五重大項目《中國關鍵地區生物多樣性保育的研究》等,先後在北京東靈山、內蒙鄂爾多斯高原、湖北神農架、雲南西北部和四川西部進行野外調查,針對森林砍伐、片斷化、人為干擾以及林業管理影響地表甲蟲多樣性進行了研究;對倒木昆蟲進行了開拓性研究;也初步開展了嗜蚊性甲蟲多樣性方面的工作;開展了針對高等動物物種多樣性大尺度格局的研究,完成了長江流域獸類、兩爬類以及魚類的大尺度格局研究。這方面研究結果,已經發表在國際一流期刊上,如Forest Ecology and Management,Environmental Entomology,Ecological Research,Entomologica Fennica等,發表論文30餘篇。
探討生物進化規律,根據實驗結果證明進化歷程中的穩定性機制是表型可塑性:1.與地域性種群分化的適應策略相對應,物種可以通過增加性狀的表型可塑性來適應更大範圍的地域,擴展分布區;2.表型可塑性與生存潛力是正比關係,與分化潛力是反比關係;進化潛力包括生存潛力和分化潛力兩方面,所以,表型可塑性與進化潛力有密切關係。表型可塑性是生物進化中的穩定性機制。這方面的研究,直接從達爾文的學說入手,瞄準當代生物進化的最深層理論問題進行探索,從實驗結果論證進化理論的深層問題。利用分子生物學的技術與成果,研究物種起源與分化的分子機制,探索遺傳信息物質本身的演化形式與特點,結合巨觀研究成果,在更為廣闊的範圍內研究生物系統進化的機制、過程和模式,形成新的學說或理論,將成為系統分類學與進化理論研究的基本發展潮流。近幾年來,本研究組選擇大步甲屬、隱翅蟲、食蚜蠅等類群,所開展的工作可以概括為三個方面:1. 將分子系統和形態相結合,探索比較客觀的甲蟲物種形成模式;2. 通過測定DNA的進化速度,對分歧年代進行推定,描述物種形成的特點;3. 建立分子系統發育樹,以此為基礎考察形態多樣化(進化)的原理和樣式,以及生態適應的系統學模式。在這一方向,曾主持中科院重點項目、生物技術特別支持項目、國際合作等項目,在國際一流期刊(如Molecular Biology and Evolution,Moleocular Phylogenetics and Evolution,Genes Genetic Systems,Entomolgia Experimentalis et Applicata,《中國科學》等)上,發表論文10餘篇。
1. Wu, J. and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. Phylogenetic analysis and reclassification of the genus Priochirus Sharp (Coloeptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae). Invertebrate Systematic,21: 73-107. (SCI 1.217).
2. Wu, J. and H.-Z. Zhou*, 2007. Taxonomy of the subgenus Eutriacanthus Jakobson, of the genus Priochirus Sharp, from southern China, with the description of two new species from Guangxi and Yunnan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 55(2): 267-276. (SCI)
3. Yu, X.-D., T.-T. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. Distribution of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) across a forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern China. Environmental Entomology, 36: 348-355. (SCI 1.237)
4. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. Two new species of genus Stenus Latreille from China (Coleoptera: Stapylinidae, Steninae). Entomologica Fennica, 18: 11-16. (SCI 0.523)
5. Li, X.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. Study on the subgenus Harpopaederus of the genus Paederus Fabricius (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) from China. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 54 (2): 219-233. (SCI)
6. Chen,Y.-J. and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. Taxonomy of the myrmecophilous genus Lomechusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Lomechusini) from China. Zootaxa, 1606: 29-39. (SCI)
7. Zhang, Y.-J. and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. Taxonomy of the tribe Paromalini Reitter (Coleoptera: Histeridae, Dendrophilinae) from China. Zootaxa, 1544: 1-40. (SCI)
8. Zhang, Y.-J. and H.-Z. Zhou*. 2007. On the Genus Trypeticus Marseul (Coleoptera: Histeridae: Trypeticinae) in China. Annales de Societe Entomologique France (n.s.), 43(2): 241-247. (SCI)
9. Zhang, Y.-J. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2007. Description of three new species of Parepierus Bickhardt from South China (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Tribalinae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 54 (2): 253-260. (SCI)
1. Wu, J. and H.-Z. Zhou*, 2006. Description of a new species of Borolinus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae) from Yunnan, China, with two new records from Sounthern China. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoolog 54(2): 215-223.(SCI)
2. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou*, 2006. Study on the Genus Stenus Latreille (subgenus Hemistenus) from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Steninae). Zootaxa 1304: 21-29.(SCI. E)
3. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou*, 2006. Two new species of the genus Stenus Latreille from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Steninae). Entomologica Fennica 18:11-16(SCI)
4. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou*, 2006. Three new species of the genus Stenus Latreille (subgenus Stenus s. str.) from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Steninae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 53 (2): 282-289 (SCI).
5. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou*, 2006. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Stenus Latreille (subgenus Hypostenus Rey ) from China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Steninae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 31(1), 168-172.
6. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou* 2006. Effects of larch plantation regeneration on carabid assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Southwestern China. Forest Ecology and Management 231: 169-177. (SCI)
7. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou* 2006. Habitat associations and seasonal activity of Carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Beijing, North China. Entomologica Fennica 17:174-183. (SCI)
8. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou* 2006. Distribution of ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera) across a forest-clearcut ecotone in Wolong Natural Reserve, sourthwestern. Insect Science 13(2): 127-136 (SCI. E)
9. Shinohara, A. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2006. Leaf-rolling sawflies of the Pamphilius komonensis Complex (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, series A (Zoology), 32(4): 153-189.
1. Zhou, H.-Z.*, X.and T.-H. Luo 2005. Discovery of subfamily Necrophilinae (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae) in China and description of a new species of Necrophilus Latreille. Coleopterist Bullitin 59(1): 62-69. (SCI)
2. Zhou, H.-Z.* 2005. Challenging the monophyly of the subtribe anisolinina (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) based on taxonomic changes and morphology. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 30 (4): 676-683. (周紅章.2005.歧隱翅蟲亞族(鞘翅目,隱翅蟲科)分類特徵分析及單系性質疑.動物分類學報,30 (4):676-683.)
3. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo, Q. Dai , Y.-M. Wu and H.-Z. Zhou* 2005. A large-scale pattern in species diversity of reptiles in the Yangtze River Basin. Biodiversity Science, 13 (4): 298-314. (於曉東,羅天宏,戴強,伍玉明,周紅章.2005.長江流域爬行動物物種多樣性大尺度格局研究.生物多樣性,13 (4):298-314.)
4. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou*2005. Large-scale patterns in species diversity of fishes in the Yangtze River Basin. Biodiversity Science, 13(6): 473-495. (於曉東,羅天宏,周紅章.2005.長江流域魚類物種多樣性大尺度格局研究.生物多樣性,13(6):473-495.)
5. Wu, J. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2005. Taxonomy of the genus Thoracochirus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Osoriinae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 30 (3): 590-597 (in English with Chinese Abstract).
6. Wu, J. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2005. Taxonomy of the subgenus Stigmatochirus of Priochirus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Osoriinae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 30, (4): 804-808 (in English with Chinese abstract).
8. Luo, T.-H., H.-Z. Zhou, X.-D. Yu, J.-J. Tan, Coleoptera, Eumolpidae, in Yang, X.-K.(ed.) Insect Fauna of Middle-West Qingling Range and South Mountains of Gansu Province. p.429-438. (羅天宏,周紅章,於曉東,譚娟傑.2005.鞘翅目:肖葉甲科.見 楊星科 主編:秦嶺西段及甘南地區昆蟲.北京:科學出版社,第429-438頁).
1. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou* 2004. Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages of native forests and non-native plantations in Northern China. Entomologica Fennica. 15: 129-137. (SCI)
2. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2004. Five new species of the subgenus Hemistenus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Steninae) from China. Pan-Pacific Entomology, 80 (1-4): 93-108. (SCI)
3. Su, Z.-H., Y. Imura, M. Okamoto, C.-G. Kim, H.-Z. Zhou, J.-C. Paik and S. Osawaa. 2004. Phylogeny and evolution of Digitulati ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) inferred from mitochondrial ND5 gene sequences. Moleocular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 30: 152-166. (SCI)
4. Zhou, H.-Z. 2004. Functions of Insect Collection and Its Development in China. National Science Museum Monographs. 24: 103-113.
5. Zhao, C.-Y. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2004. A New species of the genus Micropeplus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Micropeplinae) in China. Entomologia Sinica, 11(3): 235-238.
6. Imura, Y., H.-Z. Zhou* and Z.-H. Su. 2004. Six new taxa of the subtribe Carabina (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Sichuna, Southwest China. Elytra, Tokyo. 32 (1): 5-13.
7. Neumann, D. and H.-Z. Zhou* 2004. Das Vogelalbum Des Kaisers Qianlong. Ostasiatische Zeitschrift, Meue Serie, 8: 33-40.
8. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou* 2004.Species Diversity of Litter-layer Beetles in Four Forest Types in Eastern Hengduan Mountain Region. Zoological Research, 25(1): 7-14.(於曉東,羅天宏,周紅章.2004.橫斷山區東部四種林型地表甲蟲的物種多樣性.動物學研究,25(1):7-14.)
9. Luo, T.-H., H.-Z. Zhou, X.-D. Yu, Coleoptera, Histeridae, in Yang, X.-K.(ed.) Insects from Mt. Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi. p.302-303. (羅天宏,周紅章,於曉東.2004.鞘翅目:閻甲科.見 楊星科 主編:廣西十萬大山地區昆蟲.北京:中國林業出版社,第302-303頁).
10. Luo, T.-H., H.-Z. Zhou, X.-D. Yu, J.-J. Tan, Coleoptera, Eumolpidae, in Yang, X.-K.(ed.) Insects from Mt. Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi. p.356-364.(羅天宏,周紅章,於曉東,譚娟傑.2004.鞘翅目:肖葉甲科.見 楊星科 主編:廣西十萬大山地區昆蟲.北京:中國林業出版社,第356-364頁).