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  • 中文名:周杰英
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:計算機網路
  • 任職院校:中山大學





  1. 1997/09-2000/06,中山大學,電子系,博士。研究方向:計算機網路。
  2. 1988/09-1991/06,蘭州大學,電信系,碩士。研究方向:計算機視覺。
  3. 1982/09-1986/06,蘭州大學,無線電系,學士。


1986/07-1988/07, 在江西冶金學院自動化系工作,教師。


2003年9月至2004年1月,在美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校做訪問學者, 主要從事計算機體系結構、分散式計算方面的研究工作。
2004年2月至2004年8月在美國康奈爾大學電子與計算機工程系做訪問學者。 主要從事無線自組織網路方面的研究。


  1. 國家自然科學基金項目,NSFC-廣東聯合基金, U18012661013680,網路化無人駕駛中智慧型通信與計算融合,2019.01-2022.12,256萬元,主要研發人員。負責計算資源建模分析。
  2. 廣東省科技廳科技計畫項目,20153500042020508,異構網融合的車載自組網智慧型路由器研發,2015/12-,30萬元,在研,主持
  3. 廣州市科技計畫項目,201510010068,固移自適應接入的無線自組織網狀網路由器研發,2015/06-2017/05,20萬元, 主持。
  4. 廣州市科技計畫項目,20143500042050474,穗科信字[2014]182號,智慧型感測網協作通信通用平台,2014/04-2016/03, 8萬元,主要研發人員。
  5. 國家自然科學基金項目,61379157,車載自組織網路中的分散式協同機制及套用研究,2013/08-2017/12,47萬元,主要研發人員。
  6. 廣州市科技計畫項目,2010J-D00331,基於智慧型無線互聯技術的應急信息交換平台,2010/01-2011/06,16萬元,主持。
  7. 國家863高技術項目,2007AA01Z449,基於套用行為規範的網路主動實時防護系統,2007/01-2009/07, 89萬元,主要研發人員。
  8. 廣州市科技計畫項目, 2007-D0021,基於網路處理器實現無線MESH網路高端接入點路由器,2007/02-2008/12, 20萬元,主持。
  9. 廣州市科技計畫項目,20053500042050058 ,基於網路行為檢測的下一代入侵防禦系統,2005/01-2006/12,20萬元,主要研發人員。
  10. 國家自然科學基金項目,90304011,網路時空行為與2008奧運會網路安全關鍵技術研究,2004/01-2006/12,30萬元,主要研發人員。


《微型計算機原理及套用》內容翔實,語言通俗易懂,講述方法深入淺出,內容選擇及安排結合了作者多年課程與實驗的教學經驗,務求系統性、先進性和實用性相結合,使教師和學生都能感到本書的易用性,而且能夠直接指導套用。   本書可作為高等院校計算機類、電子類、通信類等相關專業本科生的教材。也可作為從事微機...




1.周杰英,張萍 等. 微機原理、彙編語言與接口技術,人民郵電出版社,2011
2.周杰英,張萍 等. 微型計算機原理及套用,機械工業出版社,2006
1.周杰英; 郭長飛 ; 趙環 ; 黃安泓 ; 雷淳; 鄧義暉, Ad hoc網路基於博弈論的按需距離矢量路由建立方法, 2013.10.16 中國,ZL201110258222.X
2.周杰英;李靜; 肖繼瓏 ; 肖博興; 謝偉聰, 基於負載均衡的跨層動態源路由協定的建立 方法,2010.07.21 中國, ZL200810219302.2
3.周杰英; 蔡冬者; 張康; 黃安泓; 陳子凡, 一種無線Mesh網路的媒體訪問控制方法,2013.10.16 中國,ZL2011101350672
4.周杰英;彭石;秦兆東;劉映淋;許楊鵬,一種路口Ad hoc 節點輔助的城市車載路由協定方法,2018.08.28 中國,ZL201510679830.6
5.周杰英;林勤南;黃正;黃紹鵬,無線感測網SMAC協定的雙因子自適應競爭視窗調整方法, 2018.06.01,中國,ZL 201510491061.7
1.Jieying Zhou*, Yinglin Liu, Rongfa Qiu and Shaopeng Huang. An Adaptive Contention Window Mechanism for SMAC Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network. International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Technology (ICMWT 2018)
2.Jieying Zhou*, Shi Peng, Yinglin Liu, Shaopeng Huang. Adaptive energy-saving mechanism for SMAC protocol in wireless sensor network. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, v 209, p 47-57, 2018, Communications and Networking - 11th EAI International Conference, ChinaCom 2016, Proceedings.
4.周杰英*,陳子凡,基於嵌入式ARM平台構建無線自組織實驗網,教學研究與實踐,2014. 561-567.
5.Zhou Jieying*, Peng Yanhao, Qin Zaodong, Xu Heng, Cai Dongzhe. A Novel Adaptive Distributed Coordination Function for Wireless Mesh Network,Proceedings of the 2013 Asia-Pacific Intelligence and Information Technology Conference,2013.
6.周杰英*,基於FPGA的類MIPs多周期流水線處理器實驗設計,教學研究與實踐 ,2013. 311-317
7. Jieying Zhou*, Heng Xu, Zhaodong Qin, Yanhao Peng, Chun Lei.Ad Hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol Based on Node State.Communications and Network (CN).2013.
8.周杰英*,基於FPGA的類MIPs多周期流水線處理器實驗設計,教學研究與實踐 ,2013. 311-317.
9. Jieying Zhou*, Kang Zhang, Dongzhe Cai, Anhong Huang, Huiping Hu. Adaptive Distributed Coordination Function Based On Contention Window In Wireless Mesh Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference On Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits And Systems(ICIMCS 2011). 2:155-158; New York, NY; ASME Press; c, 2011.
10. Jieying Zhou*, Anhong Huang, Jing Li. Qos-Based Multipath Dynamic Source Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks. Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011).2:151-154; New York, NY; ASME Press; c, 2011.
12.周杰英*,張康,蔡冬者,趙環.無線Mesh網路MAC層 DCF機制的研究及改進.中山大學學報自然科學版.2011. (6) p7-11.
13.周杰英*,陳曉帆,王濤,黃安泓,陳子凡.點陣LED多功能動態顯示實驗系統設計.實 驗 室 研 究 與 探 索.2010. 36-40.
14.周杰英*,徐國贊,郭長飛,張佳佳. Ad hoc網路基於能量消耗的動態源路由協定.計算機套用.2010.2494-2496.
15.Jieying Zhou*, Jilong Xiao,Boxing Xiao, Weicong Xie. Cross-Layer Dynamic Source Routing Protocol With Load Balancing in Wireless Mesh Networks. Proceedings-5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Wicom 2009, 2009. p1-4.
16.Zhou Jieying*, Li Jing, Li Xiaofeng, Cao Feili. Timer Forecasting Zone Based On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. 2008 11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, ICCS 2008, p 1712-1715, 2008.
17.Zhou Jieying*, Cheng Yuliang, Lu Jianlin. Velocity Based Adaptive Zone Routing Protocol. 2007 International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems, ISPACS 2007 - Proceedings, p 337-340, 2008.
18Zhou Jieying*, Ye Wenjun; Li Xiaona; Zhang Jiajia. Cluster-Based Gateway-Aided Multicast Routing Protocol in Manet. 2007 International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Wicom 2007, p 1524-1527, 2007.
19.Zhou Jieying*, Chen Junwei,Hu Huiping.SRSN: Secure Routing Based On Sequence Number for MANETs, 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Wicom 2007,p 1569-1572,2007.
20.Zhou Jieying*, Chen Jianfeng, Xie Weicong, Li Jing. Improved Weight Clustering Algorithm for IDS in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. 2007 International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Wicom 2007, p 1565-1568, 2007.
21Zhou Jieying*, Lin Yi; Hu Huiping. Dynamic Zone Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network.2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Wicom 2007, p 1528-1532, 2007.
22.Zhou Jieying*,Wang Simeng; Deng Jing; Feng Hongda. ZBMRP: A Zone Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Mobile Ad-Hoc & Sensor Networks,Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v 3794 Lncs, p 113-122, 2005.
23.Zhou Jieying*, Zhang Guangzhao, Lin Zhisheng. Study Of LMDS Videoconferencing System. International Journal Of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, v 23, n 9, p 1385-1398, September 2002.
24.Zhonghua Li, Jianming Li, Chunhui He, Chengpei Tang,Jieying Zhou* , RFID reader-to-reader collision avoidance model with multiple-density tag distribution solved by artificial immune network optimization, Applied Soft Computing, 2015, 30:249-264
25. Zhonghua Li , Hanpei Yang, Jianming Li, Chunhui He andJieying Zhou*,An Enhanced Neighbor-friendly Reader Anti-collision Algorithm in Mobile RFID Networks.Proc. of 2014 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST2014). 2014.236-239.
26. Lin Zhisheng,Zhou Jieying*, Luo Wei, Hu Yan. A Kind of MM-Wave TV Translating System. International Journal of Infrared & Millimeter Waves , May 2000, Vol. 21 Issue 5, p781-786, 6p. Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.


