



  • 中文名:周易勇
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:研究員
  • 學歷:研究生






以生態酶學為要點切入中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目、973基礎研究、國家自然科學基金重點項目以及國家“十五”、 “十一五”、 “十二五”重大科技專項等重大項目,同時與捷克科學院水生生物研究所、丹麥哥本哈根大學俄羅斯科學院動物研究所、義大利國家研究理事會海岸研究所、烏克蘭科學院南海生物研究所、匈牙利布達佩斯技術與經濟大學波蘭羅茲大學套用生態學系、波蘭科學院自然保護研究所、保加利亞漁業資源研究所、斯洛維尼亞約瑟夫史蒂芬研究所、韓國先進科技學院等研究機構進行廣泛的交流與合作,聚焦於環境生物地球化學研究,系統融合了分子生物學微生物學生物化學湖沼學、環境科學的理論和方法,構建了生態酶學的理論體系,闡明了湖泊富營養化過程中氮與磷循環的偶聯途徑,揭示了沉積物有機質富集與分解對湖泊富營養化和藍藻水華的反饋機制,並據此開發生態技術且將其套用於湖泊修復的實踐。已在《Hydrobiologia》、 《Arch. Hydrobiologia》、 《Aquaculture》、《European Journal of Phycology》、《Journal of Applied Phycology》、《Water, Air and Soil Pollution》、《Research in Microbiology》、《Water Research》、《Bioresource Technology》、《Microbiological Research》、《Geomicrobiology Journal》、《Science of the Total Environment》等學術刊物上發表論文百餘篇,其中五十餘篇被SCI收錄,SCI 引用450 余次。




(1)Zhou, Z., Xu, P., Cao, X., Zhou, Y., & Song, C. (2016). Efficiency promotion and its mechanisms of simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in stormwaterbiofilters. Bioresource Technology, 218, 842-849.
(2)Wang Zhicong, Zhou Yiyong, Li Dunhai. 2016. The effect of gradient cooling on bloom decline in Microcystis (Cyanophyceae, Chroococcales). Phycologia, 55(2), 109-117.
(3)Hui Li, Yuqian Liu, Xiuyun Cao, Chunlei Song &Yiyong Zhou (2016):Functions of calcium-bound phosphorus in relation to characteristics of phosphorus releasingbacteria in sediment of a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Wabu).Geomicrobiology Journal, DOI:10.1080/01490451.2015.1099762.
(4)Li, H., Song, C. L., Cao, X. Y., & Zhou, Y. Y. (2016). The phosphorus release pathways and their mechanisms driven by organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments of eutrophic shallow lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 572, 280-288.
(5)Cao Xiuyun, Wang Zhicong, Zhou Yiyong, Song Chunlei, 2015. The contribution of attached bacteria to Microcystis bloom: evidence from field investigation and microcosm experiment. Geomicrobiology Journal, 33: 607-617.
(6)WangSiyang,Hui Li,Jian Xiao,Yiyong Zhou,Chunlei Song,Yonghong Bi,Xiuyun Cao (2016). Enhancement of sediment phosphorus release during a tunnelconstruction across an urban lake (Lake Donghu, China). Environ SciPollut Res., 23: 17774-17783.
(7)Yao Zhang,Yuqian Liu,Zijun Zhou,Siyang Wang,Xiuyun Cao,Chunlei Songand YiyongZhou.Variation in community composition of nirS-type denitrifiers in sediment of basins with different trophic states within a shallow lake. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.Accepted
(8)Chen, X., H. Li, et al. (2016). "Sediment–water interaction in phosphorus cycling as affected by trophic states in a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Donghu)." Hydrobiologia 776(1): 19-33.
(9)Jiang, Y., Kang, N., Zhou, Y., Liu, G., & Zhu, D. (2016). The role of Fe(iii) on phosphate released during the photo-decomposition of organic phosphorus in deionized and natural waters. Chemosphere, 164, 208-214.
(10)Li, X., Yuan, S., Zhou, Y., Liu, G., & Zhu, D. (2016). Photodecomposition of organic phosphorus in aquatic solution under solar irradiation with nitrate: kinetics and influencing water parameters. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. DOI 10.1002/ep.
(11)Wang Zhicong., Li Dunhai, Cao Xiuyun, Song Chunlei, Zhou Yiyong. 2015. Photosynthesis regulates succession of toxic and nontoxic strains in blooms of Microcystis (Cyanobacteria). Phycologia. 54(6), 640-648.
(12)Wang Zhicong, Zhou Yiyong, Li Dunhai. 2015. Photosynthetic activity of microcystis in fish guts and its implication for feasibility of bloom control by filter-feeding fishes. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 24(7): 2384-2393.
(13)JiLei,Chunlei Song, Xiuyun Cao, Yiyong Zhou, Daogui Deng.2015.Spatial variationin nutrient excretion by macrozoobenthos in a Chinese large shallow lake (Lake Taihu). Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 30(1), 169-180.
(14)Guanglong Liu, Li Gong, Yiyong Zhou, Duanwei Zhu, Xiuyun Cao, Chunlei Song.2015. NO3-/NO2- photosensitized degradation of phenol under simulated sunlight. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 24, 664-669.
(15)Li Hui, Ai-Hua Sun, JieHou, Xi Chen, Yun-Qin Bai, Xiu-Yun Cao, Chun-Lei Song and Yi-Yong Zhou, 2014. Phosphorus fractions, sorption characteristics, and its release in sediments of a Chinese eutrophic river (Nanfei River), FreseniusEnvironmental Bulletin.23(5):1222-1231.
(16)Wang Z.C., Li D.H., Cao X.Y., Song C.L., Zhou Y.Y. 2014. Photosyntheticadaptation mechanism of Microcystis (Cyanophyceae) related to changes of colonysize in a eutrophic lake. Phycologia 53(5): 552-560.
(17)Hou, J., Song, C., Cao, X., & Zhou, Y. (2013). Shifts between ammonia-oxidizing bacteria andarchaea in relation to nitrification potential across trophic gradients in two large Chineselakes (Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu).Water Research 47, 2285-2296.
(18)Hou, J., X. Y. Cao, C. L. Song & Y. Y. Zhou, 2013. Predominance of ammoniaoxidizingarchaea and nirK-gene-bearing denitrifiers among ammonia-oxidizing anddenitrifying populations in sediments of a large urban eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu).Can J Microbiol 59(7):456-464 doi:DOI 10.1139/cjm-2013-0083.
(19)Lei Ji, Aihua Sun, Xi Chen, JieHou, Chunlei Song, Xiuyun Cao, Yiyong Zhou*, 2012. Intra-habitat heterogeneity of macrozoobenthic community under varying degrees of eutrophication and sediment characteristics in a Chinese large shallow lake (Lake Taihu). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21(2a):406-412.
(20)Wen-Juan Xiao, Chun-Lei Song, Xiu-Yun Cao, Yi-Yong Zhou. Effects of air-drying on phosphorus sorption in shallow lake sediment, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012,21(3A):672-678.
(21)Liu H, et al. Shifting nutrient-mediated interactions between algae and bacteria in a microcosm: Evidence from alkaline phosphatase assay. Microbiol Res (2012), 167(2012):292-298.


