博士,教授,碩士生導師,廣西自然科學基金傑出青年基金獲得者。 1995年9月至1999年7月,就讀於湖南大學套用物理系套用物理專業,於1999年7月獲理學學士學位。1999年9月至2002年6月就讀於廣西大學理學院物理系理論物理專業,主要從事新型金屬結構材料的製備和性能研究,於2002年6月獲理學碩士學位。2002年7月至今,在廣西大學物理科學與工程技術學院從事教學與科研工作,於2004年12月獲講師專業技術職務,於2007年12月獲副教授專業技術職務,於2012年12月獲研究員專業技術職務,於2013年12月獲教授專業技術職務。其間,2004年8月至2007年7月,在中國科學院上海技術物理研究所紅外物理國家重點實驗室攻讀電子科學與技術微電子學與固體電子學博士學位,主要從事半導體材料的輸運性能研究;半導體量子阱、異質結二維電子氣的輸運特性研究,於2007年7月獲理學博士學位。2007年8月至2009年7月,在華東師範大學物理學博士後流動站從事物理學學科博士後研究工作(理工學院物理學系、信息科學技術學院電子工程系)。
1. W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, G. Yu, K. H. Gao, Y. M. Zhou, L. M. Wei, L. J. Cui, Y. P. Zeng, S. L. Guo, and J. H. Chu, “Anomalous shift of the beating nodes in illumination-controlled In1-xGaxAs/In1-yAlyAs two-dimensional electron gases with strong spin-orbit interaction”. Phys. Rev. B 81(19), 195312 (2010).
2. W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, L. Sun, K. H. Gao, Y. M. Zhou, G. Yu, N. Tang, K. Han, B. Shen, S. L. Guo, Y. S. Gui, and J. H. Chu, “Influence of the illumination on weak antilocalization in an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure with strong spin-orbit coupling”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 93(26), 262104 (2008).
3. W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, L. Sun, K. H. Gao, Y. M. Zhou, G. Yu, N. Tang, K. Han, B. Shen, S. L. Guo, Y. S. Gui, and J. H. Chu, “Weak antilocalization and beating pattern in high electron mobility AlxGa1-xN/GaN two-dimensional electron gas with strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling”. J. Appl. Phys. 104(5), 053703 (2008).
4. W. Z. Zhou, W. Wang, Z. G. Chang, Y. Z. Wang, Z. Q. Lan, L. Y. Shang, T. Lin, L. J. Cui, Y. P. Zeng, G. X. Li, C. H. Yu, J. Guo, J. H. Chu, “Effects of scattering on two-dimensional electron gases in InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells”, J. Appl. Phys. 112(2), 023713 (2012).
5. W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, G. Yu, K. Han, J. X. Duan, N. Tang, B. Shen, J. H. Chu “Diffusion and ballistic contributions of electron-electron interaction to the conductivity in an Al0.26Ga0.74N/AlN/GaN heterostructure”, Solid State Commun., 151(12), 879-882 (2011).
6. W. Z. Zhou, Z. M. Huang, Z. J. Qiu, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, D. L. Li , H. L. Gao, L. J. Cui, Y. P. Zeng, S. L. Guo, Y. S. Gui, N. Dai, and J. H. Chu, “Pseudospin in Si δ-doped InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs Single Quantum Well”, Solid State Commun., 142(7), 393-397 (2007).
7. W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, Z. M. Huang, G. Yu, S. L. Guo, Y. S. Gui, N. Dai, J. H. Chu, L. J. Cui, D. L. Li , H. L. Gao, and Y. P. Zeng, “Weak antilocalization and Beating pattern in an InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well” Solid State Commun., 143(6-7), 300-303 (2007).
8. 周文政,林鐵,商麗燕,黃志明,朱博,崔利傑,高宏玲,李東臨,郭少令,桂永勝,褚君浩 “雙δ摻雜In0.65Ga0.35As/In0.52Al0.48As 贗型高遷移率電晶體材料子帶電子特性研究” 物理學報,56(7), 4143-4147 (2007).
9. 周文政,林鐵,商麗燕,黃志明,崔利傑, 李東臨,高宏玲, 曾一平, 郭少令, 桂永勝,褚君浩 “InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs量子阱高遷移率二維電子氣系統中的反弱局域效應研究” 物理學報,56(7), 4099-4104 (2007).
10. 周文政,姚煒,朱博,仇志軍,郭少令,林鐵,崔利傑,桂永勝,褚君浩 “單邊摻雜InAlAs/InGaAs單量子阱中二維電子氣的磁輸運特性” 物理學報,55(4),2044-2048, (2006).
11. 王威, 周文政, 韋尚江, 李小娟, 常志剛, 林鐵, 商麗燕, 韓奎, 段俊熙, 唐寧,沈波,褚君浩 “GaN/AlxGa1-xN異質結二維電子氣的磁電阻研究”,物理學報,61(23),237302, (2012). (通訊作者)
12. 李小娟, 韋尚江, 呂文輝, 吳丹,李亞軍,周文政,“一種新方法製備矽/聚(3,4乙撐二氧噻吩)核/殼納米線陣列雜化太陽能電池”,物理學報,62(10),108801, (2013).(通訊作者)
13. 周文政,代嫻,林鐵,徐慶慶,褚君浩,“As摻雜碲鎘汞多載流子體系電學特性研究”,廣西大學學報.自然科學版,35( 5), 821-826 (2010).
14. 周文政,代嫻,林鐵,商麗燕,崔利傑,曾一平,褚君浩,“In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As量子阱二維電子氣的零場自旋分裂”,廣西大學學報.自然科學版,35( 6), 1027-1031 (2010).
15. 周文政 歐陽義芳 覃善華 鐘夏平 吳偉明,“Al1-xFex混合粉末的機械化合金化”,廣西大學學報(自然科學版), 29(2), 101-104 (2004).
16. K. H. Gao,W. Z. Zhou, Y. M. Zhou, Guolin Yu, T. Lin, S. L. Guo, J. H. Chu, N. Dai, Y. Gu, Y. G. Zhang, and D. G. Austing, “Magnetoresistance in high-density two-dimensional electron gas confined in InAlAs/InGaAs quantum well”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(15), 152107 (2009).
17. Lei Sun, Wenzheng Zhou, Guolin Yu, Liyan Shang, Kuanghong Gao, Yuanming Zhou, Tie Lin, Lijie Cui, Yiping Zeng, Junhao Chu, “Strong Spin-orbit Interactions in an InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs Two-dimensional Electron Gas by Weak Antilocalization Analysis”, J. J. Appl. Phys. 48(6), 063004 (2009).
18. Ouyang Yifang, Zhou Wenzheng, Zhong Xiaping, and Qin Shanhua, “Mechanical alloying of Fe25Al75-xTix mixed powders”; Mater. Trans., 45(5), 1774-1777 (2004).
19. 覃善華,周文政,歐陽義芳,鐘夏平,吳偉明,“納米Al2O3-Mg(三氧化二鋁—鎂)和Al2O3-MgO(三氧化二鋁—氧化鎂)混合粉末的製備”, 電子元件與材料;23(2), 4-6 (2004).
20. 鐘夏平,周文政,歐陽義芳,吳偉明,“機械合金化製備Al5Fe2金屬間化合物”;中國科學學報,1(6), 3-6 (2004).
21. L. Y. Shang, T. Lin, W. Z. Zhou, L. M. Wei, Y. F. Wei, Y. H. Sun, S. L. Guo, P. X. Yang, and J. H. Chu, “Spin-related magnetoresistance oscillations in the inversion layer on bulk p-Hg1-xCdxTe”, J. Appl. Phys. 109(11), 113717 (2011).
22. T. Lin, L.Y. Shang, W. Z. Zhou, X. J. Meng, J. L. Sun, G. Yu, S. L. Guo, J. H. Chu, “Competing conduction mechanisms of two-dimensional electrons and bulk-like electrons in the n-type surface of the naturally oxidized p-type HgCdTe thin film”, Appl. Phys. A, 106(3), 703-707 (2012).
23. 商麗燕,林鐵,周文政,黃志明,李東臨,高宏玲,崔利傑,曾一平,郭少令,褚君浩,“In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As量子阱中雙子帶占據的二維電子氣的輸運特性” 物理學報,57(4), 2481-2485 (2008).
24. 商麗燕,林鐵,周文政,郭少令,李東臨,高宏玲,崔利傑,曾一平,褚君浩,“兩個子帶占據的In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As量子阱中填充因子的變化規律” 物理學報,57(6), 3818-3822 (2008).
25. 商麗燕,林鐵,周文政,李東臨,高宏玲,曾一平,郭少令,俞國林,褚君浩,“In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As量子阱中的正磁電阻效應” 物理學報,57(8), 5232-5236 (2008).
26. 高宏玲,李東臨,周文政,商麗燕,王寶強,朱戰平,曾一平,“不同量子阱寬度的InP基In0.53GaAs/In0.52AlAs高電子遷移率電晶體材料二維電子氣的性能研究”,物理學報,56(8), 4955-4959 (2007).
27. 朱博, 桂永勝, 周文政, 商麗燕, 郭少令, 褚君浩 ,呂捷, 唐寧, 沈波, 張福甲 “Al0.22Ga0.78N/GaN 二維電子氣中的弱局域和反弱局域效應”,物理學報,55(5), 2498-2503,(2006).
28. 朱博,桂永勝,周文政,商麗燕,仇志軍,郭少令,張福甲,褚君浩,“窄禁帶稀磁半導體二維電子氣的磁阻振盪研究”,物理學報,55(6), 2955-2960 (2006).
29. 余晨輝,羅向東,周文政,羅慶洲,劉培生,“新型雙異質結高電子遷移率電晶體的電流崩塌效應研究”,物理學報,61(20), 207301 (2012).
30. K. H. Gao, Guolin Yu, Y. M. Zhou, W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, J. H. Chu, N. Dai, D. G. Austing, Y. Gu, and Y. G. Zhang, “Experimental study of weak antilocalization effects in a two-dimensional system: Anomalous dephasing rate”, Phys. Rev. B 79(8), 085310 (2009).
31. Y. W. Li, Z. G. Hu, F. Y. Yue, W. Z. Zhou, P. X. Yang and J. H. Chu, “Effects of deposition temperature and post-annealing on structure and electrical properties in (La0.5Sr0.5)CoO3 films grown on silicon substrate”, Appl. Phys. A, 95(3), 721-725 (2009).
32. K. H. Gao, G. Yu, Y. M. Zhou, W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, J. H. Chu, N. Dai, A. J. SpringThorpe, and D. G. Austing “Transport properties of AlGaAs/GaAs parabolic quantum wells” J. Appl. Phys. 105(1), 013712 (2009).
33. L. M. Wei, K. H. Gao, X. Z. Liu, W. Z. Zhou, L. J. Cui, Y. P. Zeng, G. Yu, R. Yang, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, S. L. Guo, N. Dai, J. H. Chu, and D. G. Austing, “Spin dependence of electron effective masses in InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well”, J. Appl. Phys. 110(6), 063707 (2011).
34. Y. M. Zhou, K. H. Gao, G. Yu, W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, S. L. Guo, J. H. Chu, and N. Dai, “Gate-controlled electron_electron interactions in an In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum well structure”, Solid State Commun., 150(5-6), 251-253 (2010).
35. 朱博, 桂永勝,仇志軍,周文政,姚煒,郭少令, 褚君浩, 張福甲 “窄禁帶稀磁半導體二維電子氣的拍頻振盪”物理學報,55(2), 786-790 (2006).
36. SHANG Li-Yan, YU Guo-Lin, LIN Tie, ZHOU Wen-Zheng, GUO Shao-Ling, DAI Ning, CHU Jun-Hao, “Spin Splitting in In0.53Ga0.47As/InP Heterostructures”, CHIN.PHYS.LETT. 25(6), 2194-2197, (2008).
37. Y. M. Zhou, G. Yu, L. M. Wei, K. H. Gao, W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, S. L. Guo, J. H. Chu, N. Dai, and D. G. Austing, “Experimental approaches to zero-field spin splitting in a gated high-mobility In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum well structure: Weak antilocalization and beating pattern”, J. Appl. Phys. 107(5), 053708 (2010).
38. 黎光旭,葉姍,彭雯琦,周文政,藍志強,“HfCl4、ZrCl4摻雜對NaAlH4、LiAlH4儲氫性能的影響”,廣西大學學報.自然科學版,38( 4), 467-475 (2013).
39. Y. M. Zhou, L. Y. Shang, G. Yu, K. H. Gao, W. Z. Zhou, T. Lin, S. L. Guo, J. H. Chu, N. Dai, and D. G. Austing, “Transport properties of a spin-split two-dimensional electron gas in an In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum well structure”, J. Appl. Phys. 106(7), 073722 (2009).
40. Xiaojuan Li, Wenhui Lu, Weiling Dong, Qi Chen, Dan Wu, Wenzheng Zhou, and Liwei Chen, “Si/PEDOT hybrid core/shell nanowire arrays as photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical watersplitting”, Nanoscale, 5(12), 5257-5261 (2013).
41. HAN Kui(韓奎), TANG Ning(唐寧), DUAN Jun-Xi(段俊熙), LU Fang-Chao(盧芳超), LIU Yu-Chi(劉禹馳), SHEN Bo(沈波), ZHOU Wen-Zheng(周文政), LIN Tie(林鐵), SUN Lei(孫雷),YU Guo-Lin(俞國林), CHU Jun-Hao(褚君浩),“Oscillations of Low-Field Magnetoresistivity of Two-Dimensional Electron Gases in Al0.22Ga0.78N/GaN Heterostructures in a Weak Localization Region”, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 28 (8), 087302, (2011).
42. X. Z. Liu, Y. G. Xu, G. Yu, L. M. Wei, T. Lin, S. L. Guo, J. H. Chu, W. Z. Zhou, Y. G. Zhang, and David J. Lockwood, “The effective g-factor in In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum well investigated by magnetotransport measurement”, J. Appl. Phys. 113(3), 033704 (2013).
43. N. Tang, B. Shen, M. J. Wang, Z. J. Yang, K. Xu, and G. Y. Zhang, T. Lin, B. Zhu, W. Z. Zhou, and J. H. Chu “Effective mass of the two-dimensional electron gas and band nonparabolicity in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88(17), 172115 (2006).
44. K. H. Gao, G. Yu, Y. M. Zhou, L. M. Wei, T. Lin, L. Y. Shang, L. Sun, R. Yang, W. Z. Zhou, N. Dai, J. H. Chu, D. G. Austing, Y. Gu, and Y. G. Zhang, “Insulator-quantum Hall conductor transition in high electron density gated InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells”, J. Appl. Phys. 108(6), 063701 (2010).
45. N. Tang, B. Shen, K. Han, Z. J. Yang, K. Xu, G. Y. Zhang, T. Lin, B. Zhu, W. Z. Zhou, L. Y. Shang, S. L. Guo, and J. H. Chu, “Origin of split peaks in the oscillatory magnetoresistance in AlxGa1–xN/GaN heterostructures”, J. Appl. Phys. 100(7), 073704 (2006).
46. Ning Tang, Bo Shen, Xiao-Wei He, Kui Han, Zhi-Jian Yang, Zhi-Xin Qin, Guo-Yi Zhang, Tie Lin, Bo Zhu, Wen-Zheng Zhou, Li-Yan Shang, and Jun-Hao Chu “Influence of the illumination on the beating patterns in the oscillatory magnetoresistance in AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures”, Phys. Rev. B 76(15), 155303 (2007).
47. N. Tang, B. Shen, M. J. Wang, K. Han, Z. J. Yang, K. Xu, and G. Y. Zhang, T. Lin, B. Zhu, W. Z. Zhou, and J. H. Chu “Beating patterns in the oscillatory magnetoresistance originated from zero-field spin splitting in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88(17), 172112 (2006).
48. Ning Tang, Bo Shen, Kui Han, Xiao-Wei He, Chun-Ming Yin, Zhi-Jian Yang, Zhi-Xin Qin, Guo-Yi Zhang, Tie Lin, Wen-Zheng Zhou, Li-Yan Shang, Jun-Hao Chu, “Influence of the illumination on the subband structure and occupation in AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. A 96(4), 953–957 (2009).
49. K. Han, B. Shen, N. Tang, Y.Q. Tang, X.W. He, Z.X. Qin, Z.J. Yang, G.Y. Zhang, T. Lin, B. Zhu, W. Z. Zhou, J.H. Chu, “Observation of the transition from diffusive regime to ballistic regime of the 2DEG transport property in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures”, Phys. Lett. A, 366(3), 267-270 (2007).
50. N. Tang, B. Shen, X. W. He, K. Han, Y. Q. Tang, Z. J. Yang, Z. X. Qin, G. Y. Zhang, T. Lin, B. Zhu, W. Z. Zhou, L. Y. Shang, and J. H. Chu, “Influence of the illumination on the spin splitting of the two-dimensional electron gas in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures”, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C - CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 5(6), 2339-2341 (2008).
1、 周文政, 林鐵, 李亞巍,商麗燕,高礦紅,周遠明, 孫雷,魏來明, “AlGaN/GaN異質結二維電子氣的零場自旋分裂”,國家自然科學基金青年基金(項目編號:60906045),2010.1-2012.12,24萬。
2、 周文政, 林鐵,梁先慶,蔣紹周,鄭明暉,劉新智,王威,韋尚江,李小娟,常志剛,“III-V族半導體異質結構二維電子氣的自旋輸運特性”,國家自然科學基金地區基金(項目編號:61264006),2013.1-2016.12,50萬。
3、 周文政,梁先慶,蔣紹周,鄭明暉,韋尚江,李小娟,常志剛,“窄禁帶半導體二維電子的自旋輸運量子調控”,廣西自然科學基金傑出青年基金(項目編號:2013GXNSFGA019007),2013.4-2016.3,40萬。
4、 周文政,“III-V族窄禁帶半導體二維電子氣的自旋輸運特性”,中國博士後科學基金: (項目編號:20070420634),2007.12-2009.7,3.0萬。
5、 周文政, 林鐵, 覃善華,王威,“InGaAs/InAlAs二維電子氣的輸運參數”, 廣西大學科研基金項目(項目編號: XB2090777),2009.11-2011.11,0.5萬。
6、 周文政, 林鐵, 歐陽義芳,覃善華,“InGaAs/InAlAs二維電子氣自旋分裂的來源”,廣西大學科研基金項目(項目編號: X071109),2007.12-2009.12,1.0萬。