2010.03-2014.07 哈爾濱工業大學 環境科學與工程專業 博士
2007.09-2010.03 哈爾濱工程大學 環境工程專業 碩士
2003.09-2007.07 哈爾蒸幾閥濱工程大學 環境工程專業 學士
2021.12-至今 太原理工大學環境科學與工程學院 教授(破格晉升)
2019.12-2021.12 太原理工大學環境科辯糠愉戲學與工程學院 副教授
2018.02-2019.02 香港大學土木工程系環境工程研究中心 博士後
2015.08-2019.12 太原理工大學環境科學與工程學院 講師
1) 廢棄生物質資源化處理及產能;
2) 難降解工業廢水射勸凶生物處理;
3) 新興污染物對環境的影響;
4) 非常規水資源開發利用。
(1) 山西省基礎研究計畫-優秀青年培育項目,No. 202103021222009,雙碳目標導向的城市有機固立頸體廢棄物高效資源和能源轉化,2021/01-2024/12,25萬;
(2) 國家自然科學基金面上基金,No. 52070139,生物電催化-膜分離強化污泥發酵液合成/回收己酸及界面機制,2021/01-2024/12,58萬;
(3) 國家重點研發計畫課題,No. 2019YFC0408602,景觀水體水質過程調控機制,2020/01-2022/12,42.79萬;
(4) 國家自然科學基金青年基金,No. 51608345,硫酸鹽還原菌介導的種間氫轉移強化剩餘污泥產甲烷及互營調控機制,2017/01-2019/12,20萬;
(5) 山西省重點研發(社會發展方面)項目,No. 201903D321057,光電刺激強化厭氧微生物處理髮酵類製藥廢水新型工藝構建及裝置研發,2019/10-2021/12,10萬;
(6) 國家博士後科學基金項目(特別資助),No.2017T100170,種間氫轉移強化過硫酸鹽預氧化污泥產甲烷效能及機制,2016/06-2020/06,15萬;
(7) 國家博士後科學基金(一等資助),No.2015M570241,剩餘污泥短程厭氧發酵製備脫氮碳源關鍵技術及機制研究,2015/05-2017/05,8萬;
(8) 山西省套用基礎研究(青年科技)項目,No.201701D221230,少探束生物陽極強化煤制氣廢水中酚類污染物降解及其電極微生物功能解析,2017/07-2019/12,2萬;
(9) 污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室開放課題,No.PCRRF17021,短程發酵-微生物催化耦合工藝對剩餘污泥有機質梯級利用及產能研究,2018.1-2020.12,6萬;
(10) 中國科學院環境生物技術重點實驗室開放基金(No. kf2016004),剩餘污泥可控構築磁性緩釋碳源及其控釋-回收機制,2016/11-2018/11,5萬;
6)2018.03 環境工程國際頂級學術期刊Water Research最佳審稿人獎
7)2016.12 入選國腿嘗促跨際期刊Biochemical Engineering Journal年度高引學術論文獎(在BEJ期刊發表的785篇SCI論文中 (2014-2016) 排名該刊前五位);
8)2012.09 BestPoster Award, The 15 International Biotechnology Symposium andExhibition (IBS, 2012), Daegu, South Korea
(1)在國內外學術期刊上發表論文100餘篇, h-index 26,引用2000餘次
1) Wei,Y., Zhou, A.*, Duan, Y., Liu, Z., He, Z., Zhang, J., Liang, B. and Yue,X.*. Unraveling the behaviors of sulfonamide antibiotics on the production ofshort-chain fatty acids by anaerobic fermentation from waste activated sludgeand the microbial ecological mechanism. Chemosphere. 2022, 133903.
2)Cheng, S., Liu, Z.*, Varrone, C., Zhou,A.*, He, Z., Li, H., Zhang, J., Liu, W. and Yue, X.. Elucidating themicrobial ecological mechanisms on the electro-fermentation of caproateproduction from acetate via ethanol-driven chain elongation. EnvironmentalResearch. 2022, 203, 111875.
3)Zhihong Liu, Aijuan Zhou*, SufangWang, Shuanglan Cheng, Xiaoyun Yin, Xiuping Yue*.Quorum sensing shapedmicrobial consortia and enhanced hydrogen recovery from waste activated sludgeelectro-fermentation on basis of free nitrous acid treatment. Science of theTotal Environment. 2021, 766, 144348.
4)Duan, Y., Zhou, A.*, Yue, X., Wang,S., Gao, Y., Luo, Y., Zhang, X. and Zhang, J. Initial-alkaline motivatedfermentation of fine-sieving fractions and its effect on properties ofcellulosic components. Chemosphere. 2021, 284, 131275.
5)Aijuan Zhou*, Hongyan Liu, Cristiano Varrone,Alimzhanova Shyryn, Zafiry Defemur, Sufang Wang, Wenzong Liu, Xiuping Yue*. Newinsight into waste activated sludge acetogenesis triggered by couplingsulfite/ferrate oxidation with sulfate reduction-mediated syntrophic consortia.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 400, 125885.
6)Aijuan Zhou*, Yaoli Wei, Yaxin Fan, AlimzhanovaShyryn, Sufang Wang, Wenzong Liu, Jin Yuan, Xiuping Yue*. Sulfatereduction-mediated syntrophic microbiomes accelerated waste-activated sludgefermentation on the basis of SO4 oxidation andeliminated superfluous sulfate. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020,8, 25, 9325–9334.
7)Zhihong Liu, Aijuan Zhou*, HongyanLiu, Sufang Wang, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang, Xiuping Yue*. Extracellularpolymeric substance decomposition linked to hydrogen recovery from wasteactivated sludge: Role of peracetic acid and free nitrous acid co-pretreatmentin a prefermentation-bioelectrolysis cascading system. Water Research.2020, 176, 115724.
8)Aijuan Zhou*, Zhihong Liu, Sufang Wang, E. Chen, YaoliWei, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang, Xiuping Yue*. Bio-electrolysis contribute tosimultaneous bio-hydrogen recovery and phosphorus release from waste activatedsludge assisted with prefermentation. Energy. 2019, 185(787-794).
9)Duan, Y., Zhou, A.*, Wen, K., Liu,Z., Liu, W., Wang, A. and Yue, X.*. Upgrading VFAs bioproduction from wasteactivated sludge via co-fermentation with soy sauce residue. Frontiers ofEnvironmental Science & Engineering. 2019, 13(1), 53-62.
10) Zhihong Liu, Aijuan Zhou*, Jiaguang Zhang, Sufang Wang, Yunbo Luan, Wenzong Liu,Aijie Wang, and Xiuping Yue *. Hydrogen Recovery from Waste Activated Sludge:Role of Free Nitrous Acid in a Prefermentation–Microbial Electrolysis CellsSystem. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018.6:3870-3878
11) AijuanZhou,Jiaguang Zhang, Cristiano Varrone, Rui Sun, Guoying Wang, Wenzong Liu, AijieWang and Xiuping Yue. Process assessment associated to microbialcommunity response provides insight on possible mechanism of waste activatedsludge digestion under typical chemical pretreatments. Energy. 2017, 137, 457-467.
12) AijuanZhou*,Jiaguang Zhang, Kaili Wen, Zhihong Liu, Guoying Wang, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wangand Xiuping Yue*. What could the entire cornstover bring for the enhancement ofwaste activated sludge acidification: Performance assessment and microbialcommunity analysis? Biotechnology forBiofuels. 2016, 9(241), DOI 10.1186/s13068-016-0659-y.
13) Aijuan Zhou,Wenzong Liu, Cristiano Varrone, Youzhao Wang, Aijie Wang, Xiuping Yue.Evaluation of surfactants on waste activated sludge fermentation bypyrosequencinganalysis. Bioresource Technology.2015, 192: 835-840.
14) 劉紅燕, 周愛娟*, 劉芝宏, 樊雅欣, 魏瑤麗, 岳秀萍. 硫酸根自由基預處理剩餘污泥產酸效能與機理. 中國環境科學. 2020,40(4): 204-210.
15) 周愛娟*, 趙玉珏, 劉芝宏, 汪素芳, 趙博瑋, 岳秀萍. Fe(II)活化過硫酸鹽處理喹啉工藝參數最佳化及生物毒性解除機理解析. 中國環境科學. 2020, 40(11) : 4795-4803.
2)Elsevier-The Future of Effluent Treatment Plants:Biological Treatment Systems. Chapter 11 ISBN 978-981-15-6606-6, 2021.
3)Springer-Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology:Microbial Biosurfactants. Chapter 16 ISBN: 978-0-12-822956-9, 2021.
1)周愛娟, 魏瑤麗, 岳秀萍, 張家廣, 汪素芳. 一種採用微生物燃料電池降解甲氧苄啶的方法. 中國, 發明專利,ZL201710805663.4,2020.9.25.(授權)
2)周愛娟, 劉芝宏, 岳秀萍, 張家廣, 汪素芳. 採用微生物電催化促進污泥有機磷向無機磷轉化的方法. 中國, 發明專利,ZL201710807062.7,2020-09-04.(授權並轉化)
3)周愛娟,趙博瑋,張家廣,岳秀萍,溫凱麗. 釀造廢棄物調質強化剩餘污泥厭氧消化效能的方法. 中國, 發明專利,ZL201610466999.8,2019.12.1.(授權)
4)周愛娟,張家廣,岳秀萍,劉芝宏,汪素芳. 採用生鏽鐵屑強化喹啉厭氧降解並產甲烷的方法,ZL201611049311.2,2019.11.5(授權)
5)周愛娟,張家廣,岳秀萍,溫凱麗,汪素芳. 最佳化秸稈調質方式實現污泥小分子碳源轉化的方法,ZL 201611049540.4, 2019.11.1(授權)
6)周愛娟,程琛,岳秀萍, 汪素芳,趙博瑋. 一種將聚氨酯與水滑石複合提取短鏈脂肪酸製備緩釋碳源的方法, ZL 201810766821.4, 2021.9.14(授權)
(6) 國家博士後科學基金項目(特別資助),No.2017T100170,種間氫轉移強化過硫酸鹽預氧化污泥產甲烷效能及機制,2016/06-2020/06,15萬;
(7) 國家博士後科學基金(一等資助),No.2015M570241,剩餘污泥短程厭氧發酵製備脫氮碳源關鍵技術及機制研究,2015/05-2017/05,8萬;
(8) 山西省套用基礎研究(青年科技)項目,No.201701D221230,生物陽極強化煤制氣廢水中酚類污染物降解及其電極微生物功能解析,2017/07-2019/12,2萬;
(9) 污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室開放課題,No.PCRRF17021,短程發酵-微生物催化耦合工藝對剩餘污泥有機質梯級利用及產能研究,2018.1-2020.12,6萬;
(10) 中國科學院環境生物技術重點實驗室開放基金(No. kf2016004),剩餘污泥可控構築磁性緩釋碳源及其控釋-回收機制,2016/11-2018/11,5萬;
6)2018.03 環境工程國際頂級學術期刊Water Research最佳審稿人獎
7)2016.12 入選國際期刊Biochemical Engineering Journal年度高引學術論文獎(在BEJ期刊發表的785篇SCI論文中 (2014-2016) 排名該刊前五位);
8)2012.09 BestPoster Award, The 15 International Biotechnology Symposium andExhibition (IBS, 2012), Daegu, South Korea
(1)在國內外學術期刊上發表論文100餘篇, h-index 26,引用2000餘次
1) Wei,Y., Zhou, A.*, Duan, Y., Liu, Z., He, Z., Zhang, J., Liang, B. and Yue,X.*. Unraveling the behaviors of sulfonamide antibiotics on the production ofshort-chain fatty acids by anaerobic fermentation from waste activated sludgeand the microbial ecological mechanism. Chemosphere. 2022, 133903.
2)Cheng, S., Liu, Z.*, Varrone, C., Zhou,A.*, He, Z., Li, H., Zhang, J., Liu, W. and Yue, X.. Elucidating themicrobial ecological mechanisms on the electro-fermentation of caproateproduction from acetate via ethanol-driven chain elongation. EnvironmentalResearch. 2022, 203, 111875.
3)Zhihong Liu, Aijuan Zhou*, SufangWang, Shuanglan Cheng, Xiaoyun Yin, Xiuping Yue*.Quorum sensing shapedmicrobial consortia and enhanced hydrogen recovery from waste activated sludgeelectro-fermentation on basis of free nitrous acid treatment. Science of theTotal Environment. 2021, 766, 144348.
4)Duan, Y., Zhou, A.*, Yue, X., Wang,S., Gao, Y., Luo, Y., Zhang, X. and Zhang, J. Initial-alkaline motivatedfermentation of fine-sieving fractions and its effect on properties ofcellulosic components. Chemosphere. 2021, 284, 131275.
5)Aijuan Zhou*, Hongyan Liu, Cristiano Varrone,Alimzhanova Shyryn, Zafiry Defemur, Sufang Wang, Wenzong Liu, Xiuping Yue*. Newinsight into waste activated sludge acetogenesis triggered by couplingsulfite/ferrate oxidation with sulfate reduction-mediated syntrophic consortia.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 400, 125885.
6)Aijuan Zhou*, Yaoli Wei, Yaxin Fan, AlimzhanovaShyryn, Sufang Wang, Wenzong Liu, Jin Yuan, Xiuping Yue*. Sulfatereduction-mediated syntrophic microbiomes accelerated waste-activated sludgefermentation on the basis of SO4 oxidation andeliminated superfluous sulfate. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020,8, 25, 9325–9334.
7)Zhihong Liu, Aijuan Zhou*, HongyanLiu, Sufang Wang, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang, Xiuping Yue*. Extracellularpolymeric substance decomposition linked to hydrogen recovery from wasteactivated sludge: Role of peracetic acid and free nitrous acid co-pretreatmentin a prefermentation-bioelectrolysis cascading system. Water Research.2020, 176, 115724.
8)Aijuan Zhou*, Zhihong Liu, Sufang Wang, E. Chen, YaoliWei, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang, Xiuping Yue*. Bio-electrolysis contribute tosimultaneous bio-hydrogen recovery and phosphorus release from waste activatedsludge assisted with prefermentation. Energy. 2019, 185(787-794).
9)Duan, Y., Zhou, A.*, Wen, K., Liu,Z., Liu, W., Wang, A. and Yue, X.*. Upgrading VFAs bioproduction from wasteactivated sludge via co-fermentation with soy sauce residue. Frontiers ofEnvironmental Science & Engineering. 2019, 13(1), 53-62.
10) Zhihong Liu, Aijuan Zhou*, Jiaguang Zhang, Sufang Wang, Yunbo Luan, Wenzong Liu,Aijie Wang, and Xiuping Yue *. Hydrogen Recovery from Waste Activated Sludge:Role of Free Nitrous Acid in a Prefermentation–Microbial Electrolysis CellsSystem. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018.6:3870-3878
11) AijuanZhou,Jiaguang Zhang, Cristiano Varrone, Rui Sun, Guoying Wang, Wenzong Liu, AijieWang and Xiuping Yue. Process assessment associated to microbialcommunity response provides insight on possible mechanism of waste activatedsludge digestion under typical chemical pretreatments. Energy. 2017, 137, 457-467.
12) AijuanZhou*,Jiaguang Zhang, Kaili Wen, Zhihong Liu, Guoying Wang, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wangand Xiuping Yue*. What could the entire cornstover bring for the enhancement ofwaste activated sludge acidification: Performance assessment and microbialcommunity analysis? Biotechnology forBiofuels. 2016, 9(241), DOI 10.1186/s13068-016-0659-y.
13) Aijuan Zhou,Wenzong Liu, Cristiano Varrone, Youzhao Wang, Aijie Wang, Xiuping Yue.Evaluation of surfactants on waste activated sludge fermentation bypyrosequencinganalysis. Bioresource Technology.2015, 192: 835-840.
14) 劉紅燕, 周愛娟*, 劉芝宏, 樊雅欣, 魏瑤麗, 岳秀萍. 硫酸根自由基預處理剩餘污泥產酸效能與機理. 中國環境科學. 2020,40(4): 204-210.
15) 周愛娟*, 趙玉珏, 劉芝宏, 汪素芳, 趙博瑋, 岳秀萍. Fe(II)活化過硫酸鹽處理喹啉工藝參數最佳化及生物毒性解除機理解析. 中國環境科學. 2020, 40(11) : 4795-4803.
2)Elsevier-The Future of Effluent Treatment Plants:Biological Treatment Systems. Chapter 11 ISBN 978-981-15-6606-6, 2021.
3)Springer-Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology:Microbial Biosurfactants. Chapter 16 ISBN: 978-0-12-822956-9, 2021.
1)周愛娟, 魏瑤麗, 岳秀萍, 張家廣, 汪素芳. 一種採用微生物燃料電池降解甲氧苄啶的方法. 中國, 發明專利,ZL201710805663.4,2020.9.25.(授權)
2)周愛娟, 劉芝宏, 岳秀萍, 張家廣, 汪素芳. 採用微生物電催化促進污泥有機磷向無機磷轉化的方法. 中國, 發明專利,ZL201710807062.7,2020-09-04.(授權並轉化)