



  • 中文名:呂建永
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:空間天氣預報和災害評估
  • 任職院校:南京信息工程大學


1983-1987:北京大學地球物理系,空間物理學士, 導師: 趙學溥教授
1987-1990:北京大學地球物理系,空間物理碩士, 導師: 塗傳詒院士、魏奉思院士
1993-1996:中國科學院空間中心, 空間電漿物理博士, 導師: 魏奉思院士
1998年12月-2000年11月: 美國德拉瓦大學Bartol研究所,研究員
2000年11月-2007年12月: 加拿大艾伯塔大學(University of Alberta), 研究員。期間曾訪問並與美國密西根大學、美國國家大氣研究中心 (NCAR)合作


Earth and Planetary Physics編委
<<中國空間科學學報>>編委, 1996 - 2000




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4 江蘇雙創人才, 江蘇省組織部, 2014-2016
5 磁層非線性剪下阿爾芬波和電離層反饋的電動耦合數值模擬研究(41031063)國家自然科學基金(重點),項目負責人,2011-2014
6 空間天氣數值模式集成與預報試驗,國家973計畫“基於子午工程和雙星計畫的地球空間天氣數值預報建模研究”子課題,2012-2016
7 極區海洋大氣與空間環境業務化監測(HY201005017),海洋局局公益性行業科研專項,極區大氣模式集成和太陽風能量向日側磁層的傳輸模式研究子課題, 2010-2013
8 災害性空間天氣事件數值模擬與仿真,2010年申報的中國氣象局公益性行業科研專項重點項目,項目負責人, 2011-2012
9 極光區超低頻地磁脈動的磁層-電離層耦合研究(40874087),國家自然科學基金(面上),項目負責人, 2009-2011
(1) 王勁松,呂建永(主編),空間天氣,氣象出版社,北京,2010年3月
(2) Iluore, K , F Okeke, J Y Lu, D Okoh, Studying the Performance of NeQuick-2 and IRI-Plas 2017 Models during Solar Maximum years in 2013-2014 over Global Equatorial and Low latitude, Advances in Space Research, submitted
(3) Liu, Z F , Zhao, J S , H Y Sun, L Xiang, W Liu, J Y Lu, and W C , Zhou, Parallel-propagating Waves and Instabilities In Plasmas With Streaming Proton and Alpha Particles, Astrophys J 0submitted(通訊作者)
(4) Wu, Y W , et al , The UT Variations of the Polar Ionospherie Based on the COSMIC Observation, JGR, submittted
(5) Lu, JY, Y Zhou, X Ma, M Wang, et al , Earth's bow shock: A new three-dimensional asymmetric model with dipole tilt effects, J Geophys Res Space Physics, submitted
(6) Lu, J Y , Jin, C Q , Wang, M , Ji, H S , Iluore, K , Gu, C L , Guan, H Y , and J F Li, Generalized Additive Modeling combined with Multiple Collinear for ICME velocity forecasting, Space Weather, submitted
(7) Yan, W Q , H Y , Guan, …, An Automated Hierarchical Approach for 3-Dimensional Segmentation of Single Trees using UAV LiDAR Data, Remote Sensing, in press
(8) Lu, JY, HX Zhang, M Wang, C L Gu, and H Y Guan, on the response of magnetosphere to the IMF turning from north to south, Earth and Planetary Physics, in press
(9) Li, J Y , W B Wang, J Y Lu, et al , on the responses of mesosphere and lower thermosphere temperatures to geomagnetic storms at low and middle latitutdes, Geophys Res Lett , 45(19), 10128-10137, doi:10 1029 2018GL078968, 2018 (通訊作者)
(10) Wang, M , Lu, J Y , Kabin, K , Yuan, H Z , Liu, Z -Q , Zhao, J S , & Li, G , The influence of IMF By on the bow shock: Observation result J Geophys Res Space Physics, 123,
(11) Tang Y , J S Zhao, H Y Sun, J Y Lu, and M Wang, Effects of ion thermal pressure on wave properties of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in a H+-He+-O+ plasma, Phys Plasmas , doi: 10 1063 1 4983622, 24, 052120 , 2017
(12) Ma, X , J Y Lu, and M Wang, Pressure Balance across the Magnetopause during the Solar Wind Event on 5 June 1998, Planetary Space Sci , 139, 11-17, 2017 (通訊作者)
(13) Lu, J Y , H Z Yuan, M Wang, and Y F Yang, Dipole tilt control of bow shock location and flaring angle, Science China Earth Sciences, doi:10 1007 s11430-015-0268-8, vol 60, Issue 1, PP 198-206, 2017
(14) Wang, M , J Y Lu, et al , The influence of IMF clock angle on the cross-section of the tail bow shock, J Geophys Res Space Physics, 121 (11), 11077-11085, doi:10 1002 2016JA022830, 2016 (通訊作者)
(15) Fu, Q , Y Tang, J S Zhao, and J Y Lu, Low-frequency Waves in Cold Three-component Plasmas, Plasma Sci Technol , 18(9), 897-901, 2016
(16) Liu, J , Shi Q Q , et al , Shape and position of earth’s bow shock near-lunar orbit based on ARTEMIS data, Science China Earth Sciences, 59(8):1700-17066, doi: 10 1007 s11430-016-5319-3, 2016
(17) Lu, J Y , Y X Peng, M Wang, and S J Sai, Support vector machine combined with distance correlation learning for Dst forecasting during intense geomagnetic storms, Planetary Space Sci , 120,48-55, 2016
(18) Liu, Z -Q , J Y Lu, C Wang, K Kabin, J S Zhao, M Wang, J P Han, J Y Wang, and M X Zhao, A three-dimensional high Mach number asymmetric magnetopause model from global MHD simulation, J Geophys Res Space Physics, 120(7), 5645-56666, doi:10 1002 2014JA020961, 2015 (通訊作者)
(19) Lu J Y , M Wang, K Kabin, Z -Q Liu, J S Zhao, G Li, Pressure Balance across the Magnetopause: Global MHD Results, Planetary Space Sci , 106, 108-115, 2015
(20) Wang, M , J Y Lu, K Kabin, Z -Q Liu, J S Zhao, G Li, The Dipole Tilt Angle Dependence of the Bow Shock: Global MHD Results for Southward IMF, Planetary Space Sci , 106, 99-107, 2014 (通訊作者)
(21) J S Zhao, Y Voitenko, M Y Yu, JY Lu, and DJ Wu, Properties of Short-wavelength Oblique Alfvén and Slow Waves, Astrophys J, 793(2), 107, 2014
(22) Jing H , J Y Lu, K Kabin, J S Zhao, Z Q Liu, Y F Yang, M X Zhao, and M Wang, MHD Simulation of energy transfer across magnetopause during sudden changes of the IMF orientation, Planetary Space Sci , 97, 50-59, 2014 (通訊作者)
(23) Lu, J Y , H Jing, Z Q Liu, K Kabin, and Y Jiang (2013), Energy transfer across the magnetopause for northward and southward interplanetary magnetic fields, J Geophys Res Space Physics, Vol 118, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages: 2021–2033, DOI: 10 1002 jgra 50093
(24) Lu, J Y , Z -Q Liu, K Kabin, H Jing, M X Zhao, and Y Wang (2013), The IMF dependence of the magnetopause from global MHD simulations, J Geophys Res Space Physics, Vol 118, Issue 6, June 2013, Pages: 3113–3125, doi:10 1002 jgra 50324
(25) Zhao J S , D J Wu, and J Y Lu, Kinetic Alfven Turbulence and Parallel Electric Fields in Flare Loops, Astrophys J , 767, 109, doi:10 1088 0004-637X 767 2 109, 2013 (累計122 088)
(26) Yang, Y F , J Y Lu, J -S Wang, Z Peng, and L Zhou, Influence of interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind on auroral brightness in different regions, J Geophys Res , Space Physics, 118, 209-217, doi:10 1029 2012JA017727, 2013 (通訊作者)
(27) Zhao J S , D J Wu, L Yang, and J Y Lu, Nonlinear interaction and parametric instability of kinetic Alfven waves in multicomponent plasmas, Phys Plasmas, 20, 032308, doi: 10 1063 1 4796054, 2013
(28) Kumar S , and J Y Lu, Quantum treatment of Kinetic Alfven waves, Astrophys Space Sci , V 340, doi:10 1007 s10509-012-1120-8, 2012
(29) Liu Z -Q , J Y Lu, K Kabin, Y F Yang, M X Zhao, and X Cao, Dipole tilt control for the magnetopause for southward IMF from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations, J Geophys Res , 117, A07207, doi:10 1029 2011JA017441, 2012 (通訊作者)
(30) Zhao J S , D J Wu, M Y Yu, and J Y Lu, Convective cell generation by kinetic Alfv\'en wave turbulence in the auroral ionosphere, Phys Plasmas , 19, 062901, doi:10 1063 1 4729327, 2012
(31) Wang M , Lu J Y , Z Q Liu, and S X Pei, Dependence of magnetic field just inside the magnetopause on subsolar standoff distance: global MHD results, Chin Sci Bull , 57: 1438–1442, doi: 10 1007 s11434-011-4961-6, 2012 (通訊作者)
(32) Zhao M X , Lu J Y , Nonlinear dispersive scale Alfven waves in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling: physical processes and simulation results, Chin Sci Bull , 57: 1384–1392, doi: 10 1007 s11434-011-4905-1, 2012 (通訊作者)
(33) Yang, Y F , J Y Lu, J -S Wang, Z Peng, Q Qian, and Y Xiao, Different response of dayside auroras to increases in solar wind dynamic pressure, J Geophys Res , 116, A08314, doi:10 1029 2010JA016385, 2011 (通訊作者)
(34) Lu J Y , Z -Q Liu, K Kabin, M X Zhao, D D Liu, Q Zhou, and Y Xiao, Three dimensional shape of the magnetopause: Global MHD results, J Geophys Res , 116,A09237, 21PP , doi:10 1029 2010JA016418,2011
(35) Zhao J S , D J Wu, J Y Lu, L Yang, and M Y Yu, Generation of Convective Cells by Kinetic Alfven Waves, New J Phys , 13 , 063043, 2011
(36) Zhao J S , D J Wu, J Y Lu, Kinetic Alfven Waves excited by Oblique MHD Alfven Waves in Coronal Holes, Astrophys J , 735, DOI: 10 1088 0004-637X 735 2 114, 2011
(37) Zhao J S , D J Wu, J Y Lu, A nonlocal wave-wave interaction among Alfven waves in an intermediate-β plasma, Phys Plasmas , 18, pp 032903-032903-6, DOI: 10 1063 1 3568840, 2011
(38) Liu D D , C Huang, J Y Lu, and J -S Wang, The hourly average solar wind velocity prediction based on support vector regression method, Mon Not R Astron Soc , 4, 2877-2882, DOI: 10 1111 j 1365-2966 2011 18359 x, 2011
(39) Du D , W Y Xu, M X Zhao, B Chen, J Y Lu, and G L Yang, A sensitive geomagnetic activity index for space weather operation, Space Weather, 8, S12006, doi:10 1029 2010SW000609, 2010
(40) Zhao, J S , D J Wu, and J Y Lu, On nonlinear decay of kinetic Alfvén waves and application to some processes in space plasmas, J Geophys Res , 115, A12227, doi:10 1029 2010JA015630, 2010
(41) Zhao J S , J Y Lu, and D J Wu, Parametric instability of whistler waves in the electron magnetohydrodynamics, Astrophys J , 714, 138-143, 10 1088 0004-637X 714 1 138, 2010
(42) Rae I J , K Kabin, J Y Lu, R Rankin, S E Milan, F R Fenrich C E J Watt, T I Gombosi, D L De Zeeuw, A J Ridley, K G Powell, and C R Clauer, Comparison of the Open-Closed Separatrix in a Global Magnetospheric Simulation with Observations: the role of the ring current, 115, doi: 10 1029 2009JA015068,J Geophys Res ,2010
(43) Marchand, R , F Mackay F , J Y Lu, and K Kabin, Consistency check of a global MHD simulation using the test-kinetic approach, Plasma Phys Control Fusion, 50(2008) 074007, 2008
(44) Lu J Y , W Wang, R Rankin, R Marchand, J Lei, S C Solomon, I J Rae, J -S Wang, and G -M Le, Electromagnetic waves generated by ionospheric feedback instability, J Geophys Res , 113, A05206, doi:10 1029 2007JA012659, 2008
(45) Mackay F , R Marchand, K Kabin, and J Y Lu, Test kinetic modeling of collisionless perpendicular shocks, J Plasma Phys , 74, 1-18, 2008
(46) Lu J Y , R Rankin, R Marchand, I J Rae, W Wang, S C Solomon, and J Lei, Electrodynamics of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling and feedback on magnetospheric field line resonances, J Geophys Res , 112, A10219, doi:10 1029 2006JA012195, 2007
(47) Marchand R, J Y Lu, K Kabin and R Rankin, Unstructured Meshes and Finite Elements in Space Plasma Modelling: Principles and Applications, in Advanced methods for space simulations , edited by H Usui and Y Omura, pp 111-143, Tokyo, 2007
(48) Rankin R , C E Watt, K Kabin, R Marchand, J Y Lu, and A Degeling, Theoretical aspects of kinetic and inertial scale dispersive Alfvn waves in Earth's magnetosphere, in Magnetospheric ULF Waves: Synthesis and New Directions, Geophys Monogr Ser , vol 169, edited by K Takahashi, P J Chi, R E Denton, and R L Lysak, 10 1029 169GM08, pp 91-108, AGU, Washington DC, 2006
(49) Marchand R, J Y Lu, K Kabin, R Rankin, and T Keeler, Unstructured Meshes and Finite Elements in Space Plasma Modelling, Proceedings of ISSS-7 , PP 26-31, March, 2005
(50) Rankin, R , K Kabin, J Y Lu, I R Mann, R Marchand, and I J Rae, V T Tikhonchuk, and E Donovan, Magnetospheric field line resonances: ground-based observations and modeling, J Geophys Res , 110, A10S09, doi: 10 1029 2004JA01919, 2005
(51) Lu, J Y , R Rankin, R Marchand, and V T Tikhonchuk, Reply to comment on " Nonlinear electron heating by resonant shear Alfven waves in the ionosphere" by J -P St -Maurice, Geophys Res Letts , 32, L13103, doi:10 1029 2005GL023149, 2005
(52) Rankin, R , R Marchand, J Y Lu, K Kabin, and V T Tikhonchuk, Theory of Dispersive Shear Alfven Wave Focusing in Earth's Magnetosphere, Geophys Res Letts , 32, L05102, doi: 10 1029 2004GL021831, 2005
(53) Lu, J Y , R Rankin, R Marchand, and V T Tikhonchuk, Nonlinear electron heating by resonant shear Alfven waves in the ionosphere, Geophys Res Lett , 32, L01106, doi:10 1029 2004GL0221830, 2005
(54) Liu, W , J Burchill, L Cogger, E Donovan, G James, D Kendall, D Knudsen, J Y Lu, I Mann, R Michaud, S Murphree, R Rankin, J Samson, E Spanswick, G Sofko, T Trondsen, and A Yau , Multiscale geospace physics in Canada, in Sun-earth Connection: Multiscale Coupling in Sun-Earth Processes, Edited by A T Y Liu, Y Kamide, and G Consolini, Elsevier B V ; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005, p 487, 2005
(55) Kaghashvili, E Kh G P Zank, J Y Lu, W Droge, Transport of energetic charged particles Part 2 Small-angle scattering, J Plasma Phys , 70, 505-532, 2004
(56) Rankin, R , J Y Lu, R Marchand, and E F Donovan, Spatiotemporal characteristics of ultra-low frequency dispersive scale shear Alfven waves in Earth's magnetosphere, Phys Plasmas , 11(4), 1268, doi:10 1063 1 1647138, 2004
(57) Lu, J Y , R Rankin, R Marchard, V T Tikhonchuk, and J Wanliss, Finite element modeling of nonlinear dispersive field line resonances: Trapped shear Alfven waves inside field-aligned density structures, J Geophys Res , 108(A11), 1394, doi:10 1029 2003JA010035, 2003
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(60) Lu, J Y , and G P Zank, The transport of interstellar pickup ions, J Geophys Res , 106, 5709, 2001
(61) Lu, J Y , G P Zank, and G M Webb, Numerical solution of the time-dependent kinetic equation for anisotrpoic pitch angle scattering, Astrophys J , 550, 34-51, 2001
(62) Webb, G M , J Kota, G P Zank, and J Y Lu, The BGK Boltzmann equation and anisotropic diffusion, Proc 27th Internat Cosmic-Ray Conf , 8, 3326-3329, 2001
(63) Zank, G P , J Y Lu, W K M Rice, and G M Webb, The transport of energetic charged particles in a radial magnetic field, I Large-angle scattering, J Plasma Phys , 64, 507-541, 2000
(64) Zank, G P , W K M Rice, J A leRoux, J Y Lu, and H R Muller, The injection problem for anomalous cosmic rays, in The Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere, edited by R A Mewaldt, J R Jokipii, M A Lee, et al , AIP, 317-324, 2000
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(74) 王明,於超,呂建永,袁換隻,周悅,劉子謙,虞超,行星際磁場By對弓激波影響的MHD結果,地球物理學報,在審
(75) 孟琛,呂建永,王明,季海生,顧春利,CMEs引起的地磁暴穿越時間研究, 空間科學學報,待發表。
(76) 徐佳瑩,呂建永,王明,郭建廣,行星際磁場對極尖區位形變化的統計研究,地球物理學報,61(9):3526-3535, doi:10 6038 cjg2018M0118,2018
(77) 商文賽, 呂建永, 王明, 倪素蘭, 遠磁尾磁層頂位型的偏轉, 空間科學學報,38(3), 307-314, 2018
(78) 劉瓊瓊,胡紅橋,呂建永,劉建軍,劉瑞源,夜側極區電離層對流對行星際激波的回響,空間科學學報,37(2),140-150, 2017
(79) 呂建永,趙明現,磁層電離層電動耦合數值模擬研究,空間物理新進展(第五卷),史建魁,葉永烜,劉振興主編,科學出版社(北京),2015年10月,164-201
(80) 彭宇翔,呂建永,顧賽菊,利用支持向量機預測大磁暴期間Dst指數的變化,空間科學學報,36(6): 866-874, 2016
(81) 袁換隻,呂建永,王明,偶極傾角對弓激波日下點距離和尾部張角的影響,空間科學學報,36(3),272-278,2016
(82) 王婭冰,鄭宇卿,顧斌,丁留貫,樂貴明,呂建永,1AU軌道SEP粒子通量的計算及與多衛星觀測結果的比較,空間科學學報,36(3),331-335,2016
(83) 胡慧萍,呂建永,周全,王明,楊亞芬,劉子謙,裴世鑫,地球弓激波的三維模擬,空間科學學報,35(1),1-8, doi:10 11728 cjss2015 01 001,2015
(84) 王明,呂建永,李剛,太陽風壓力係數的研究,地球物理學報,57(11), 38043811, doi:10.6038 cjg20141101,2014(SCIE)
(85) 荊浩,呂建永,蔣勇,王明,胡慧萍,劉子謙,太陽風向磁層輸入電磁能的研究, 空間科學學報,34(3): 269-277, doi:10 11728 cjss2014 03 269, 2014 (Jing Hao, Lu Jianyong, Jiang Yong,Wang Ming, Hu Huiping, Liu Ziqian Electromagnetic energy transfer across the magnetopause Chin J Space Sci , 2014, 34(3): 269-277, doi:10 11728 cjss2014 03 269)
(86) 呂建永,楊亞芬,趙明現,邁向太空---空間天氣學,現代物理知識,25卷,第5期(總149期),21-26,2013
(87) 曹鑫,呂建永,楊志良,劉子謙,楊亞芬,趙明現, 三維試驗粒子軌道法在磁層粒子全球輸運中的套用, 空間科學學報, 33(3): 240-249, 2013。(Cao Xin,LÜ Jianyong,Yang Zhiliang et al Trajectory method of 3D test particles in global transport in magnetosphere Chinese Journal of Space Science, 2013, 33(3): 240-249 )
(88) 呂建永,楊亞芬,杜丹,周全,毛田,空間天氣研究進展,氣象科技進展,1(4),26-36,2011。
(89) 呂建永, 魏奉思,開閉磁場位形中慢激波的傳播, 中國科學(A), 29, 69-76, 1999
(90) 呂建永, J K Chao, J H Shue, S C Fu, 磁層頂的法向和形狀, 中國科學 (D), 28, 322-326, 1998
(91) 盧先和, 魏奉思, 呂建永, 劉四清,太陽風高速流能流分布, 空間科學學報,18(2),104-110, 1998
(92) 馮學尚, 呂建永, 具有阻尼耗散的DNLS方程的孤立波解析解,空間科學學報, 17, 25-31, 1997
(93) 呂建永, J K Chao, J H Shue, S C Fu, 磁層頂法向和形狀的統計研究, 中國地球物理學會年刊1997, 同濟大學出版社(上海), 217, 1997
(94) 呂建永, 魏奉思, 費振勇, 各向異性磁流體激波越變條件的無量鋼化求解, 空間科學學報, 17, 110-117, 1997
(95) 馮學尚, 呂建永, 色散和耗散對Alfven孤立波的影響, 空間科學學報, 16, 260-265, 1996
(96) 呂建永, 顧輝成, 激波法向和速度的確定, 吉首大學學報, 2, 1-7, 1996
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(98) 呂建永,魏奉思,子午面內Alfven波的傳播特徵,武漢大學學報(自然科學版), 04, 43, 1994
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