2017.08-2018.07,University of Maryland,訪問學者
2009.07 - 2016.12, 清華大學,助理研究員
2007.11 - 2009.02, Magma 北京, 技術經理
2006.06 - 2007.11, Synopsys ATG, 高級工程師
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 副主編
ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference,TPC
IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust,TPC
[1] Pengfei Qiu, Dongsheng Wang, Yongqiang Lyu*, and Gang Qu. "VoltJockey: Breaching TrustZone by software-controlled voltage manipulation over multi-core frequencies." In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC CCS, pp. 195-209. 2019.
[2] Chang Liu, Yongqiang Lyu*, Haixia Wang, Pengfei Qiu*, Dapeng Ju, Gang Qu, Dongsheng Wang. “Leaky MDU: ARM Memory Disambiguation Unit Uncovered and Vulnerabilities Exposed.” In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Design Automation Conference, 2023.
[3] Pengfei Qiu, Dongsheng Wang, Yongqiang Lyu*, Ruidong Tian, Chunlu Wang, and Gang Qu. "Voltjockey: A new dynamic voltage scaling-based fault injection attack on intel sgx." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 40, no. 6 (2020): 1130-1143.
[4] Jinxiao Wu, Xiangyang Ji, Yongqiang Lyu*, Xuanshu Luo, Yan Meng, Eric Morales, Dongsheng Wang, Xiaomin Luo. “Touchscreens can reveal user identity: Capacitive Plethysmogram-based biometrics.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.
[5] 劉暢,楊毅,李昊儒,邱朋飛,呂勇強*,王海霞, 鞠大鵬,汪東升.“處理器分支預測攻擊研究綜述.”計算機學報, 2022, 45(12): 2475-2509
[6] Yongqiang Lu, C. N. Sze, Xianlong Hong, Qiang Zhou, Yici Cai, Liang Huang, and Jiang Hu. "Navigating registers in placement for clock network minimization." In Proceedings of the 42nd annual Design Automation Conference, pp. 176-181. 2005.
[7] Peiqi Wang, Yu Ji, Chi Hong, Yongqiang Lyu, Dongsheng Wang, and Yuan Xie. "SNrram: An efficient sparse neural network computation architecture based on resistive random-access memory." In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Design Automation Conference, pp. 1-6. 2018.
[8] Xiao Zhang, Yongqiang Lyu*, Xiaomin Luo, Jingyu Zhang, Chun Yu, Hao Yin, and Yuanchun Shi. "Touch sense: Touch screen based mental stress sense." Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies 2(2): 1-18, 2018.
[9] Xiao Zhang, Yongqiang Lyu*, Tong Qu, Pengfei Qiu, Xiaomin Luo, Jingyu Zhang, Shunjie Fan, and Yuanchun Shi. "Photoplethysmogram-based Cognitive Load Assessment Using Multi-Feature Fusion Model." ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 16, no. 4 (2019): 1-17.
[10] Xiao Zhang, Yongqiang Lyu*, Xin Hu, Ziyue Hu, Yuanchun Shi, and Hao Yin. "Evaluating photoplethysmogram as a real-time cognitive load assessment during game playing." International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 34, no. 8 (2018): 695-706.
[11] Yongqiang Lyu, Xiao Zhang, Xiaomin Luo, Ziyue Hu, Jingyu Zhang, and Yuanchun Shi. "Non-invasive measurement of cognitive load and stress based on the reflected stress-induced vascular response index." ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 15, no. 3 (2018): 1-17.
[12] Yongqiang Lyu, Xiaomin Luo, Jun Zhou, Chun Yu, Congcong Miao, Tong Wang, Yuanchun Shi, and Ken-ichi Kameyama. "Measuring photoplethysmogram-based stress-induced vascular response index to assess cognitive load and stress." In Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI 2015), pp. 857-866. 2015.
[13] Yongqiang Lyu, Fanxi Yan, Yu Chen, Dan Wang, Yuanchun Shi, Nazim Agoulmine. "High-performance scheduling model for multisensor gateway of cloud sensor system-based smart-living." Information Fusion, 21 (2015): 42-56.
[14] Zihan Xu, Lingfeng Yin, Yongqiang Lyu*, Haixia Wang*, Gang Qu, and Dongsheng Wang. “CacheGuard: A Behavior Model Checker for Cache Timing Side-Channel Security.” In Proceedings of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 19-24, 2021.
[15] Shangmin Cai, Dongsheng Wang, Haixia Wang, Yongqiang Lyu*, Guangquan Xu*, Xi Zheng, and Athanasios V. Vasilakos. “DynaComm: Accelerating Distributed CNN Training between Edges and Clouds through Dynamic Communication Scheduling.” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 40(2):1-16, 2021
[16] Pengfei Qiu, Dongsheng Wang, Yongqiang Lyu*, and Gang Qu. “DVFSspy: Using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling as A Covert Channel for Multiple Procedures.” In Proceedings of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 654-659, 2021.
[17] Pengfei Qiu, Yongqiang Lyu, Jiliang Zhang, Dongsheng Wang, and Gang Qu. "Control flow integrity based on lightweight encryption architecture." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems37, no. 7 (2017): 1358-1369.
[18] Pengfei Qiu, Yongqiang Lyu, Jiliang Zhang, Xingwei Wang, Di Zhai, Dongsheng Wang, and Gang Qu. "Physical unclonable functions-based linear encryption against code reuse attacks." In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference, pp. 1-6. 2016.
[19] Pengfei Qiu, Qiang Gao, Dongsheng Wang, Yongqiang Lyu*, Chunlu Wang, Chang Liu, Rihui Sun, Gang Qu. “PMU-Leaker: Performance Monitor Unit-based Realization of Cache Side-Channel Attacks.” In Proceedings of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 664-669, 2023.
[20] Jiliang Zhang, Yaping Lin, Yongqiang Lyu, and Gang Qu. "A PUF-FSM binding scheme for FPGA IP protection and pay-per-device licensing." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 10, no. 6 (2015): 1137-1150, 2015.
(1) 呂勇強(2/4),“現代處理器重大安全漏洞發現”, 中國計算機學會(CCF),自然科學獎一等獎(汪東升,呂勇強,邱朋飛,王海霞),2020年;
(2) 呂勇強(4/10),“普適計算軟硬體關鍵技術與套用” ,國家科技進步獎二等獎, (史元春,潘綱,陳渝,呂勇強,李石堅,孫育寧,奉飛飛,劉威,史興國,朱珍民),2015年;
(3) 呂勇強(8/15),“支持用戶自然意圖表達的人機互動關鍵技術與套用”, 中國電子學會, 科技進步獎一等獎 (史元春,喻純,賈珈,易鑫,王小川,徐傑,廖春元,呂勇強,周軒,陳偉,孫育寧,毛玉敏,王運濤,陶品,王硯峰),2019年;
(4) Yongqiang Lyu (3/4,通訊作者),“VoltJockey: Breaking SGX by Software-Controlled Voltage-Induced Hardware Faults”, IEEE AsianHost 2019, 最佳論文獎, (Pengfei Qiu,Dongsheng Wang,Yongqiang Lyu,Gang Qu),2019年;
(5) Yongqiang Lyu(1/8),“Measuring PPG-Based Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index to Assess Cognitive Load and Stress”, ACM SIGCHI, 最佳論文提名獎,(Yongqiang Lyu,Xiaomin Luo,Jun Zhou,Chun Yu,Congcong Miao,Tong Wang,Yuanchun Shi,Kenichi Kameyama),2015年