- 中文名:吳自軍
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中科院廣州地球化學研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:海洋沉積物成岩過程及其C-S-Fe循環
2003/09—2006/06:中科院廣州地球化學研究所, 地球化學, 理學博士。
- 海洋沉積物成岩過程及其C-S-Fe循環;
- 海底地下水排泄的生物地球化學過程及其環境效應。
- 南海北部灣沉積物有機質成岩礦化過程及其對孔隙水溶解無機碳(DIC)的貢獻,2012.01-2015.10,國家自然科學基金面上項目,負責人;
- 海洋儲碳機制及區域碳氮硫循環耦合對全球變化的回響”下屬課題二“海洋沉積的碳氮硫效應和儲碳機制”子課題(2016YFA0601102),2016.07-2021.07, 國家重點研發計畫全球變化及應對重點專項,學術骨幹;
- 長江口及其鄰近海域不同鹽度環境下沉積物硫酸鹽還原及鐵硫礦物的形成,2017.01-2019.12,上海市自然科學基金,負責人;
- 東海陸架沉積物硫酸鹽還原及自生硫化鐵的形成:甲烷厭氧氧化作用(AOM)的影響與貢獻,2009.01-2011.12,國家自然科學基金面上項目,負責人;
- Wu Zijun, Zhou Huaiyang, Peng Xiaotong. Anaerobic oxidation of methane: Geochemical evidence from pore-water in coastal sediments of Qi’ao Island, southern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51(16): 2006-2015.
- Zhou Huaiyang, Wu Zijun, Peng Xiaotong. The detection of methane plumes in Logachev hydrothermal Vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(15):2140-2146.
- Wu Zijun, Jia Nan, Sun Liguang. Biomineralization process occurring in iron mud of coastal seepage area of Zhoushan Island, Zhejiang Province. Submitted to Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008,53(5):1-10.
- Wu Zijun, Yuan Linxi, Sun Liguang Microbial Biomineralization of Iron Seepage Water: Implication for the Iron Ores Formation in Zhoushan Island, East China Sea. Geochemical Journal, 2009,43(3):167-177.
- Z Wu,H Zhou,S Zhang,Y Liu. Using 222 Rn to estimate submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and the associated nutrient fluxes into Xiangshan Bay, East China Sea,《Marine Pollution Bulletin》,2013, 73(1):183-191.
- Wu Zijun, Zhou Huaiyang,Peng Xiaotong. Rates of bacterial sulfate reduction and their response to experimental temperature changes in coastal sediments of Qi’ao Island, Zhujiang River Estuary in China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2014,33(8):10-17.
- Chen Shun,Wu Zijun*,Peng Xiaotong. Experimental study on weathering of seafloor volcanic glass by bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) - Implications for the contribution of bacteria to the water-rock reaction at the Mid-Oceanic Ridge setting,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2014,90:15-25.
- Wu Zijun,Huaiyang Zhou,De Zhangren, Hang Gao,Jiangtao Li. Processes controlling the seasonal and spatial variations in sulfate profiles in the pore water of the sediments surrounding Qi'ao Island, Pearl River Estuary, Southern China,Continental Shelf Research. 2015,98:26-35.
- Wu Zijun, Zhou Huaiyang, et al., 2016. Quantifying the sources of dissolved inorganic carbon within the sulfate-methane Transition zone in nearshore sediments of Qi'ao Island, Pearl River Estuary, Southern China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2016, 59(10), 1959-1970.
- Wu Zijun, Zhou Huaiyang, et al., 2016. Sulfate reduction and formation of iron sulfide minerals in nearshore sediments of Qi'ao Island, Pearl River Estuary, Southern. China. Quaternary International, Doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2016.06.003.
- 吳自軍,周懷陽,彭曉彤等.珠江口桂山島 沉積物甲烷厭氧氧化作用研究. 自然科學進展,2007,17(7):905-912
- 吳自軍,周懷陽,彭曉彤. 珠江口及其鄰近海域沉積物孔隙水甲烷與硫酸鹽相互關係及影響因素. 海洋與湖沼,2009,40(3):249
- 260.
- 吳自軍,任德章,周懷陽. 海洋沉積物甲烷厭氧氧化作用(AOM)及其對無機硫循環的影響, 《地球科學進展》,2013, 28(7): 765-773.
- 吳自軍 周懷陽. 加拿大海底科學長期觀測網的研究進展,《工程研究:跨學科視野中的工程》, 2016,2:131-138.