



  • 中文名:吳為中
  • 國籍中國 
  • 民族:漢族
  • 籍貫:湖南省 
  • 出生日期:1963年11月30日
  • 畢業院校:清華大學 
  • 職業:教育科研工作者 
  • 職稱:研究員 


長期從事污水處理理論與技術、水環境污染控制與技術、流域生態水環境保護等方面教學、科研及工程化套用。為本科生、研究生分別講授《水環境學基礎》、《現代環境生物技術》等課程。主持或參與承擔國家、省部級、企事業單位委託科研項目30餘項。在Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、Chemosphere等國內外環境領域學術期刊發表論文80多篇,其中,在“低C/N污染水深度脫氮除磷以及新污染物控制技術”方面,在功能複合材料研發、水處理工藝改進研究、淨化微觀機理解析等方面發表SCI論文30餘篇,部分研究成果得到了工程化應用。申請獲得授權國家發明專利/實用新型專利10餘項,獲得北京大學工商銀行獎教金、寶潔獎教金等優秀教師榮譽稱號。擔任中國環境科學學會水處理與回用專業委員會常務委員等,擔任國家、省部級科研研項目的評審專家以及10多個國際、國內學術刊物的審稿人。





2021年8月起,北京大學環境科學與工程學院 研究員/博士生導師
20168-2021年7月,北京大學環境科學與工程學院 副教授/博士生導師
2002年8月-2016年7月,北京大學 環境科學與工程學院 副教授/碩士生導師
1999年7月-2002年7月,北京大學環境科學中心 博士後/講師



1.Jia Lixia, Zhou Qi, Li Yuanwei, Wu Weizhong*, Integrated treatment of suburb diffuse pollution using large-scale multistage constructed wetlands based on novel solid carbon: Nutrients removal and microbial interactions. Journal of Environment Management. 2023, 326, 116709
2.Jia Lixia, Zhou Qi, Li Yuanwei, Wu Weizhong*. Application of manganese oxides in wastewater treatment: Biogeochemical Mn cycling driven by bacteria. Chemosphere, 2023, 336, 139219.
3.Zhou Qi, Jia Lixia, Li yuanwei, Wu Weizhong*. Strengthening in microbiota dynamics and C, N, S transformation induced by novel synthesized pyrite/PHBV composites for advanced nitrogen and phosphate removal: Overlooked sulfate reduction process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 463, 142315.
4.Jia Lixia, Zhou Qi, Li Yuanwei, Wu Weizhong*. Assessing synchronous removal of nutrients and SMX based on novel Mn-C composites: Impact of different proportion of manganese dioxide. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 465, 142884.
5.Jia Lixia, Wu Weilong, Zhou Qi, Li Yuanwei, Wu Weizhong*. New insights on the synergetic removal of nutrients and sulfonamides in solid carbon/manganese ore supported denitrification system: Water quality, microbial community and antibiotic resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 136992.
6.Jia Lixia, Sun Hiameng, Zhou Qi, Dai Richeng*, Wu Weizhong*, Integrated evaluation for advanced removal of nitrate and phosphorus in novel PHBV/ ZVI-based biofilters: Insight into functional genes and key enzymes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 349, 131199.
7.Zhou Qi, Jia Lixia, Wu Weilong, Wu Weizhong*. Introducing PHBV and controlling the pyrite sizes achieved the pyrite-based mixotrophic denitrification under natural aerobic conditions: Low sulfate production and functional microbe interaction. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 366, 132986.
8.Zhou Qi, Jia Lixia, Zhao Liu, Wu Weizhong*. Difference and network analysis of functional genes revealed the hot area of carbon degradation, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur cycling in blending system with pyrite and PHBV for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. ACS EST water, 2022, 2, 1087-1098.
9.Zhou Qi, Sun Haimeng, Jia Lixia, Wu Weizhong*. Simultaneously advanced removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in a biofilter packed with ZVI/PHBV/sawdust composite: Deciphering the succession of dominant bacteria and keystone species. Bioresource Technology. 2022, 347, 126724.
10.Zhou Qi, Sun Haimeng, Jia Lixia, Wu Weizhong, Wang Jianlong*. Simultaneous biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plants by advanced treatment: A review. Chemosphere. 2022, 296, 134054.
11.Yang Zhongchen, Zhou Qi, Sun Haimeng, Jia Lixia, Zhao Liu., Wu Weizhong*. Metagenomic analyses of microbial structure and metabolic pathway in solid-phase denitrification systems for advanced nitrogen removal of wastewater treatment plant effluent: A pilot-scale study. Water Research. 2021,196, 117067.
12.Sun Haimeng, Zhou Qi, Zhao Liu, Wu Weizhong*. Enhanced simultaneous removal of nitrate and phosphate using novel solid carbon source/zero-valent iron composite. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 289, 125757.
13.Zhou Qi, Sun Haimeng, Jia Lixia, Zhao Liu, Wu Weizhong*. Enhanced pollutant removal from rural non-point source wastewater using a two-stage multi-soil-layering system with blended carbon sources: Insights into functional genes, microbial community structure and metabolic function. Chemosphere, 2021, 275, 130007.
14.Jia Lixia, Sun Haimeng, Zhou Qi, Zhao Liu, Wu Weizhong*. Pilot-scale two-stage constructed wetlands based on novel solid carbon for rural wastewater treatment in southern China: Enhanced nitrogen removal and mechanism. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021, 292, 112750.
15.Yang Zhongchen, Sun Haimeng, Wu Weizhong*. Intensified simultaneous nitrification and denitrification performance in integrated packed bed bioreactors using PHBV with different dosing methods. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020, 27, 21560–21569.
16.Yang Zhongchen, Sun Haimeng, Zhou Qi, Zhao Liu, Wu Weizhong*. Nitrogen removal performance in pilot-scale solid-phase denitrification systems using novel biodegradable blends for treatment of waste water treatment plants effluent. Bioresource Technology, 305: 122994, 2020.
17.Sun Haimeng, Yang Zhongchen, Yang Feifei, Wu Weizhong*, Wang Jianlong. Enhanced simultaneous nitrification and denitrification performance in a fixed-bed system packed with PHBV/PLA blends. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2020, 146,104810.
18.Sun Haimeng, Wang Ting, Yang Zhongchen, Yu Cecilia, Wu Weizhong*. Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and pharmaceutical and personal care products from the effluent of waste water treatment plants using aerated solid-phase denitrification system. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 287, 121389.
19.Yang Zhongchen, Yang Luhua, Wei Caijie, Wu Weizhong*, Zhao, Xufei, Lu Ting. Enhanced nitrogen removal using solid carbon source in constructed wetland with limited aeration. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 248, 98-103.
20.Sun Haimeng, Yang Zhongchen, Wei Caijie, Wu Weizhong*. Nitrogen removal performance and functional genes distribution patterns in solid-phase denitrification sub-surface constructed wetland with micro aeration. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 263, 223-231.
21.Wei Caijie, Wu Weizhong*. Performance of single-pass and by-pass multi-step multi-soil-layering systems for low-(C/N)-ratio polluted river water treatment. Chemosphere. 2018, 206, 579-586.


  1. “十二五”國家重大專項湖泊主題滇池項目課題2“流域入湖河流清水修復關鍵技術與工程示範(2012ZX07102-002)”,2012-2016,課題副組長;
  2. “十一五” 國家重大專項湖泊主題滇池項目課題3“城市重污染河流入湖負荷削減及水環境改善技術與工程示範(2009ZX07102-003)”,2009-2012,子課題負責人;
  3. 國家自然基金委員會面上項目,52070001,基於硫鐵基-固相碳源功能新材料深度脫氮除磷的機理與工藝研究,2021-2024,主持人;
  4. 國家自然基金委員會,面上項目,51778007,基於鐵基材料與固相碳源協同強化脫氮的新技術研究,2018-2021,主持人;
  5. 國家自然基金委員會,面上項目,51378021,低有機污染水強化脫氮除磷的多級土壤滲濾系統的特性研究,2014-2017,主持人;
  6. 國家自然基金面上項目,50978001,低有機污染水的緩釋碳源固相反硝 化脫氮研究,2010-2012,主持人;
  7. 國家自然基金面上項目,50878002,強化生物膜控藻研究,2009-2011 ,主持人;
  8. 國家自然基金面上項目(20377001),控制藍藻水華新途徑的探索,2004-2006,主持人;
  9. 環保公益性行業科研專項項目(2010467012-02),典型行業氨氮總量控制削減技術評估研究-集約化養殖行業專題,2010-2012,專題負責人;
  10. 河北省科技計畫項目(17274601D),環白洋淀湖濱帶農村分散式生活污水處理技術及一體化設備研製,2017~2018,課題技術負責人;
  11. 國際合作項目(2009DFA91780-02),“套用功能材料強化污水脫氮除磷的關鍵技術研究與示範”, 2009-2012,專題負責人;
  12. 企業委託項目,生物質碳源套用效果評估及其對微生物群落結構的影響,2023-2024,項目負責人;
  13. 企業委託項目,同步脫氮除磷技術研究,2019-2024,項目負責人;
  14. 雲南省昆明市螳螂川富民大橋斷面水環境達標綜合整治實施方案,2019-2022,項目主持人;




