Advanced Functional Materials顧問編委
新加坡國立大學 Distinguished Visiting Professor
1) 納米功能材料的表面生長與控制;
2) 納米晶體的表面性質;
3) 固體表面的分子非催化活化;
4) 分子自組裝與組裝調控的化學反應;
5) 表面上的電子自旋狀態的設計、控制與利用
X. Zhou, C.G. Wang, Y. J. Zhang, F. Cheng, Y. He, Q. Shen, J. Shang, X. Shao, W. Ji, W. Chen, G. Q. Xu, K. Wu, “Steering Surface Reaction Dynamics with a Self-Assembly Strategy: Ullmann Coupling on Metal Surfaces”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, in press.
X. Zhou, F. Bebensee, M. M. Yang, R. Bebensee, F. Cheng, Y. He, Q. Shen, J. Shang, Z. R. Liu, F. Besenbacher, T. R. Linderoth, K. Wu, “Steering Surface Reaction at Specific Sites with a Self-Assembly Strategy”, ACS Nano, 2017, in press.
Q. W. Chen, J. R. Cramer, J. Liu, X. Jin, P. L. Liao, X. Shao, K. V. Gothelf, K. Wu, “Steering On-Surface Reaction with a Self-Assembly Approach”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56 (2017) 5026.
Z. C. Huang, Y. J. Zhang, Y. He, H. J. Song, C. Yin, K. Wu, “A chemist’s overview of surface electron spins”, Chem. Soc. Rev., 46 (2017) 1955.
M. Chen, J. Shang, Y. F. Wang, K. Wu, J. Kuttner, G. Hilt, W. Hieringer, J. M. Gottfried, “On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of Honeycombene Oligophenylene Macrocycle”, ACS Nano, 11 (2017) 134.
S. Karan, N. Li, Y.J. Zhang, Y. He, I.-P. Hong, H. J. Song, J.-T. Lu, Y. F. Wang, L. M. Peng, K. Wu, G. S. Michelitsch, R. J. Maurer, K. Diller, K. Reuter, A. Weismann, R. Berndt, “Spin Manipulation by Creating Single-Molecule Radical Cations”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 116 (2016) 027201.
J. Shang, Y.F. Wang, M. Chen, J.X. Dai, X. Zhou, J. Kuttner, G. Hilt, X. Shao, J. M. Gottfried, K. Wu, “Assembling Molecular Sierpiński Triangle Fractals”, Nature Chemistry, 7 (2015) 389 (Cover).
X. Zhang, N. Li, G.-C. Gu, H. Wang, D. Nieckarz, P. Szabelski, Y. He, Y. Wang, C. Xie, Z.Y. Shen, J.-T. Lu, H. Tang, L.-M. Peng, S.-M. Hou, K. Wu, Y.F. Wang, “Controlling Molecular Growth between Fractals and Crystals on Surfaces”, ACS Nano, 9 (2015) 11909.
J. Liu, Q. W. Chen, L. H. Xiao, J. Shang, X. Zhou, Y. J. Zhang, Y. F. Wang, X. Shao, J. L. Li, W. Chen, G. Q. Xu, H. Tang, D. H. Zhao, K. Wu, “Lattice-Directed Formation of Covalent and Organometallic Molecular Wires by Terminal Alkynes on Ag Surfaces”, ACS Nano, 9 (2015) 6305.
H. T. Xu, H.J. Zhang, L. Fang, J. Yan, K. Wu, Y. Wang, “Hierarchical Molybdenum Nitride Nanochexes by a Textured Self-Assembly in Gas-Solid Phase for the Enhanced Application in Lithium Ion Batteries”, ACS Nano, 9 (2015) 6817.
J. Yin, J. Yan, M. He, Y.L. Song, X.G. Xu, K. Wu, and J. Pei, “Solution-Processable Flower-Shaped Hierarchical Structures: Self-Assembly, Formation, and State Transition of Biomimetic Superhydrophobic Surfaces”, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2010, in press.
J.F. Yu, Y. Wang, W. Wen, D.H. Yang, B. Huang, J.L. Li, and K. Wu, “Aluminothermal Reaction Approach for Micro/Nanofabrications: Syntheses of In2O3 micro/nanostructures and InN octahedral nanoshells”, Advanced Materials, 22 (2010) 1479.
J.F. Yu, F. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Gao, J.L. Li and K. Wu, “Interfacial Reaction Growth Approach to Preparing Patterned Nanomaterials and Beyond”, Chemical Society Reviews, 39 (2010) 1513.
H.L. Liang, Y. He, Y.C. Ye, X.G. Xu, F. Cheng, W. Sun, X. Shao, Y.F. Wang, J.L. Li and K. Wu, “Two-dimensional Molecular Porous Networks Constructed by Surface Assembling”, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 253 (2009) 2959.
X.G. Xu, J. Yin, H. Li, Y. Zhou, J.L. Li, J. Pei and K. Wu, “Self-assembly of Benzodithiophene Derivatives on Graphite: Effects of Substitution Alkoxy Chain Number and Location”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 8844.
R.C. Bell, K. Wu, M.J. Iedema, G.K. Schenter and J.P. Cowin, “The Oil-Water Interface: Mapping the Solvation Potential”, Journal of American Chemical Society, 131 (2009) 1037.
F. Wang, Y. Wang, J.F. Yu, Y.C. Xie, J.L. Li and K. Wu, “Template-assisted Preparations of Crystalline Mo and Cu Nanonets”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2008) 13121.
S.N. Qu, X.F. Chen, X. Shao, F. Li, H.Y. Zhang, H.T. Wang, P. Zhang, Z.X. Yu, K. Wu, Y. Wang and M. Li, “Self-assembly of highly luminescent bi-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives through electron donor–acceptor interactions in three-dimensional crystals, two-dimensional layers and mesophases”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18 (2008) 3954.
H.F. Wang, R.C. Bell, M.J. Iedema, G.K. Schenter, K. Wu and J.P. Cowin, “Pyroelectricity of Water Ice”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112 (2008) 6379.
J. Luo, T. Lei, X.G. Xu, F.M. Li, Y.G. Ma, K. Wu, and J. Pei, “Three-Dimensional Shape-Persistent Fluorescent Nanocages: Facile Dynamic Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Surface Morphologies”, Chemistry- A European Journal, 14 (2008) 3860.
R. C. Bell, K. Wu, M. J. Iedema and J. P. Cowin, “Hydronium Ion Motion in Nanometer 3-methylpentane Films”,Journal of Chemical Physics, 127 (2007) 024704.
Q. Liao, Y. Wang, J.L. Li, K. Wu, X.-C. Ai, and J.-P. Zhang, “Spatially Confined Light Output of a Crystalline Zinc Oxide Nanonet Laser”, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007) 041103.
Y.C. Ye, W. Sun, Y.F. Wang, X. Shao, X.G. Xu, F. Cheng, J.L. Li and K. Wu, “A Unified Model: Self-Assembly of Trimesic Acid on Gold”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 10138 (Cover Paper).
X. Shao, X.C. Luo, X.Q. Hu and K. Wu, “Chain-Length Effects on Molecular Conformation in and Chirality of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkoxylated Benzo[c]cinnoline Derivatives on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite”,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (2006) 15393.
Y.F. Wang, Y.C. Ye and K. Wu, “Adsorption and Assembly of Copper Phthalocyanine on Cross-linked TiO2(110)-(1×2) and TiO2(210)”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (2006) 17960.
T.G. Xu, C. Zhang, X. Shao, K. Wu, Y.F. Zhu, “Monomolecular-Layer Ba5Ta4O15 Nanosheets: Synthesis and Investigation of Photocatalytic Properties”, Advanced Functional Materials, 16 (2006) 1599.
Y. Wang, Q. Liao, H. Lei, X.P. Zhang, X.C. Ai, J.P. Zhang, K. Wu, “Interfacial Reaction Growth: Morphology, Composition and Structure Controls in Preparation of Crystalline ZnxAlyOz Nanonets”, Advanced Materials, 18 (2006) 943.
X. Shao, X.C. Luo, X.Q. Hu and K. Wu, “Solvent Effect on Self-assembled Structures of 3,8-Bis-hexadecyloxy-benzo[c]cinnoline on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (2006) 1288.
Y.F. Wang, Y.C. Ye and K. Wu, “Simultaneous Observation of the Triangular and Honeycomb Structures on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite at Room Temperature: an STM Study”, Surface Science, 600 (2006) 729.
X.R. Zhang, Y.F. Wang, Y. Ma, Y.C. Ye, Y. Wang and K. Wu, “Solvent-stabilized Oxovanadium Phthalocyanine Nanoparticles and Their Application in Xerographic Photoreceptors”, Langmuir, 22(2006)344.
Y. Wang and K. Wu, “As a Whole: Crystalline Zinc Aluminate Nanotube Array – Nanonet”, Journal of American Chemical Society, 127 (2005) 9686.
C. Mu, Y.X. Yu, R.M. Wang, K. Wu, D.S. Xu and G.L. Guo, “Uniform Metal Nanotube Arrays by Multi-step Template Replication and Electrodeposition”, Advanced Materials, 16 (2004) 1550.
H. Gao, X.B. Wu, J.T. Li, G.T. Wu, J.Y. Lin, K. Wu and D.S. Xu, “Hydrogen Adsorption of Open-Tipped Insufficiently Graphitized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, Applied Physics Letters, 83(2003) 3389.
H. Gao, C. Mu, F. Wang, D.S. Xu, K. Wu, Y.C. Xie, S. Liu, E.G. Wang, J. Xu and D.P. Yu, “Field emission of large-area and graphitized carbon nanotube array on anodic aluminum oxide template”, Journal of Applied Physics, 93 (2003) 5602.