


Ph.D. In Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2009

M.S. In Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2006





  • 中文名:向一莎
  • 國籍中國
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:中山大學管理學院講師


Ph.D. In Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2009
M.S. In Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2006


PI: Chinese Ministry of Education under Grant 11YJC630228
PI: Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong under Grant S2011040002092,
PI: China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 20110490948.


1. Outstanding Graduate Student (2006), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
2. Eric Malstrom Endowed Memorial Scholarship (2006), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
3. Outstanding Undergraduate Student (2003), Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, P. R. China
4. United Technologies Corporation Rong Hong Endowment for Recognizing Excellence in Chinese Science & Technologies Education (2001), Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China


[1] Xiang Y., Coit D.W. and Feng Q. n-Subpopulations Experiencing Stochastic Degradation: Reliability Modeling, Burn-in and Preventive Replacement Optimization. IIE transactions. (Accepted)
[2] Xiang Y., Cassady C. R., and Pohl E.A. 2011. Optimal maintenance policies for systems subject to a Markovian operating environment. Computers and Industrial Engineering. v62,n1, pp190-197
[3] Xiang Y., Coit D.W. and Feng Q. Optimal burn-in for n-subpopulations with stochastic degradation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance & Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE), Xi'an, China, June 2011.
[4] Xiang Y., and Cassady C. R. Lot Sizing and Maintenance Planning for a Deteriorating Machine with Random Yields. Proceedings of IIE Annual Conference and Exposition 2011
[5] Nalajala N., Jin T., and Xiang Y. Joint Optimization for Reliability and Performance Based Logistics-Application to Wind Turbine Systems. Proceedings of IIE Annual Conference and Exposition 2011
[6] Rossetti M. D.and Xiang Y.2010. Situmalation Backlog and Load Building Processes om a Twp-Echelon Inventory System. Proceedings of the 2010Winter Simulation Conference (invited paper)
[7] Xiang Y., Mallart L. M.and Cassady C. R. 2008. A Production System with Random Yield and Equipment Deterioration: Single Period, Proceedings of IIE Annual Conference and Exposition 2008
[8] Xiang Y.and Cassady C. R. 2007. Comparing Scheduled and Condition-Based Maintenance Policies for Single-Unit Systems Operated in Markovian Environments, Proceedings of IIE Annual Conference and Exposition 2007
[9] Xiang Y.and Cassady C. R. 2007. Time to Failure Behavior under a Stochastic Deterioration Model, Proceedings of the 2007 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium
[10] Rossetti M. D., Miman M., Varghese V.and Xiang Y. 2006. An object-oriented framework for simulating multi-echelon inventory systems, Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference


[1] Xiang Y., and Cassady C. R. 2011. A Joint Optimal Burn-in and Replacement Policy for n-Subpopulations subject to Stochastic Degradation. INFORMS, Charlotte, North Carolina
[2] Xiang Y., and Cassady C. R. 2011. Lot Sizing and Maintenance Planning for a Deteriorating Machine with Random Yields. Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, Neveda
[3] Xiang Y., Coit D.W. and Feng Q. 2011. Optimal burn-in for n-subpopulations with stochastic degradation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance & Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE), Xi'an, China.
[4] Xiang Y., Mallart L. M.and Cassad, C. R. 2008. A Production System with Random Yield and Equipment Deterioration: Single Period, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada
[5] Xiang, Y., Cassady, C. R. 2007. Time to Failure Behavior under a Stochastic Deterioration Model, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, Florida
[6] Cassady C. R., Pohl E. A, Xiang Y., Schneider K., Alasward S., Johnson R., Rew R. 2005. Comprehensive Selective Maintenance Decision-Making in an Autonomous Environment, Center for Engineering Logistics and Distribution Research conference, Louisville, Kentucky
[7] Cassady C. R., Pohl E. A, Xiang Y., Schneider K.and Young T. 2004. Multi-State Selective Maintenance Decisions, Center for Engineering Logistics and Distribution Research conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma




