- 中文名:吐爾德別克
- 民族:哈薩克族
- 出生日期:1966年4月
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:泛函分析:非交換鞅、運算元函式論、非交換調和分析
- 職務:新疆大學數學與系統科學學院博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:新疆大學
5、1984、9—1989、6,新疆大學數學系本科生,獲學士學位(5 年制,第一年學漢語)
1. 2009、10-11,Texas A&M University (USA),合作研究,邀請人:G.Pisier,法國科學院院士、巴黎六大和 Texas A&M 大學教授,Texas A&M University 資助
2. 2005、10—2006、9, Université de Franche-Comté (France),訪問學者,接待者:許全華,法國特級教授,國家留學基金委資助
3. 1999、9—2000、8, Université de Franche-Comté (France),博士後,合作導師:許全華,法國特級教授,法國國家科研中心(CNRS)資助
1、 國家自然科學基金面上項目《非交換鞅的對稱空間及其相關不等式的研究》(No. 11771372)(20018.01-2021.12),50 萬,項目負責人
2、 國家自然科學基金面上項目《雙指標非交換鞅與非交換空間商空間的研究》(No. 11371304)(2014.01-2017.12),56 萬,項目負責人
3、 國家自然科學基金面上項目《非交換鞅論與非交換 Hardy 空間的相關問題研究》(No. 11171338)(2012.1-2015.12),40 萬,主要參加者
4、 自治區自然科學基金項目《HaagerupH p空間》(2013211A001)(2013.1-2015.12),7 萬,主項目負責人
5、 國家自然科學基金面上項目《非交換鞅論與非交換 Hardy 空間的相關問題研究》(No. 11071204)(2011.01-2013.12),26 萬, 項目負責人
6、 國家自然科學基金面上項目《非交換對稱 Hardy 空間》(No.10761009)(2008.01-2010.12),18 萬,項目負責人
7、 自治區高校科研計畫重點項目《非交換Hp空間》(XJEDU2006107)(2007.01-2008.12),5 萬,項目負責人
8、 教育部留學生基金《非交換鞅論》(2002.1-2003.12),3 萬,項目負責人
9、 國家自然科學基金面上項目《鞅論及其在巴納赫空間幾何與調和分析中的套用》(No.10071059)(2001.01-2003.12),主要參加者
1、 Turdebek N. Bekjan (吐爾德別克) and Bolathan K. Sageman, A property ofconditional expectation, Positivity, DOI 10.1007/s11117-018-0581-6
2、 Turdebek N. Bekjan and Makpal Zhaxylykova, Some properties of semifinite tracialsubalgebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2018.1450349
3、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, Duality for symmetric Hardy spaces of noncommutativemartingales, Math. Z., DOI 10.1007/s00209-017-1974-0
4、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, On dominated convergence in noncommutative integration,Houston J. Math. 44 (1)(2018), 187-200.
5、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Szego type factorization of Haagerup noncommutative Hardyspaces, Acta Mathematica Scientia 37(5)(2017), 1221-1229.
6、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Interpolation of noncommutative symmetric martingale spaces,J. Operator Theory 77 (2017), 245-259.
7、 Turdebek N. Bekjan and Myrzagali N. Ospanov, Holder-type inequalities ofmeasurable operators, Positivity 21(2017), 245-259.
8、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, Zeqian Chen and A. Osekowski, Noncommutative maximalinequalities associated with convex functions, Transactions of the AmericanMathematical Society 369 (2017), 409-427.
9、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, Kordan N. Ospanov, On Outer Elements of NoncommutativeOrlicz–Hardy Spaces,Russian Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 60, No. 12, 15–20.
10、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, Kordan N. Ospanov, Factorization properties of subdiagonalalgebras, Functional Analysis and Its applications. 2016, Vol. 50, Issue 2, 146-149.
11、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, A submajorization of Carlen and Lieb convexity, LinearAlgebra and Applications 494 (2016), 23-31.
12、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Kanat Tulenov and Dostilek Dauitbek, The noncommutativeand spaces, Positivity 19(4) (2015), 877-891.
13、 Turdebek N. Bekjan and Guljaz Masen,Submajorization of Araki-Lieb-Thirringinequality, Kyushu J. Math. 69(2015), 387-392.
14、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, Kordan N. Ospanov, Asilbek Zulkhazhav, Choi-Davis-JensenInequalities in Semifinite von Neumann Algebras, Journal of Function Spaces, Volume2015 (2015), Article ID 208923, 5 pages.
15、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Ainur Kairat, Characterization of subdiagonal algebras onnoncommutative Lorentz spaces, Eurasian Math. J.3(2015), 6-12.
16、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Dostilek Dauitbek, Submajorization inequalities of -measurable operators for concave and convex functions, Positivity 19(2) (2015), 341-345.
17、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Noncommutative Symmetric Hardy Spaces, Integral Equationsand Operator Theory 81(2) (2015), 191-212.
18、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Noncommutative Hardy space associated with semi-finitesubdiagonal algebras, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application 429 (2015)1347–1369.
19、 Cheng Yan, Turdebek N. Bekjan, Toeplitz operators associated with semifinite vonneumann algebra, Acta Math. Sinica 34B(2015), 182-188.
20、Adurexit Abdugheni, Bekjan Turdebek N., Noncommutative Orlicz modular spacesassociated with growth functions, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 9(2015), no.4, 115-125.
21、 Adurexit Abdugheni, Turdebek N. Bekjan., Noncommutative Orlicz-Hardy spacesassociated with growth functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl 420(2014) 824-834.
22、 Adurexit Abdugheni, Turdebek N. Bekjan, Noncommutative Orlicz-Hardy spaces,Acta Math. Sinica 34B(2014), 1584-1592.
23、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Madi Raikhan, An Hadamard-type inequality, Linear Alg.Appl. 443 (2014), 228-234.
24、 Turgun Sajida, Turdebek N. Bekjan, Individual Ergodic Theorems forNoncommutative Orlicz Space, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 31 (2014), no. 3, 286-291.
25、 Ahmetjan Ahmetniaz , Turdebek N. Bekjan, Group von Neumann algebra, J.Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 31 (2014), no. 1, 33-39.
26、 Shao Jing-jing, Turdebek N. Bekjan, Generalized Hardy-Littlewood MaximalFunction on Noncommutative Lorentz Spaces, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 30 (2013), no.4, 379-383.
27、 Yao Tingting and Turdebek N. Bekjan, The non-commutative Hardy space inspectrum's sense, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 30 (2013), no. 1, 41-46.
28、Turdebek N. Bekjan and Zeqian Chen, Interpolation and Φ -moment inequalities ofnoncommutative martingales, Probability Theory and Related Fields 152 (2012), 179-206.
29、 Turdebek N. Bekjan., Characterization of subdiagonal algebras, Proc. Amer.Math. Soci. 139 (2011), 1121-1126.
30、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Zeqian Chen, Peide Liu, and Yong Jiao, Noncommutativeweak Orlicz spaces and martingale inequalities, Studia Math. 204 (2011), 195-212.
31、 Yazhou Han and Turdebek N. Bekjan, The dual of noncommutative Lorentzspaces, Acta Math. Sinica 31 B(2011), 2067-2080.
32、 Zou Fu-ming and Turdebek N. Bekjan, Weak Orlicz Space and Analytic UMDProperty of Complex Banach Space (Chinese), J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 28 (2011), No.2, 177-183.
33、 Xia Ping and Turdebek N. Bekjan, Uniformly convexity of complex spaces andweak Orlicz space norm inequalities of martingales (Chinese),J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 28 (2011), No. 2, 194-200.
34、 Chen liang and Turdebek N. Bekjan, Analytic q-Uniform Convexity of ComplexQuasi-Banach Space and Atomic Decomposition of Hardy Martingales (Chinese),J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 28 (2011), no. 1, 36-41.
35、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Chen Zeqian , Perrin Mathilde and Yin Zhi, Atomicdecomposition and interpolation for Hardy spaces ofnoncommutative martingales, J. Func. Anal. 258(2010), 2483-2505.
36、 Zhao Xinke and Bekjan Turdebek N, Analytic q-Uniform Convexity of ComplexQuasi-Banach Space and Atomic Decomposition of Hardy Martingales (Chinese), J.Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 27 (2010), no. 4, 413-422.
37、Turdebek N. Bekjan and Xu Quanhua, Riesz and Szego factorizations fornoncommutative Hardy spaces, J. Operator Theory 62:1(2009), 101-117.
38、 Heng Ming-fei and Turdebek N. Bekjan, Some inequalities about cartesiandecompositions in NoncommutativeLp-spaces, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 26 (2009), no.4, 419-424.
39、 Han Ya-zhou and Turdebek N. Bekjan, Some inequalities for sums and direct sumsofL (M, )pspaces operators, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 26 (2009), no. 4, 408-418.
40、Jiao Yong-yao and Turdebek N. Bekjan, -inequalities of Hardy-Littlewoodmaximal function of -measurable operators, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 26 (2009), no. 3,311-316.
41、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Noncommutative maximal ergodic theorems for positivecontractions, J. Func. Anal. 254(2008), 2401-2418.42、Sageman Bolathan K. and Turdebek N. Bekjan, On some inequalities for norms ofcommutators, Acta Anal. Funct. Appl. 9 (2007), no. 1, 21-28.
43、 Turdebek N. Bekjan, -inequalities of noncommutative martingales, RockyMountain J. Math. 36(2006),401-412.
44、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Hardy-Littlewood maximal function of -measurableoperators, J. Math. Anal. Appl.322(2006)87-96.
45、 Turdebek N. Bekjan., OnpL -matricially normed spaces, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B( Engl. Ed. ) 25 (2005), no. 4, 681-686.
46、Turdebek N. Bekjan, A new characterization of Hardy martingalecotype space, Canad. Math. Bull. 47 (2004), no. 4, 481-491.
47、 Turdebek N. Bekjan., On joint convexity of trace functions,Linear Algebra Appl. 390 (2004), 321-327.
48、Turdebek N. Bekjan, On convergence in the measure topology, ActaAnal. Funct. Appl. 6 (2004), no. 1, 5-9.
49、Turdebek N. Bekjan and Sageman Bolathan K., On convergence in themeasure topology of $\tau$-measurable operators, J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci.21 (2004), no. 4, 343-346.
50、 Turdebek N. Bekjan and Liu Peide, Some characterizations ofcomplex Banach space having AUMD property, Acta Anal. Funct. Appl. 3 (2001),no. 3, 202-207.
51、Turdebek N. Bekjan., A characterization of type and cotype of complex Banachspaces by analytic martingales (Chinese), Acta Anal. Funct. Appl. 1 (1999), no. 2, 116-121.
52、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Hardy martingale space (Chinese), J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci.16 (1999), no. 4, 1-5.
53、Turdebek N. Bekjan and Nurbahet Xamaly, A characterization ofpland0c(Chinese), J. Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 16 (1999), no. 2, 6-8.
54、Turdebek N. Bekjan and Ge Cheng,pl -saturated of some spaces (Chinese), J.Xinjiang Univ. Nat. Sci. 16 (1999), add issue, 5-6.
55、Turdebek N. Bekjan, A note on analytic convexity (Chinese), J.
Math. (Wuhan) 19 (1999), no. 1, 34--38.
56、 Turdebek N. Bekjan and Dalelhan Haliman, On1l -saturated spacespaces (Kazakh), Journal of Xinjiang Institutions of Higher Learning, no.3(1998),102-105.
57、Turdebek N. Bekjan, PL -convexity of complex spaces andinequalities for analytic martingales (Chinese) , Acta Math. Sci.17(1997), no. 1, 64-73.
58、Liu Peide and Turdebek N. Bekjan, -inequalities and laws of large numbers ofHardy martingale transforms, Acta Math. Sci. (English Ed.) 17 (1997), no. 3, 269-275.
59、 Liu Peide and Turdebek N. Bekjan, Convexity in complex spaces andinequalities for Hardy martingales (Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 40 (1997), no.1, 133-143.
60、Turdebek N. Bekjan and and Sageman Bolathan K., On almostisometric operators on unit spheres (Kazakh), Journal of Xinjiang Institutionsof Higher Learning, no.3 (1997), 111-120.
61、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Growth rate ofq -mean square functions of Hardy martingalesand convexity of quasi-Banach spaces (Kazakh), Journal of Xinjiang Institutions ofHigher Learning, no.2 (1996), 84-94.
62、Turdebek N. Bekjan, Dauitbek Dostilek, Submajorization inequalities of $\tau$-measurable operators, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1611 InternationalConference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014), 145-149.
63、 Liu Peide and Turdebek N. Bekjan,Tylli, Hans-Olav, The biplurisubharmonic andbiplurisuperharmonic characterizations of AUMD-spaces. Proc. Intern. Conf. onFunctional Space Theory and its Applications, Wuhan September 22-26, 2003 (P.D. Liu,ed.). Research Information Ltd UK (2004), pp. 140-150.
64、 Turdebek N. Bekjan and Bolathan K. Sageman, Boundedness of some operators onHardy martingale space (Chinese), Proc. of the Third Xinjiang Youth Academic AnnualConference. Xinjiang Peoples Publishing House (1998), pp.1337-1338.
65、Turdebek N. Bekjan., Self-saturated spaces, Advances in Applied FunctionalAnalysis Vol 3 (M.Z. Yang, ed.). SCI-TECH Information Services (1997), pp. 179-180.
66、 Turdebek N. Bekjan,Quotient spaces and conjugate spaces of0c -saturated space,Proc. Intern. Conf. on Banach space theory and its applications, Wuhan April 5-12,1994 (J.F. Zhao, ed.). Wuhan University Press (1996), pp.38-41.