- 中文名:吉林馬鞍菌
- 外文名:Aspergillus Zhaoqingensis Qi et Sun sp. nov.
編號 | NFG-91-1 |
拉丁菌名 | Aspergillus Zhaoqingensis Qi et Sun sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 吉林馬鞍菌 |
定名人 | 曹晉忠 范黎 劉波 |
Nomencla | QI Zutong and Sun Zengmei |
發表文章 | 馬鞍菌屬新種和新記錄 II. |
Article | A New Aflatoxin Producing Species of Sect. Flavi of Aspergillus |
作者 | 曹晉忠 / 范黎 劉波 |
Author | Sun Zengmei and QI Zutong |
作者單位 | 山西 省農業科學院食用菌研究所, 太原 030006 / 山西大學生 物系, 太原 030006 |
摘要 | 本文報導了近年來在中國發現的馬鞍菌屬 Helvella 的 3 個新種, 即蛟河馬鞍菌H.jiaohensis, 吉 林馬鞍菌 H.jilinensis 和新疆馬鞍菌 H.xinjiangensis, 3個新記錄種即肋蓋馬鞍菌 H. costifera, 長孢馬鞍菌 H.oblongispora 和灰黑馬鞍菌 H.rivularis. 此外由於亞梭孢馬鞍菌 H.subfusispora 的模式標本於1984年在火中被毀, 因此作者在另一份標本 (HMAS 30483)的基礎上為其標定了新模式(Neotype). |
Abstract | A new aflatoxin producing species, Aspergollus zhaoqingensis, is described.Colonies on Czapeks solution agar growing rapidly at 25℃, attaining a diam. of 65mm in 12-14 days, deeply velvety to floccose, white, conidial structures developing later, sparse orunevenly distributed, at first Light Cress Green to Cress Green (R. xxx), shifting with age to Olive Ochre or Light Brownish Olive (R. xxx), occasionally developing white mycelial masses,becoming sclerotia in age, brownish black, exudate lacking or accompanied by sclerotia, uncoloured, reverse pale brown. Conidial heads globose to radiate.300-600(-1000) micrometer,sometimes spliting into loose columns, conidiophores arising from substrate or aerial hyphae, variable in length, commonly 1000-3000(-5000) X 10-22 micrometer, much shorter when borne fromaerial hyphae, smooth or slightly ronghened, vesicles thick walled, fertile over three fourth of the surface, subglobose or flask shaped, (16-)30-60(-80) micrometer, predominatly biseriate,metulae (8-)16-24 X (-3)4.8-9.6 micrometer, phialides (5-)8-14.4 X 3-4 micrometer, rarely uniseriate on small vesicles, conidia globose to subglobose, (3-)4-5.6 micrometer, or ovate to pyriform(6-)6.4-7.2(-9) X 4-5.6 micrometer, coarsely roughened or irregularly ridged, occasional production of sclerotia, globose 500-750(-1000) micrometer or vertically elongate, 750-1300 X 500-1000 micrometer blackish brown.This species, accarding to all its features, belongs to Sect. Flavi (= Aspergillus flavus group Raper & Fennell, 1965). It is closely related to Aspergillus oryzae (Ahlb.) Cohn,but differs markedly from the latter in conidial ornamentation, a key character used for separating related species. Moreover, it possesses strong aflatoxin producing ability on GAN (GlucoseAmmonium Nitrate) and rice media (26,666.7 and 120,000 ppb respectively). This species is also different from other species of Sect. Flatvi described so far, hence the establishment of a separate species.This fungus was isolated from soil collecteed in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, China. The type specimen HMAS 58980 and living culture AS 3.4626 have been deposited in the Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica Beijing. |
關鍵字 | 馬鞍菌屬, 蛟河馬鞍菌, 吉林馬鞍菌, 新疆馬 鞍菌, 肋蓋馬鞍菌, 長孢馬鞍菌, 灰黑馬鞍菌, 亞梭孢馬 鞍菌 |
期刊 | 真菌學報 9(3):184-190, 1990 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 10(1):pp.22-26, 1991 |
分享省市 | 吉林省九台市 |
Place | Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China |
採集地 | 左家鄉針闊混交林中地上 |
Environment | The specimen collected the soil under eucalytus tree at Qixingyan of Dinghu Mountain (Dinghushan) Natural Protection Area |
生態環境 | 溫帶大陸性半濕潤針闊混交林區 |
寄主 | 含腐木的土壤 |
Habitat | subtropical monsoon broad-leaf forest area |
Host | the soil under eucalytus tree |
採集人 | 何顯 |
Isolation Person | Chen Qingtao |
保存單位 | 東北師範大學生物系植物標本室, 長春 130012 |
Preservation Unit | Herbarium of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
Speciman No. | HMAS 58980 |