- 中文名:史姣
- 出生地:山西臨汾
- 出生日期:1976年11月
- 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:工學
- 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
蘭州大學理學學士,西北農林科技大學工學博士,美國University of Missouri 訪問學者。
- “多級納米傳動系統理論模型構建與模擬”,工業裝備結構分析國家重點實驗室課題(GZ18111),2018.11–2020.11,8萬元,主持;
- “陝西省水土保持監測站點建設及運行維護”,陝西省水土保持煉婚迎生態環境監測中心,2017.12–2019.12,23.4萬元,主持;
- “非共軸納米傳動系統理論模型與分子動力學模擬” 中央高校基本科研業務費(2452017119),2017.1–2019.12,10萬元,主持;
- “NVT系綜下納米傳動系統動力學性能數值模擬” 西北農林科技大學博台姜戒囑士科研啟動費(2452016176),2016.9–2018.12,5萬元,主持;
- “西寶高速公路水保工程檢測與技術評估”企業資金,2010.1-2014.12,15萬,主持;
- “考慮拉壓性能差異的結構拓撲最佳化理論及算法研究”,國家自然科學基金委員會(50908190),2010.01–2012.12,20萬元,第二參與人;
- “多元組合樁式複合地基最佳化機理與布樁拓撲最佳化方法”,國家自然科學基金委員會(51279171),2013.1–2016.12,81萬元,殃背元第三參與人;
- “多相雙模量材料布局最佳化理論研煮境究”,工業裝備結構分析國家重點實說紋挨驗室(GZ1205),2012.10–2014.10,8萬元,第一參與人;
- “膠接型輕質夾層材料最佳化設計研究”,陝西省科技廳(2011kjxx02),2011.1–2013.12, 10萬元,第一參與人。
- “結構力學課程中整體觀及定性分析研究(AWEDF107)” 國家級農業水工程實驗教學示範中心建設項目,2012.1--2012.12, 0.4萬元,主持;
- “提高結構力學教學效果的方法與實踐”西北農林科技大宙府厚棄學 2013年教學改革研究項目2013.6-2015.6,0.6萬元,主持。
- 史姣,蔡坤,曹靖,張愛軍. 基於拓撲最佳化理論的分子域複合地基布樁設計方法. 發明專利,中華人民共和國國家知識產權局; 專利號:201310486587.7
- 史姣,曹靖,王正中,李濤,蔡坤.考慮材料拉壓性能差異拔婚店的連續體結構拓撲最佳化設計軟體 V1.0.證書號:軟著登字第0903816號,登記號:2015SR016733,獲批時間:2015年1月28日
- 史姣,王正中,李濤,曹靖,蔡坤.基於拓撲最佳化的高面板堆石壩壩料分區設計軟體 V1.0.證書號:軟著登字第0903814號,登記號:2015SR016732,獲批時間:2015年1月28日
[已發表的主要期刊學術論文](J. Shi 史姣 *通訊作者)
- Shi J, Cai K, Xie YM. Thermal and tensile properties of diamondene at finite temperature: A molecular dynamics study. Materials & Design, 2018, 156: 125–134. (IF=4.525) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Cai K, Liu LN, Qin QH. Self-assemble of a parallelogram black phosphorus ribbon into a nanotube. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:12951.(IF=4.259) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Cai K, Qin QH. A nanoengine governor based on the end interfacial effect. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27: 495704. (IF=3.573) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Liu LN, Cai K, Qin QH. Conditions for escape of a rotor in a rotary nanobearing from short triple-wall nanotubes. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 6772. (IF=4.259) (JCR Q1)
- Cao J, Cai K, Q. Wang, Shi J*. Damage behavior of a bonded sandwich beam with corrugated core under 3-point bending. Materials & Design, 2016, 95: 165–172. (IF=3.992) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Cai HF, Cai K, Qin QH. Dynamic behavior of a black phosphorus and carbon nanotube composite system. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50:025304. (IF=2.772) (2017年度期刊亮點文章) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Z. Gao. Ill-loaded layout optimization of bi-modulus material. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2015, 95:51–61. (IF=2.017) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Li Y, Wang AQ, Cai K. Rotational behavior of a nanoring protected by argon. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 154:132–137. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Qiu W, Shi J*, Cao Z, Zhang J, Wei N. A two-class rotation transmission nanobearing driven by gigahertz rotary nanomotor. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 154:97–105. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Wang ZZ, Chen Z. Concurrence of oscillatory and rotation of the rotors in a thermal nanotube motor. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 120:94–98. (IF=2.131) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Yin H, Yu JZ, Liu LN, Cai K. Configuration transition between graphene and nanoscroll using kinetic energy injecting method. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 125:146–153. (IF=2.08) (JCR Q2)
- Li Y, Wang AQ, Shi J*. Gap effect on stable rotation of a carbon nanotube nearby diamond needles. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 156:260–267. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Duan HY, Shi J*, Cai K, Qin QH. Thermal vibration-induced rotation of a carbon nanotube-based nano-wheel: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2018, 19:3513–15pages (IF=3.687) (JCR Q2)
- Cao J, Wang Y, Shi J*, Chai J, Cai K. Initially relative position influencing self-assembly of a black phosphorus ribbon on a CNT. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2019, 待刊 (IF=3.687) (JCR Q2)
- Jin H, Duan HY,Shi J*. Reversing rotation of a nanomotor by introducing a braking BNC nanotube. Computational Materials Science, 2019, 待刊. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Gao ZL, H.F. Cai, Shi J*, L. Liu, Z. Chen, Y. Wang. Effect of hydrogenation and curvature of rotor on the rotation transmission of a curved nanobearing. Computational Materials Science, 2017, 127:295–300. (IF=2.08) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Cao J, Cai K, Wang ZZ, Qin QH. Layout optimization for multi-bi-modulus materials system under multiple load cases. Engineering with Computers, 2016, 32:745–753. (IF=1.460) (JCR Q3)
- Shi J, Cai K, Qin QH. Optimal mass distribution prediction for human proximal femur with bi-modulus property. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 2014, 11(4):235–248. (JCR Q4)
- 張朝暉,李寶輝,史姣*. 二維周期性單胞格線結構的等效熱彈性分析. 套用數學與力學,2018, 39:714–727. (EI)
- J. Shi, K. Cai, Q.H. Qin. Optimal mass distribution prediction for human proximal femur with bi-modulus property. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 2014, 11(4):235-248. (SCI、EI)
- K. Cai, H. Yin, X.N. Zhang, J. Shi*. A nano converter from carbon nanotubes with multiple output signals. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 111:263–268. (IF=2.08)
- 史姣,蔡坤,王正中. 擬膜分析法及套用. 套用基礎與工程科學學報. 2008,16(5):749-756, (EI)
- 史姣,王正中,蔡坤. 張量分析中簡化記法在公式推導中的套用及張量分量的計算. 工程力學,2006,23(10):45-48. (EI:064910292390)
- 史姣,高紅,蔡坤,劉巍. 具有多約束連續體結構仿生拓撲最佳化方法. 工程力學,2008,25(12):53-59. (EI:090311862411)
- J. Shi, Z.Z. Wang, AJ Zhang. Layout optimization approach for materials zoning of a concrete face rockfill dam. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 2013, 5(5)245-254.
- 陝西省高等學校科學技術獎勵一等獎:“築壩混凝土細觀力學機理、多材料拓撲最佳化與多場耦合”,完成人(3/6):覃源、曹靖、史姣、柴軍瑞、蔡坤、溫立峰(2018基礎研究、套用基礎研究類);
- 陝西省農業工程類力學結構系列課程教學團隊,骨幹教師, 2013年;
[已發表的主要期刊學術論文](J. Shi 史姣 *通訊作者)
- Shi J, Cai K, Xie YM. Thermal and tensile properties of diamondene at finite temperature: A molecular dynamics study. Materials & Design, 2018, 156: 125–134. (IF=4.525) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Cai K, Liu LN, Qin QH. Self-assemble of a parallelogram black phosphorus ribbon into a nanotube. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:12951.(IF=4.259) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Cai K, Qin QH. A nanoengine governor based on the end interfacial effect. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27: 495704. (IF=3.573) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Liu LN, Cai K, Qin QH. Conditions for escape of a rotor in a rotary nanobearing from short triple-wall nanotubes. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 6772. (IF=4.259) (JCR Q1)
- Cao J, Cai K, Q. Wang, Shi J*. Damage behavior of a bonded sandwich beam with corrugated core under 3-point bending. Materials & Design, 2016, 95: 165–172. (IF=3.992) (JCR Q1)
- Shi J, Cai HF, Cai K, Qin QH. Dynamic behavior of a black phosphorus and carbon nanotube composite system. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50:025304. (IF=2.772) (2017年度期刊亮點文章) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Z. Gao. Ill-loaded layout optimization of bi-modulus material. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2015, 95:51–61. (IF=2.017) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Li Y, Wang AQ, Cai K. Rotational behavior of a nanoring protected by argon. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 154:132–137. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Qiu W, Shi J*, Cao Z, Zhang J, Wei N. A two-class rotation transmission nanobearing driven by gigahertz rotary nanomotor. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 154:97–105. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Wang ZZ, Chen Z. Concurrence of oscillatory and rotation of the rotors in a thermal nanotube motor. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 120:94–98. (IF=2.131) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Yin H, Yu JZ, Liu LN, Cai K. Configuration transition between graphene and nanoscroll using kinetic energy injecting method. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 125:146–153. (IF=2.08) (JCR Q2)
- Li Y, Wang AQ, Shi J*. Gap effect on stable rotation of a carbon nanotube nearby diamond needles. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 156:260–267. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Duan HY, Shi J*, Cai K, Qin QH. Thermal vibration-induced rotation of a carbon nanotube-based nano-wheel: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2018, 19:3513–15pages (IF=3.687) (JCR Q2)
- Cao J, Wang Y, Shi J*, Chai J, Cai K. Initially relative position influencing self-assembly of a black phosphorus ribbon on a CNT. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2019, 待刊 (IF=3.687) (JCR Q2)
- Jin H, Duan HY,Shi J*. Reversing rotation of a nanomotor by introducing a braking BNC nanotube. Computational Materials Science, 2019, 待刊. (IF=2.530) (JCR Q2)
- Gao ZL, H.F. Cai, Shi J*, L. Liu, Z. Chen, Y. Wang. Effect of hydrogenation and curvature of rotor on the rotation transmission of a curved nanobearing. Computational Materials Science, 2017, 127:295–300. (IF=2.08) (JCR Q2)
- Shi J, Cao J, Cai K, Wang ZZ, Qin QH. Layout optimization for multi-bi-modulus materials system under multiple load cases. Engineering with Computers, 2016, 32:745–753. (IF=1.460) (JCR Q3)
- Shi J, Cai K, Qin QH. Optimal mass distribution prediction for human proximal femur with bi-modulus property. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 2014, 11(4):235–248. (JCR Q4)
- 張朝暉,李寶輝,史姣*. 二維周期性單胞格線結構的等效熱彈性分析. 套用數學與力學,2018, 39:714–727. (EI)
- J. Shi, K. Cai, Q.H. Qin. Optimal mass distribution prediction for human proximal femur with bi-modulus property. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 2014, 11(4):235-248. (SCI、EI)
- K. Cai, H. Yin, X.N. Zhang, J. Shi*. A nano converter from carbon nanotubes with multiple output signals. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 111:263–268. (IF=2.08)
- 史姣,蔡坤,王正中. 擬膜分析法及套用. 套用基礎與工程科學學報. 2008,16(5):749-756, (EI)
- 史姣,王正中,蔡坤. 張量分析中簡化記法在公式推導中的套用及張量分量的計算. 工程力學,2006,23(10):45-48. (EI:064910292390)
- 史姣,高紅,蔡坤,劉巍. 具有多約束連續體結構仿生拓撲最佳化方法. 工程力學,2008,25(12):53-59. (EI:090311862411)
- J. Shi, Z.Z. Wang, AJ Zhang. Layout optimization approach for materials zoning of a concrete face rockfill dam. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 2013, 5(5)245-254.
- 陝西省高等學校科學技術獎勵一等獎:“築壩混凝土細觀力學機理、多材料拓撲最佳化與多場耦合”,完成人(3/6):覃源、曹靖、史姣、柴軍瑞、蔡坤、溫立峰(2018基礎研究、套用基礎研究類);
- 陝西省農業工程類力學結構系列課程教學團隊,骨幹教師, 2013年;