Auld Lang Syne(中文譯名:《友誼地久天長》)原是蘇格蘭民間歌曲。是十八世紀時(1700年~1799年),蘇格蘭詩人羅伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)(1759-1796)根據當地一位老人的吟唱記錄下了歌詞。
Auld Lang Syne①
ChorusFor auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll tak a cup o'kindness yet②,For auld lang syne!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind③?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp④,
And surely I'll be mine,
And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!
We twa⑤ hae⑥ run about the braes⑦,And pou'd⑧ the gowans⑨ fine,But we've wander'd monie a weary fit⑩,
Sin'⑾ auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl'd in the burn⑿
Frae mornin' sun till dine⒀,
But seas between us braid⒁ hae roar'd
Sin' auld lang syne.
And there's a hand, my trusty fiere⒂,
And gie's a hand o' thine⒃,
And we'll take a right guid-willie⒄ waught⒅,For auld lang syne.
①auld lang syne:old long since(ago). ②We'll tak a cup o'kindness yet:We'll drink another cup of friendship.③brought to mind:remembered. ④And surely ye'be your pint-stowp:And surely you'll drink your fill (a pint=half a quart; stowp=a drinking vessel). ⑤twa:two. ⑥hae:have. ⑦braes:hills. ⑧pou'd:pulled. ⑨gowans:yellow or white field flowers. ⑩we've wander'd monie a weary fit:We have wandered many a weary foot. ⑾Sin':since. ⑿paidl'd in the burn:paddled in the brook. ⒀Frae mornin' sun till dine:from morning sun till dinner time. ⒁braid:broad. ⒂fiere:comrade. ⒃gie's a hand o'thine:give us a hand of yours. ⒄guid-willie:good will. ⒅waught:a deep draught.
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?友誼地久天長
For auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne, we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne. And surely you'll buy your pint cup! and surely I‘ll buy mine! And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne.
We two have run about the slopes, and picked the dasies fine. But we've wandered man ya weary foot. Since auld lang syne.
We two have paddled in the stream, From morning sun till dine; But seas between us broad have roared, Since auld lang syne.
And there's a hand my trusty friend! And give us a hand o' thine! And we'll take aright good-will draught, for auld lang syne. 譯文(一)
《魂斷藍橋》描寫了英國青年軍官洛伊上尉和芭蕾舞演員瑪拉的愛情故事,故事發生在第一次世界大戰期間。一天,英國軍官洛伊為躲避空襲,在防空洞中認識了瑪拉。兩人一見鍾情。夜漸深,酒店樂隊領班向客人們宣布演奏最後一支曲子並祝人們回家時一路平安。在徐緩、優美的“Auld Lang Syne”樂曲中,大廳里的蠟燭一支支熄滅。這支曲子在影片中反覆出現,始終把洛伊與瑪拉的愛情連在一起。當天晚上,洛伊奉命出征。瑪拉因私自離開劇團與洛伊會面而被解僱。後因貧困交加,被迫淪為妓女。一天,她正在滑鐵盧橋上拉生意,不料突然看見洛伊,原來洛伊並沒有陣亡。洛伊帶瑪拉回家,準備結婚。婚禮前夕,瑪拉悄然離去,來到滑鐵盧大橋上,帶著美好的回憶和遺憾,投身車輪下自盡。這個善良的、不願給洛伊家族帶來恥辱、渴望幸福又不願把不幸強加給自己心上人的姑娘,就這樣結束了自己的生命。