




  • 中文名:原雪峰
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:山東省萊州市
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 職稱:教授




原雪峰,山東省萊州市人,中共黨員,山東農業大學植保學院教授,博士生導師;植物保護學院植物病理學系系主任,植物病理學系黨支部副書記。2000.9-2005.7中國農業大學生物學院攻讀碩博連讀研究生理學博士,2005.7-2007.3中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院博士後流動站博士後,2007.3-2012.3美國University of Maryland細胞生物學與分子遺傳學系訪問學者。2012年山東農業大學特聘教授。


在教學方面承擔《植物保護學B》、《植病研究技術》、《植保專業英語》、《植檢專業英語》、《植物檢疫學》等本科生課程和《高級植物病理學》、《分子植物病理學》、《植物病毒學》等研究生課程。主持國家自然科學基金、山東省自然科學基金等項目,參與美國NSF和NIH資助項目。長期從事植物RNA病毒的分子進化與基因表達調控機理研究,在《RNA》、《Journal of Virology 》、《Virology》、《Journal of General Virology 》等雜誌上發表SCI論文20餘篇;獲專利一項。中國植物病理學會青年委員會委員,山東植物病理學會秘書長,美國病毒學會(ASV)會員。國家自然基金委、國家留學基金委、中國博士後科學基金評審專家、泰安市高端人才智庫專家。


Zhang Z, Wang D, Yu C, Wang Z, Dong J, Shi K*, Yuan X*. 2016. Identification of three new isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus from different hosts in China: molecular diversity, phylogenetic and recombination analyses. Virology Journal (*並列通訊作者)
王國魯,王德亞,於成明,原雪峰*. 2016. 菸草叢頂病毒ORF1蛋白的多克隆抗體製備及套用. 植物病理學報.46 (1):63-71.
Wang D, Yu C, Wang G, Shi K, Li F, Yuan X*. 2015. Phylogenetic and recombination analysis of Tobacco bushy top virus in China. Virology Journal 12:111 doi:10.1186/s12985-015-0340-2
Yuan X, Shi K, Simon AE. 2012. A local, interactive network of 3’ RNA elements supports translation and replication of Turnip Crinkle Virus.Journal ofVirology 86 (8): 4065-4081.
Stupina VA†, Yuan X†, Meskauskas A, Dinman JD, Simon AE.2011. Ribosome binding to a 5’ translational enhancer is altered in the presence of the 3’UTR in cap-independent translation of Turnip Crinkle Virus. Journal of Virology 85(10): 4638-4653.(† 並列第一作者)
Yuan X†, Shi K†, Young MY, Simon AE. 2010. The terminal loop of a 3′ proximal hairpin plays a critical role in replication and the structure of the 3′ region of Turnip Crinkle Virus. Virology 402(2): 271-280. († 並列第一作者)
Yuan X, Shi K, Meskauskas A, Simon AE. 2009. The 3′ end of Turnip Crinkle Virus contains a highly interactive structure including a translational enhancer that is disrupted by binding to the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. RNA 15(10): 1849-1864.
Yuan X†,Cao Y†, Xi D, Han C, Li D, Yu J. 2006. Analysis of the subgenomic RNAs and the small open reading frames of Beet Black Scorch Virus. Journal of General Virology 87(10): 3077-3086. (†並列第一作者)


Yuan xuefeng. Cap-independent translation of p35 in Tobacco bushy top virus. 中國植病學會2015年青年學術研討會(2015.10.22-24, 山東泰安)
Yuan xuefeng. Translation mechanism of replicase components encoded by Tobacco bushy top virus. 2015年泰山學術論壇“現代植物病理學與糧食生產專題” (2015年8.28-8.31,山東青島)
Yuan xuefeng. Translation mechanism of replicase components encoded by Tobacco bushy top virus.中國植物病理學會2015年學術年會(2015年7.22-7.25,海南海口)
Yuan xuefeng. The translational frameshift mechanism of ORF2 in Tobacco bushy top virus and its natural variants. 中國植物病理學會2014年學術年會
Wang D, Wang G, Yuan X. Two types of elements involved in the cap-independent translation of Tobacco bushy top virus. The 3rd international conference on biotic plant interactions (Yangling, China) 2013: 38.
Yuan X, Simon AE. A loosely structured region and adjacent hairpin located upstream of an internal tRNA-shaped structure in Turnip crinkle virus are critical components of translation and replication. American Society for Virology (30th Annual Meeting) 2011: 189.
Yuan X, Shi K, Young MY, Simon AE. Complex structural interactions in the 3′ UTR of Turnip crinkle virus control translation and transcription.American Society for Virology (29th Annual Meeting) 2010:117.
Yuan X, Shi K, Young MY, Simon AE. A hairpin in the 3′ UTR of TCV has a central role in transaltion and replication. American Society for Virology (28th Annual Meeting) 2009:130.
Yuan X, Shi K, Young MY, Simon AE. The cis-element involved in the conformational shift of 3′ UTR in TCV between translation and replication process. American Society for Virology (27th Annual Meeting) 2008: 202-203.
Yuan X, Cao Y, Xi D, Guo L, Han C, Li D, Yu J. Analysis of the Subgenomic RNAs and the Small ORFs of Beet black scorch virus. The 6th symposium of the international working group on plant viruses with fungal vectors. 2005.
Yuan X, Cao Y, Han C, Li D, Yu J. Localization of the subgenomic RNAs and functional analysis for the Triple-gene-block of Beet black scorch virus (BBSV). Proceedings of 5th Hangzhou International Symposium on Plant Pathology and Biotechnology.2004.




