Doctor of Art Theory, ChineseNational Academy of Arts
Yuan Gong involved in all aspect in Chinese art phenomenon since the 90s,after his solo show in Hong Kong in 1997, his
wild development in the chaoticsituation was very much a reflection of the Chinese society and art system insuch. Till
2007 he have decided to take back the position as artist again, thenhe have organized and participated in the 8-months art
project The TibetanSeries: Transparent Scene. 2008 as avolunteer during the whole Sichuan Earthquake time and intervene
as artist onsite doing research and investigation. Yuan Gong hasintervened in theexcavation of Zhou Gong Temple in
Qishan County, Shannxi province as an artistin May 2009.
Yuan Gong always creating art in a unique, crossover and multi layered wayof intervening society, incident and live
Winner of The Culture China:Personof the Year Award in 2007.
“Sounding off with 512-Dong Feng” show in the China Narratives-the 4thChengdu Biennale in 2009. Besides, this work
was listed in the book <WanShan Hong Bian: Interviewof the New Arts in China 1949-2009> edited by ShaoDazhen.
“THE SCENTED AIR 6000m3” shown inChinese Pavilion, Venice Biennale in 2011, in the same year he is the winner of the “ICSCity Beat” EDGE Artist of the Year Award.
Solo Exhibitions
1997 Solo Exhibition,Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong, China
Group Exhibitions
Copenhagen ArtFestival, Copenhagen, Denmark
JETLAG - ChineseCulture Year in Germany, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
The Fourth GuangzhouTriennial, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
Pervasion – Beijing,Enjoy Museum of Art, Beijing, China
The 4th Sino-EuropeanCultural Dialogue, Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg, Germany
The 6th PragueContemporary Art Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
The China Pavilion,54th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
3+X People And ThingsAround, CAAW, Beijing, China
CROSSOVER 2010: the6th Culture and Art Festival of Songzhuang, Songzhuang Art District, Beijing,China
3+X Can Be MorePoetic, Center of Contemporary Art ShangDong, Nanjing, China
2010 Nature of China:Contemporary Art Documenta, True Color Museum, Suzhou, China
3+1 Monolog, ArtherM.Sackler Museum Of Art and Archaeology at Peking University, Beijing, China
Drifting Communities – 798 Biennale, Dashanzi Art District, Beijing, China
Narrating China – 4thChengdu Biennale, Chengdu, China
REFLECTION– New ArtInvitational, ZheJiang West Lake Museum, Hangzhou and Wall Art Museum, Beijing,China
8th Songzhuang ArtFestival – Through the Wild, SongZhuang Art District, Beijing, China
798 Art Festival –“What is Art” Dashanzi Art District, Beijing, China
Virtual City, Shanghai,China
Transparent Scene,Tibet Museum, Tibet, China
14 AsiaInternational Watercolor Exhibition, Zhengzhou Museum, Henan, China
1990’s The PopularImage, Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai, China
The Scented Air 6000m3, Chinese Pavilion, 54Venice Biennale
Published by ResearchCenter for Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education at Peking University
People and Things Around,
Published by Research Centerfor Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education at Peking University