- 中文名:厄修拉·勒古恩
- 外文名:Ursula K. Le Guin
- 國籍:美國
- 出生日期:1929年10月21日
- 逝世日期:2018年1月22日
厄修拉·勒古恩出身學術家庭,父親是人類學家,母親是心理學家及作家,三位兄長都成為學者,均非常關注美國原住民文化。家中時常高朋滿座,除了知名學者、研究生之外,還有許多印第安人,套句厄修拉·勒古恩母親說的話,他們家就是“一整個世界”。在這樣富有學術氣氛的環境成長,厄修拉·勒古恩年紀輕輕即開始寫作,在11歲時便已向Magazine, Astounding Science Fiction投稿,雖然不幸被退稿。1951年於哈佛大學的雷地克里夫學院取得學士學位,1952年於哥倫比亞大學取得碩士學位,並在大學任教。
她早期的作品並非科幻或奇幻小說,而是根基於真實世界的虛構國度(Fictional Country)。大部分這些小說在當時都沒有被出版,但後來以合集方式收錄於Orsinian Tales與Malafrena中。因為不受出版商青睞,她轉而嘗試她早期較感興趣的科幻小說,在1960年代漸漸寫出名聲。1969年《黑暗的左手》出版,獲頒雨果獎與星雲獎,同時奠定她在文壇的地位。
愛爾蘭都柏林當地時間2019年8月18日20時許,在第77屆世界科幻大會上,《地海傳奇插圖版(暫譯)》(The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition)厄休拉·勒古恩(作者)&查爾斯·維斯(繪者)榮獲2019年雨果獎最佳藝術書籍獎。
《地海巫師》 A Wizard of Earthsea, 1968
《地海古墓》 The Tombs of Atuan, 1971
《地海彼岸》 The Farthest Shore, 1972 (National Book Award得主)
《地海孤雛》 Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea, 1990 (星雲獎得主)
《地海奇風》 The Other Wind, 2001
The Word of Unbinding, 1975 (收錄於The Wind's Twelve Quarters)
The Rule of Names, 1975 (收錄於The Wind's Twelve Quarters)
《地海故事集》Tales from Earthsea(短篇集)2001, ISBN 0151005613
Rocannon's World, 1966
Planet of Exile, 1966
City of Illusions, 1967
《黑暗的左手》The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969(雨果獎與星雲獎得主)
《一無所有》The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia, 1974 (雨果獎與星雲獎得主)
《世界的詞語是森林》The Word for World is Forest, 1976 (雨果獎得主)
Worlds of Exile and Illusion, 1996 (Rocannon's World,Planet of Exile及City of Illusions之合集)
The Telling, 2000
"The Matter of Seggri", 1994, (winner of the James Tiptree, Jr. Award; found in The Birthday of the World)
"Solitude (short story)|Solitude", 1994, (winner of the Nebula Award; found in The Birthday of the World)
"Mountain Ways", 1996, (winner of the James Tiptree, Jr. Award; found in The Birthday of the World)
"Old Music and the Slave Women", 1999 (found in Far Horizons, ed. Robert Silverberg; also in The Birthday of the World)
Four Ways to Forgiveness, 1995 (Four Stories of the Ekumen)
The Lathe of Heaven, 1971 (made into TV movies, 1980 and 2002)
Malafrena, 1979
The Eye of the Heron, 1982
Always Coming Home, 1985
The Wind's Twelve Quarters, 1975
Orsinian Tales, 1976
The Compass Rose, 1982
Buffalo Gals, and Other Animal Presences, 1987
Searoad, 1991
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea, 1994
Four Ways to Forgiveness, 1995
Unlocking the Air and Other Stories, 1996
The Birthday of the World, 2002, ISBN 0066212537
Changing Planes, 2003, ISBN 0151009716
The Catwings Collection
Catwings, 1988
Catwings Return, 1989
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings, 1994
Jane on Her Own, 1999
Very Far Away from Anywhere Else, 1976, ISBN 0152052089
Leese Webster, 1979, ISBN 0689307152
Solomon Leviathan's Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World, 1984, ISBN 0399214917
A Visit from Dr. Katz, 1988, ISBN 0689313322
Fire and Stone, 1989, ISBN 0689314086
Fish Soup, 1992, ISBN 0689317336
A Ride on the Red Mare's Back, 1992, ISBN 0531070794
Tom Mouse, 2002, ISBN 0761315993
The Language of the Night, 1979, revised edition 1992
Dancing at the Edge of the World, 1989
Steering the Craft, 1998 (about writing)
The Wave in the Mind, 2004
Wild Oats and Fireweed, 1988
Going Out with Peacocks and Other Poems, 1994
老子:道德經, a Book about the Way & the Power of the Way, 1997 (a translation and commentary)
Kalpa Imperial, 2003, from Angélica Gorodischer's Spanish original.
Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral, from Gabriela Mistral's Spanish originals.
See also: The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas