- 中文名稱:卡爾斯省
- 外文名稱:Kars
- 所屬地區:土耳其
- 方言:土耳其語
- 主要民族:土耳其人,庫德人
- 主要宗教:伊斯蘭教
- 主要城市:卡爾斯
- 時區:土耳其伊斯坦堡時區
- 所屬洲:亞洲
Kars is a province (Turkish: il) of Turkey, located in the northeastern part of the country. It shares part of its border with the Republic of Armenia. From 1878 until 1917 all of the present-day province of Kars was part of the Russian oblast of Kars. From 1918 to 1920 the province was under the administration of the Democratic Republic of Armenia as the Vanand province (with the city of Kars as its capital). Its territory was ceded to Turkey by the Soviet Union in the Treaty of Kars. The provinces of Ardahan and Iğdır were until the 1990s part of Kars Province.