



  • 中文名:區瓊榮
  • 畢業院校:中科院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電漿源、電漿材料加工工程、有機光電材料與器件
  • 就職院校:復旦大學


  • 電漿源
  • 電漿材料加工工程
  • 有機光電材料與器件


  • 7/1/1999 廣西大學物理系 本科學生
  • 7/1/2002 中科院電漿物理研究所 碩士研究生
  • 7/1/2005 中科院電漿物理研究所 博士研究生
  • 10/1/2005至3/1/2009 日本靜岡大學博士後工作站 博士後


  • 本科生課程:發光材料及其套用
  • 研究生課程:電漿物理,有機電致發光材料與器件


  1. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ,Enhanced photoluminescence of nitrogen-doped ZnO nanoparticles fabricated by Nd:YAG laser ablation
  2. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47,Cathodeluminescence Property of ZnO Nanophosphors Prepared by Laser Ablation Technique,,No. 1,389-393
  3. Diam. Relat. Mater. 17 ,Characteristics of graphene-layer encapsulated nanoparticles fabricated using laser ablation method,,,664-668
  4. Chinese Physics , Large area planar plasma sustained by surface microwave,,Volume: 16 Issue: 12 ,3732-3737
  5. Plasma Science & Technology,Influence of iodine vapour pressure on formation of XeI* in Xe/I-2 mixture,,Volume: 8 Issue: 3,333-336
  6. Plasma Science & Technology,Electrical characteristics of seudoglow discharges in helium under atmospheric pressure,,Volume: 8 Issue: 3,303-306
  7. Chinese Physics Letters,Large volume and high density surface wave plasmas sustained by two microwave launchers,,Volume: 25 Issue: 5 ,1761-1763
  8. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1,Planar plasma of 30 cm diameter maintained by hybrid surface microwave through annular slot antenna,,vol.45, no.10B ,8055-8
  9. Plasma Science & Technology ,Plasma induced grafting of PSt onto titanium dioxide powder,, Volume: 8 Issue: 3,321-324
  10. Plasma Science & Technology ,Plasma induced grafting of PMMA onto titanium dioxide powder,,Volume: 7 Issue: 4 ,2955-2958
  11. II Journal Of Applied Polymer Science ,Plasma induced grafting of PSt onto titanium dioxide powder,,Volume: 97 Issue: 5 ,2112-2117
  12. Chinese Phys. Lett 21, Effect of Frequency on Emission of XeI Excimer in a Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge,, No 7,1317-1319
  13. Thin Solid Films ,Optical emission patterns and microwave field distributions in a cylindrical microwave plasma source,,Volume: 390 Issue: 1-2,197-201


