- 中文學名:北地腐霉
Pythium borealisDuan sp. nov. Figs. 1,2 Plate I-1
Hyphae multiramosum, juvenes non septatae, veteres irregulariter septatae, 2.3-6.0(m. 4.5)μm crassis. Sporangia saepe apicalis, raro pleurogena intercalaris, raro interposita, singulae, globosa, vel obpyriforma, 11-31(m. 22)μm diam, prolatum ellipsoidale 37×23μm, tublis germinantia. Oogonia episporiis levibus, globosa vel subglobosa, typica pleurogena inter-calaris, raro apicalis, raro intercalaris, 16.2-31.0(m. 22.5)μm diam. Antheridia hypogynea sessiles, raro monoclina vel diclina et terminalis, 1 per oogonium, cellulis inflatis, ellipticis vel curvatis, saepe conjugatus in apice, vel lateralis oogonium circa, 7-16(m. 11.5)μm longa, 3.7-8.3(m. 6.6)μm lata. Oosporae singulae, pleroticae, saepe cuticulis levibus, 16.2-31.0(m. 22.2)μm diam, mambranis valdae crassis, 2.2-5.2(m. 3.3)μm, hyalinis sive helvolis, rotundis globulas 6-20, 3.3- 10.7μm diam, germinatio l.
Temperatura minima infra 4℃, maxima 43℃.
Incrementum radiale diurnum optimum (25-31℃) 20mm.
Habitat: Segregatus ex terram in Beijing, 2, IV. 1982, R. L. Duan Py. 20-15(Typus).
藏卵器壁平滑,球形或近球形;典型切生,少數頂生、很少間生(切生:頂生:間生=89:9:1);直徑16.2-31.0μm,平均22.5μm。雄器1個,同絲生,典型無柄緊鄰藏卵器,少數有柄(無柄:有柄-31:3),罕異絲項生。雄器細胞稍膨大,長卵形或近球形,微彎,多以頂端少數以側面接觸藏卵器;7.0-16.0×3.7-8.3μm,平均 11.5×6.6μm;授精管不明顯。卵孢子充滿藏卵器,甚至和藏卵器壁緊密癒合,故形狀大小多與藏卵器相同;直徑16.2-31.0μm,平均22.2μm。卵孢子壁厚,2.2-5.2μm,平均3.3μm,無色至淡灰黃色;含貯物球6-20個、直徑3.3-10.7μm,折光體未見;萌發生芽管1根。
Temperatura minima infra 4℃, maxima 43℃.
Incrementum radiale diurnum optimum (25-31℃) 20mm.
Habitat: Segregatus ex terram in Beijing, 2, IV. 1982, R. L. Duan Py. 20-15(Typus).
藏卵器壁平滑,球形或近球形;典型切生,少數頂生、很少間生(切生:頂生:間生=89:9:1);直徑16.2-31.0μm,平均22.5μm。雄器1個,同絲生,典型無柄緊鄰藏卵器,少數有柄(無柄:有柄-31:3),罕異絲項生。雄器細胞稍膨大,長卵形或近球形,微彎,多以頂端少數以側面接觸藏卵器;7.0-16.0×3.7-8.3μm,平均 11.5×6.6μm;授精管不明顯。卵孢子充滿藏卵器,甚至和藏卵器壁緊密癒合,故形狀大小多與藏卵器相同;直徑16.2-31.0μm,平均22.2μm。卵孢子壁厚,2.2-5.2μm,平均3.3μm,無色至淡灰黃色;含貯物球6-20個、直徑3.3-10.7μm,折光體未見;萌發生芽管1根。
![北地腐霉 北地腐霉](/img/5/ac9/gZ1MWM5EzMiVTNhBTMzU2NlRDO5gzMmRDMmhzNmRzMwQjNiFGZlFmZvMWaw9SbvNmLz9mYlNmYu4GZj5yZtl2ai9yL6MHc0RHa.jpg)
產地:北京海淀區白家疃村,土壤;1982 IV 2,Py 20-15 模式)。
本種與喙腐霉(Pythium rostratum Butler)有相同處,但後者有下位雄器、卵孢子壁中等厚度且產生串生芽孢(Middleton,1943);與壁合腐霉(P. connatum Yu)的區別在於後者雄器多有短柄、雄器形態不同以及卵孢子壁較薄(余永年,1973)。雄器無柄緊鄰藏卵器的種有終極腐霉(P. ultimum Trow),但它的雄器強烈彎曲、藏卵器典型頂生、卵孢子壁中等厚度且不充滿藏卵器(Middleton,1943)。
產地:北京海淀區白家疃村,土壤;1982 IV 2,Py 20-15 模式)。
本種與喙腐霉(Pythium rostratum Butler)有相同處,但後者有下位雄器、卵孢子壁中等厚度且產生串生芽孢(Middleton,1943);與壁合腐霉(P. connatum Yu)的區別在於後者雄器多有短柄、雄器形態不同以及卵孢子壁較薄(余永年,1973)。雄器無柄緊鄰藏卵器的種有終極腐霉(P. ultimum Trow),但它的雄器強烈彎曲、藏卵器典型頂生、卵孢子壁中等厚度且不充滿藏卵器(Middleton,1943)。
寡雄腐霉 圖版I-2
Pythium oligandrum Drechsler, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 20: 409-410, 1930.
Pythium oligandrum Drechsler, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 20: 409-410, 1930.
菌絲體不發達。孢子囊球形至近球形瘤狀膨大,常單生、或3-5個串生,萌發生芽管。藏卵器直徑11.8-34.6μm,表面生錐形刺,刺長平均 4.2μm。雄器較少形成,則藏卵器孤雌生殖。雄器如有則頂生,雌雄異枝。卵孢子不滿器到幾乎滿器藏卵器,萌發未見。
產於北京朝陽區和大興縣、廣東省陸豐縣和虎門鎮。1982年4月,Py. 25-13。在世界上分布廣但不是重要病原菌。群結腐霉 圖版I-3
Pythium myriotylum Drechsler, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 20: 404-405, 1930. 菌絲體發達,附著胞成簇發生。孢子囊絲狀至膨大,典型呈指狀,萌發形成遊動孢子。藏卵器平滑,直徑 17.8-32.9μm。雄雌異枝。雄器柄緊密附著在藏卵器上;雄器 1-10個,常3-6個,授精後脫落,卵孢子不滿器,直徑14.2-27.7μm,萌發未見。
世界分布廣,致病力強。終極腐霉變異株 圖版I-4
variant of Pythium ultimum Trow 菌絲體發達,附著胞鐮刀形至鉤形。孢子囊球形,萌發生芽管。
產於北京朝陽區和大興縣、廣東省陸豐縣和虎門鎮。1982年4月,Py. 25-13。在世界上分布廣但不是重要病原菌。群結腐霉 圖版I-3
Pythium myriotylum Drechsler, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 20: 404-405, 1930. 菌絲體發達,附著胞成簇發生。孢子囊絲狀至膨大,典型呈指狀,萌發形成遊動孢子。藏卵器平滑,直徑 17.8-32.9μm。雄雌異枝。雄器柄緊密附著在藏卵器上;雄器 1-10個,常3-6個,授精後脫落,卵孢子不滿器,直徑14.2-27.7μm,萌發未見。
世界分布廣,致病力強。終極腐霉變異株 圖版I-4
variant of Pythium ultimum Trow 菌絲體發達,附著胞鐮刀形至鉤形。孢子囊球形,萌發生芽管。
[1] Campbell, W. A. & Bailey, S. 1946. Variability of Pythium ultimum from Guayule. Mycologia 38: 24-39.
[2] Drechsler, C. 1946. Serveral species of Pythium peculiar in their sexual development. Phytopathology
34: 781-864.
[13] Middleton, J.T. 1943. The taxonomy, host range and geographic distribution of the genus Pythium.
Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 20(1): 1-171. Lancaster Press.
[4] 戴芳瀾。1979。《中國真菌總匯》。科學出版社。北京。1587頁。
[5] 余永年。1973。腐霉屬的五個新種。微生物學報13: 116-123。
[6] ——。1975。幾種分離腐黴菌的方法。微生物學通報2: 26-31。
[2] Drechsler, C. 1946. Serveral species of Pythium peculiar in their sexual development. Phytopathology
34: 781-864.
[13] Middleton, J.T. 1943. The taxonomy, host range and geographic distribution of the genus Pythium.
Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 20(1): 1-171. Lancaster Press.
[4] 戴芳瀾。1979。《中國真菌總匯》。科學出版社。北京。1587頁。
[5] 余永年。1973。腐霉屬的五個新種。微生物學報13: 116-123。
[6] ——。1975。幾種分離腐黴菌的方法。微生物學通報2: 26-31。
Duan ro-lan
(Department of Plant Protection, Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing)
Duan ro-lan
(Department of Plant Protection, Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing)
ABSTRACT A new species Pythium borealis isolated from soil in Beijing is described and illustrated. Two species, P. oligandrum and P. myriotylum, and a variant of P. ultimum, are newly reported in China and are briefly described.
The new species P. borealis is characterized by (1) the typically monoclinous sessil antheridium formed immediately below oogonium, (2) the tangentially intercalary oogonium, (3) the plerotic and thiek walled oospore, and (4) the sphaerical sporangium.
P. borealis is separated from P. ultimum Trow by the less curved antheridium, the tangentially interc alary oogonium, the thicker walled and plerotic oospore. It also differs mainly from P. connatum Yu in the typically sessil antheridium and the thicker wall of the oospore.
The variant of P. ultimum was isolated from soils and diseased seedlings of cucumber in Beijing with a higher frequency than that of the species P. ultimum. All of it's morphological characteristies and habits of hyphae, appressoria and sporangia, the growth-temperatures and optimum daily growth rate are quite similar to that of the species P. ultimum.
Type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Herbarium Mycologicum, Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China and the cotype in the Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica.
KEY WORDS Pythium borealis; P. oligandrum; P. myriotylum; variant of P. ultimum
The new species P. borealis is characterized by (1) the typically monoclinous sessil antheridium formed immediately below oogonium, (2) the tangentially intercalary oogonium, (3) the plerotic and thiek walled oospore, and (4) the sphaerical sporangium.
P. borealis is separated from P. ultimum Trow by the less curved antheridium, the tangentially interc alary oogonium, the thicker walled and plerotic oospore. It also differs mainly from P. connatum Yu in the typically sessil antheridium and the thicker wall of the oospore.
The variant of P. ultimum was isolated from soils and diseased seedlings of cucumber in Beijing with a higher frequency than that of the species P. ultimum. All of it's morphological characteristies and habits of hyphae, appressoria and sporangia, the growth-temperatures and optimum daily growth rate are quite similar to that of the species P. ultimum.
Type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Herbarium Mycologicum, Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China and the cotype in the Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica.
KEY WORDS Pythium borealis; P. oligandrum; P. myriotylum; variant of P. ultimum