2017年12月22日,北京大學新結構經濟學研究中心已正式更名為北京大學新結構經濟學研究院(Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University),由世界銀行前
林毅夫 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院教授、院長,北京大學國家發展研究院名譽院長
徐佳君 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院助理教授、常務副院長
王勇 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院學術副院長、博士生導師
陳曦 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院研究員、辦公室主任
趙秋運 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院研究員、國內發展合作部主任
於佳 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院資深實務專家、國際發展合作部主任
付才輝 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院研究員、課程教材與案例報告研發中心主任
江深哲 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院助理教授
胡博 北京大學新結構經濟學研究院助理教授
【The World Economy】Structural change and trade openness in sub-Saharan African countries
【American Economic Review】Using the Retail Distribution of Sellers to Impute Expenditure Shares
【American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics】Consumption Insurance Against Wage Risk: Family Labor Supply and Optimal Progressive Income Taxation
【Journal of Monetary Economics】More Unequal Income but Less Progressive Taxation
【American Economic Journal : Applied Economics】The Economics of Speed: The Electrification of the Streetcar System and the Decline of Mom-and-Pop Stores in Boston, 1885–1905
【American Economic Journal : Applied Economics】Capital Markets in China and Britain, 1770–1860: Evidence from Grain Prices
【IDS Bulletin】Exploring China's Impacts on Development Thinking and Policies
【Review of Political Economy】Should National Development Banks be Subject to Basel III?
【China Economic Quarterly International】What are public development banks and development financing institutions ? ——qualification criteria, stylized facts and development trends
【Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies】Dual Circulation: a New Structural Economics view of development
【The World Economy】Catch‐up industrial policy and economic transition in China
【Economic Modelling】Can a new model of infrastructure financing mitigate credit rationing in poorly governed countries?
【西安交通大學學報(社會科學版)】中國光伏產業發展與“一帶一路”新機遇 ——基於新結構經濟學視角的解析
【Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade】Structural Change, Industrial Upgrading,and Middle-Income Trap
【Journal of Monetary Economics】Endowment structures, industrial dynamics, and economic growth
【Journal of Economic Policy Reform】 The Washington Consensus revisited: a new structural economics perspective
【Pacific Economic Review】New Structural Economics and Resource Financed Infrastructure
【China & World Economy】Factors Affecting the Outlook for Medium-term to Long-term Growth in China
【Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development】The New Structural Economics: Patient Capital As a Comparative Advantage
【Area Development and Policy】The rise of China and its implications for economics and other developing countries
【 Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies】 Industrial Policies for Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap: A New Structural Economics Perspective