- 中文名:北京大學外國語學院東方語言文化系
- 最初成立:1946年
- 創始人:季羨林教授
- 曾用名:東方語言學系、東方語言文學系
我系曾先後更名為東方語言學系、東方語言文學系和東方學系。我系現有教師55人,其中教授14人(博導9人)、副教授23人、講師 13人、助教5人。教師中具有博士學位的22人,在職攻讀博士學位的教師9人,具有碩士學位的13人。現有在校本科生205人、碩士生62人、博士生22人,學生總計289人。建系50多年來,我們為國家輸送了2850多名畢業生。
我系現有波斯語言文化專業、朝鮮/韓國語言文化專業、菲律賓語言文化專業、蒙古語言文化專業、緬甸語言文化專業、泰國語言文化專業、印地(印度)語言文化專業、印尼-馬來語言文化專業、越南語言文化專業、烏爾都語言文化專業、希伯萊語言文化專業和梵巴語言文化專業等12個專業,此外還設有東方文化研究室。 其中梵文巴利文語言文化專業和希伯萊語言文化專業屬於全國高校中唯有的專業。另外,我系還有吐火羅語、于闐語、巴列維語、古敘利亞語、蘇美爾語、阿卡德語、西臺語和聖經希伯萊語等方面的 教師和研究學者。我系設有南亞語言文學和亞非語言文學兩個碩士點和博士點。我系相繼開設了亞洲相關國別語言、文學、文化、歷史、民俗、社會、宗教思想,以及跨專業的東方文學、東方文化、語言學概論、古代近東 文明、古代印歐文化、南亞文化、東南亞文化等本科課程約210餘門,碩士、博士研究生課程約130門,開設課程的數量為全國高校相關學科之冠。改革開放以來,我系實行教學和科研並重的方針,成立了東南亞文化研究所、南亞文化研究所、印尼-馬來文化研究所、朝鮮文化研究所、 伊朗文化研究所、泰國研究所和希伯萊文化研究所等7個研究所。我系研究方向古今並重,包括對各種古代文化的研究,如蘇美爾學、巴比倫- 亞述學、西臺學、佛教學、敦煌學、中亞學等,和現代語言文化,如:波斯文化、伊斯蘭文化、蒙古語言文化、南亞、東南亞多國語言與文化 等。我系是教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地“北京大學東方文學研究中心”的主體部分,也是教育部國家外語非通用語本科人才培養基地。
自80年代以來我系教師承擔了國家、教育部以及國外有關學術機構的科研項目30多項,主辦了國際學術會議10多次;出版教材20餘部,專著和 編著70餘部,譯著50餘部,發表論文960多篇。此外,編寫出版了《印地語--漢語辭典》、《印地語成語辭典》、《漢語-波斯語詞典》、《韓 中詞典》、《緬甸語-漢語詞典》、《新印度尼西亞漢語詞典》、《印度尼西亞語-漢語大詞典》、《印尼-漢語,漢語-印尼語實用詞典》 、《中外關係史詞典》、《漢朝動物名稱詞典》、《漢朝植物名稱詞典》、《簡明漢緬-緬漢詞典》、《現代越漢詞典》、《漢泰詞典》、《 波斯語漢語諺語-漢語波斯語成語詞典》等大型工具書。
Brief introduction of the Department of Oriental Languages and Cultures in the School of Foreign Languages
Founded in 1946 by Prof. Ji Xianlin, the prestigious Chinese orientalist, the Department of Oriental Languages and Cultures boasts the most numerous oriental languages majors among universities nationwide, with its splendid history in the field of educating and researching. The department has adopted such titles as the Department of Oriental Linguisitics, of Oriental Languages & Literatures and of Oriental Studies chronologically.
The faculty consists of 55 teachers, including 14 professors(9 as tutors for Ph.D. students), 23 associate professors, 13 lecturers and 5 teaching assistants, among whom 22 with doctor's degree, 14 with master's degree and 9 on-job doctorates. There are totally 289 students in our department: 205 undergraduates, 62 postgraduates and 22 doctorates. In the history of more than 50 years since founded, the Department of Oriental Languages and Cultures has fostered more than 2,850 graduates for the country.
The department boasts 12 languages and cultures majors: Persian, Korean, Philippine, Mongolian, Burmese, Thai, Hindi(Indian), Indonesian-Malaysian, Vietnamese, Urdu(Pakistani), Hebrew(Israeli), Sanskrit & Pali, with oriental cultures researching office in addition. Among all the majors, Sanskrit & Pali together with Hebrew(Israeli) are unique nationwide. Tow basis for degrees of M.A. and doctor on South Asian and Asian-African languages & literatures have been set up. Besides, teachers and scholars in the field of ancient languages like Tocharian, Khotanese, Pahlavi, Ancient Syrian, Akkadian, Hittite, Sumerian and Biblical Hebrew have been actively working in the department. Courses on languages, literatures, cultures, histories, folklores, societies and religions of different Asian countries have been set up for undergraduate students of language majors respectively, as well as general courses on oriental aethetics, oriental cultures, basic linguistics, ancient Near East civilization, ancient Indo-European cultures, south Asian cultures, Southeast Asian cultures and so on. There are also more than 130 course launched for postgraduates and doctorates. The number of courses tops other universities with relative departments all around China. Since the policy of reform and open, under the guideline of balanced emphasis on educating and researching, 7 institutes have been established in our department, including institutes of culture studies of Southeast Asia, South Asia, Indonesia-Malaysia, Korea, Iranian and Hebrew and Thailand research center.
The domains of study of our department is focused, on one hand, on ancient cultures researches as Sumerology, Assyriology, Hittitology, Buddism studies, Tunhuang studies, Mid-Asia studies and so on, on the other hand on the modern languages and cultures like Persian, Islamic, Mongolian, South Asian & Southeast Ssian countries. Our department acts as the main body of the Peking University Researching Center of Oriental Literatures, one of the key bases for human culture and social studies; meanwhile the department is the base of minor foreign languages educating, under the direction of Ministry of Education. Teachers in our department has shouldered up more than 30 research projects held by the Government, Ministry of Education and overseas academic institutes since the 1980s, hosted more than 10 international academic conferences; at the same time published more than 20 textbooks, 70 academic books, 50 translated works and more than 960 theses. In addition, our department has compiled and published dictionaries like Hindi-Chinese Dictionary, Hindi Idioms dictionary, Chinese-Persian dictionary, Korean-Chinese dictionary, the new Indonesian-Chinese dictionary, the practical Indonesian-Chinese & Chinese-Indonesian dictionary, The dictionary of China and foreign relations, the Chinese-Korean dictionary of zoology, the Chinese-Korean dictionary of botany, the brief Chinese-Burmese & Burmese-Chinese dictionary, the modern Vietnamese-Chinese dictionary, the Chinese-Thai dictionary, the Persian-Chinese & Chinese Persian dicitonary of proverbs and idioms and so on.