- 中文名:化學羅曼史
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:美國
- 代表作品:Disenchanted、Welcome to the Black Parade、na na na
國籍: 美國
風格類型: AlternativePop/Rock(另類流行/搖滾)Post-Grunge(後垃圾) Punk Revival(復興朋克) Punk-Pop(流行朋克)
My Chemical Romance's 2002 debut was a particularly strident entry in that shifty genre of bands tortuously slamming together elements of emo, hardcore, and even metal. Rightly signed to a larger label (in this case,RepriseRecords), MCR has returned in 2004 with Three Cheers forSweetRevenge. With the aid of production major-leaguer Howard Benson, they've edited the slight rookie excesses of I Brought You My Bullets You Brought MeYour Love, resulting in a rewarding, pretty damn relentless product.Ghostswander through this Sweet Revenge, and the blood-stained lovers of its cover are no joke. "WouldI diefor you?Wellhere's your answer in spades...Got you in my sights,"Gerard Waywails in "Hang 'EmHigh." There's also cinematic concepting here — "The story of a man. A woman.Andthe corpses of a thousand evil men..." the liners intone. "You Know What They Do toGuysLikeUs in Prison" begins "In the middle of a gunfight/In the center of a restaurant." Musically the cut's claust... *被Spin及AP另類雜雜誌讚譽『2004年值得注意的耀眼新團』及『2004最值得期待的專輯』 *專業音樂網站AMG四顆星、Stylus八分、Kerrang!、AP雜誌高評推薦推薦曲:I'm Not Okay (I Promise)、Give 'EmHell,Kid、TheGhostOf You 充滿搖滾衝勁與活力,並帶著冷酷深沉情緒的新生代優質樂團My Chemical Romance,已獲Spin雜誌讚譽:『2004年值得你去注意的耀眼新團』;AP也不吝嗇的標上『駛入主流大廠發行之首航Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge,將是年度備受期待的專輯!』,AMG網站也給予四星的肯定!這些令樂團振奮不已的正面好評,也一掃My Chemical Romance組團前一路崎嶇坎坷之陰霾!來自紐澤西州,自高中時期就是好友的主唱Gerard Way及Matt Pelissier(鼓手),雖然對於音樂有著難以割捨的喜好,但是畢業之後,還是為了生活現實面,找尋一個正當長久的工作,幾年過去,仍不忘情於音樂,兩人相互溝通後決定展開組團創作計畫,Gerard邀約他所認識吉他彈的不賴的RayToro加入,便以三人型態維持數個月的音樂創作,與Gerard有血緣關係的Mikey Way,自告奮勇的表白想成為該團貝斯手一職,接著他們四位被當地的獨立廠牌相中,在2002年開始進行專輯籌備工作,此時他們再找來Frank Iero擔任主奏吉他手,為樂曲作更完美的潤飾!「I Brought You My Bullets,You Brought Me Your Love」順利問世,很快受到主流廠的喜愛,轉簽至Reprise旗下,放眼國際市場,為My Chemical Romance音樂領域跨越一大步! 曾擔任搖滾重裝部隊Sepultura、Motorhead、P.O.D.等團製作的Howard Benson前來全盤掌控,一股重量加速度的搖滾氣流即將襲擊而來,硬蕊的搖滾霸氣、EMO的情緒狂噪、甚至金屬的強烈穿透力…..都在My Chemical Romance全新大碟「Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge」中,毫不加以稍作掩飾的全然釋放!旋律性強的”Helena”與先發搶灘搖滾榜Top13成功之作”I’m Not Okay (I Promise)”,結合EMO-Punk的不安氣氛,滲入瀕臨崩潰邊緣的聲音表情,在爽快古點猛重敲擊下,馬上振奮稍嫌疲憊的身心;吉他飆奏轉折下包裹咄咄逼人的情緒張力擴大至”To The End”、”Hang ‘Em High”等曲當中;交疊的急促嗓音加速”The Jetset Life IsGonnaKillYou”狂放過癮的熱血四竄;有著金屬氣息的”Thank You For TheVenom”,是首讓你聽覺為之一開的超正點單曲,後段的順暢旋律,增加此曲更好吸收的親合度!全輯在無抒情歌曲的包裝搭配下,徹底體驗搖滾熱力的震撼,讓你情緒亢奮到末曲結束的最後一秒鐘!