包士然博士,現任浙江大學能源工程學院新“百人計畫”研究員,博士生導師。2017年博士畢業於浙江大學能源工程學院製冷及低溫工程專業,2017-2021年在美國國家強磁場實驗室 (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, USA)任博士後研究員。主要從事超流氦流動與傳熱、低溫流體可視化、大型超導磁體及加速器的低溫冷卻、低溫精餾空氣分離等領域的研究,先後在行業期刊發表論文20餘篇,獲中國發明專利授權8項。曾獲國際低溫工程大會“克里賓獎”、國際製冷學會青年獎“皮特·卡皮查獎”、美國低溫工程大會優秀學生論文獎等。
- 中文名:包士然
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
- 職業:博導
- 最高學歷:博士
2008.9-2012.7 就讀於浙江大學能源工程學院能源與環境系統工程專業(本科)
2012.9-2017.9 就讀於浙江大學能源工程學院製冷及低溫工程專業(直博)
2017年10月-2021年9月博士後研究員(導師: Wei Guo教授) 美國國家強磁場實驗室 Tallahassee, USA
2022年1月-至今 新“百人計畫”研究員 浙江大學製冷與低溫研究所 杭州,中國
[1] N. Garceau, S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube - Part III: Heat deposition in He II, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 181 (2021) 121885.
[2] S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Transient heat transfer of superfluid 4He in nonhomogeneous geometries: Second sound, rarefaction, and thermal layer, Phys. Rev. B. 103 (2021) 134510.
[3] Y. Tang, S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Superdiffusion of quantized vortices uncovering scaling laws in quantum turbulence, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 118 (2021) e2021957118.
[4] S.R. Bao, T. Kanai, Y. Zhang, L.N. Cattafesta, W. Guo, Stereoscopic detection of hot spots in superfluid 4He (He II) for accelerator-cavity diagnosis, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 161 (2020) 120259.
[5] H. Sanavandi, S. Bao, Y. Zhang, R. Keijzer, W. Guo, L.N. Cattafesta, A cryogenic-helium pipe flow facility with unique double-line molecular tagging velocimetry capability, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020) 053901.
[6] X. Wen, S.R. Bao, L. McDonald, J. Pierce, G.L. Greene, L. Crow, X. Tong, A. Mezzacappa, R. Glasby, W. Guo, M.R. Fitzsimmons, Imaging fluorescence of He2* excimers created by neutron capture in liquid helium II, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 134502.
[7] S.R. Bao, N. Garceau, W. Guo, Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube – Part II: Theoretical modeling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 146 (2020) 118883.
[8] B. Mastracci, S.R. Bao, W. Guo, W.F. Vinen, Particle tracking velocimetry applied to thermal counterflow in superfluid 4: Motion of the normal fluid at small heat fluxes, Phys. Rev. Fluids. 4 (2019) 083305.
[9] S.R. Bao, R.P. Zhang, Y.Y.M. Rong, X.Q. Zhi, L.M. Qiu, Interferometric study of the heat and mass transfer during the mixing and evaporation of liquid oxygen and nitrogen under non-uniform magnetic field, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 136 (2019) 10–19.
[10] S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Quench-spot detection for superconducting accelerator cavities via flow visualization in superfluid helium-4, Phys. Rev. Applied. 11 (2019) 044003.
[11] R.P. Zhang, S.R. Bao, C.J. Gu, L.M. Qiu, X.Q. Zhi, X.B. Zhang, Numerical study on the bubble rising behavior in liquid oxygen under magnetic field, Cryogenics. 101 (2019) 43–52.
[12] N. Garceau, S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube – Part I: Interpretation of experimental observations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 129 (2019) 1144–1150.
[13] N. Garceau, S. Bao, W. Guo, S. Van Sciver, The design and testing of a liquid helium cooled tube system for simulating sudden vacuum loss in particle accelerators, Cryogenics. (2019).
[14] S.R. Bao, W. Guo, V.S. L’vov, A. Pomyalov, Statistics of turbulence and intermittency enhancement in superfluid 4He counterflow, Phys. Rev. B. 98 (2018) 174509.
[15] Y. Tang, L.M. Qiu, Y. Bai, J. Song, S.R. Bao, X.B. Zhang, J.J. Wang, Experimental study on film condensation characteristics at liquid nitrogen temperatures, Applied Thermal Engineering. 127 (2017) 256–265.
[16] S.R. Bao, R.P. Zhang, K. Wang, X.Q. Zhi, L.M. Qiu, Free-surface flow of liquid oxygen under non-uniform magnetic field, Cryogenics. 81 (2017) 76–82.
[17] 張瑞平, 張金輝, 包士然, 邱利民, 磁場作用下低溫氧氮傳質的可視化實驗研究, 工程熱物理學報. 38 (2017) 2522–2529.
[18] S.R. Bao, R.P. Zhang, Y.F. Zhang, Y. Tang, J.H. Zhang, L.M. Qiu, Enhancing the convective heat transfer in liquid oxygen using alternating magnetic fields, Applied Thermal Engineering. 100 (2016) 125–132.
[19] 張家源, 唐媛, 邱利民, 包士然, 張小斌, 低溫冷凝可視化實驗裝置設計, 低溫工程. (2015) 8-12+44.
[20] 袁靈成, 姜曉波, 邱利民, .M.Pfotenhauer J, 包士然, 張家源, CO2低溫凝華可視化實驗裝置設計, 低溫工程. (2015) 30–36.
[21] 包士然, 張金輝, 張小斌, 唐媛, 張瑞平, 邱利民, 磁致空氣分離技術的研究進展, 浙江大學學報(工學版). 49 (2015) 605–615.
[1] S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Detection of hot spots on accelerator cavities via flow visualization in superfluid He (He II), in: 2021 Joint 23rd Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC 2021), Virtual, 2021.
[2] S.R. Bao, N. Garceau, W. Guo, Understanding the freeze-out length for gas propagation in a liquid-helium-cooled tube, in: 2021 Joint 23rd Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC 2021), Virtual, 2021.
[3] N. Garceau, S. Bao, W. Guo, Effect of mass flow rate on gas propagation after vacuum break in a liquid helium cooled tube., IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 755 (2020) 012112.
[4] X. Wen, S.R. Bao, L. McDonald, J. Pierce, G.L. Greene, M.L. Crow, X. Tong, A. Mezzacappa, R. Glasby, W. Guo, M. Fitzsimmons, Imaging Fluorescence of He2 Excimers Created by Neutron Capture in Liquid He II—a New Approach for Turbulent Flow Research, in: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, American Physical Society, Denver, 2020.
[5] H. Sanavandi, S.R. Bao, Y. Zhang, W. Guo, L. Cattafesta, Molecular Tagging Velocimetry Study of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Pipe Flow in Cryogenic Helium, in: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, American Physical Society, Seattle, 2020.
[6] S.R. Bao, W. Guo, Quench spot detection for SRF cavities via flow visualization in superfluid helium-4, in: 2019 Joint 22rd Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC 2019), Hartford, USA, 2019.
[7] S.R. Bao, O. Yeung, W. Guo, Quench detection of SRF cavities using He2 molecular tracer-line tracking technique in superfluid helium, in: 27th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2018 (ICEC-ICMC 2018), Oxford, England, 2018.
[8] S.R. Bao, N. Garceau, W. Guo, Modelling the propagation of condensable gas following a sudden vacuum loss in liquid-helium cooled tubes, in: 27th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2018 (ICEC-ICMC 2018), Oxford, England, 2018.
[9] S.R. Bao, R.P. Zhang, Y.Y. Rong, X.Q. Zhi, L.M. Qiu, Interferometric study on the mass transfer in cryogenic distillation under magnetic field, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 278 (2017) 012135.
[10] S.R. Bao, L.M. Qiu, J.H. Zhang, R.P. Zhang, Enhancement of cryogenic distillation by the presence of gradient magnetic field, in: 25th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2014 (ICEC-ICMC 2014), Enschede, Netherlands, 2014.
[11] 包士然, 邱利民, 張金輝, 磁力作用下氧氮混合物流動的有限元分析, in: 中國工程熱物理學會2013年工程熱力學與能源利用、工程熱力學、熱機氣動熱力學與流體機械學術會議, 呼和浩特, 中國, 2013.
Shiran Bao; 國際低溫工程大會 - 克里賓獎(Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award),國際學術獎, 國際低溫工程委員會 International Cryogenic Engineering Committee,2022年4月;
Shiran Bao; 國際製冷學會青年獎 - 皮特·卡皮查獎(Peter Kapitza IIR Young Researchers Award),國際學術獎, 國際製冷學會 International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR),2019年8月;
包士然、張瑞平、榮楊一鳴、植曉琴、邱利民*;Interferometric study on the mass transfer in cryogenic distillation under magnetic field;美國低溫工程大會優秀學生論文獎(CEC Student Meritorious Paper Award),美國低溫工程大會 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC),2017年7月。
2022年4月-至今 《浙江大學學報(英文版)A輯》青年編委
2022年4月 國際低溫工程大會暨低溫工程材料大會(28th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2022,ICEC28-ICMC 2022),線上會議,分會場主席
2021年7月 美國低溫工程和低溫材料大會(2021 joint 23rd Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference,CEC/ICMC 2021),線上會議,分會場主席