《劍橋倚天屠龍史 : 2018 修訂珍藏版》是萬卷出版公司2018年10月出版的一本圖書。《劍橋倚天屠龍史》是新垣平博士惡搞《倚天屠龍記》和正史的戲作。新博士學識淵博,才華橫溢,他運用奇妙的想像和精妙的推理,將正史和武俠完美地熔為一爐,寫出了這部令所有金迷擊節讚嘆的奇書。本書很早在天涯論壇連載,轟動一時,被冬粉們瘋狂轉帖,首版暢銷幾十萬冊。
- 中文名:劍橋倚天屠龍史 : 2018 修訂珍藏版
- 作者:新垣平
- 出版時間:2018年10月1日
- 出版社:萬卷出版公司
- 頁數:282 頁
- ISBN:9787547049051
- 類別:歷史
- 定價:58 元
- 開本:32 開
- 裝幀:精裝
the preface by Mark Beyond/馬伯庸的序言
the preface by LIUSHENLEILEI/六神磊磊的序言
the preface by WANGLIANHUA/王憐花的序言
1 Preface/序 言
7 Part I The Cambridge History Of Chinese Kongfu Circle During The Yuan Dynasty/倚天屠龍史
9 Chapter I Introduction/緒 論
12 Chapter II The Political Map of Kongfu Circle in Late Southern Sung/南宋後期的武術界政治地圖
20 Chapter III The Formation of Politics of Kongfu Schools/武術門派政治的形成
32 Chapter IV Chinese Manichaeism during Sung and Early Yuan Period/宋代和元代初期的明教
39 Chapter V The Revival of Chinese Manichaeism and the Split of Kongfu Circle/明教的復興與武術界的分裂
50 Chapter VI Chinese Manichaeism: The Beginning of the Sede Vacante/明教宗座空位期的開始
58 Chapter VII Politics in Middle Yuan Dynasty and The Rise of the Prince of ruyang/元朝中期政治與汝陽王的崛起
65 Chapter VIII Reforms and Scissions in Chinese Manichaeism/明教的宗教改革與分裂
75 Chapter IX The Rise of Wutang and its Conflicts with Shaolin/武當的崛起及其與少林的衝突
81 Chapter X The 1336 Event and its Influence on the Wutang School/1336年事件及其對武當派的影響
92 Chapter XI Chang Wuchi's Early Activities/張無忌的早期活動
99 Chapter XII Preparations for the Battle of Vertex Lucis/光明頂戰役的準備
106 Chapter XIII The Great Campaign of Vertex Lucis/偉大的光明頂戰役
117 Chapter XIV The Inauguration of Chang WuCHI and the New Order/張無忌的就職與新秩序
132 Chapter XV The Rescue of Six Kongfu Schools and Conflicts with Persians/對六大門派的營救及與波斯人的衝突
140 Chapter XVI The End of Chang Wuchi's Reign and the Rise of Zhu YuanZhang/張無忌統治的終結和朱元璋的崛起
158 Chapter XVII The Second Split of Chinese Manichaeism and Civil Wars/明教的再度分裂和內戰
166 Chapter XVIII From Chinese Manichaeism to the Great Ming Empire/從明教到大明帝國
175 Part II The Cambridge History Of Chinese Kongfu Circle During The Northern Sung Dynasty/劍橋天龍八部史
177 Background/背 景
180 The formation of the Sung Dynasty in the international situation and the martial arts world axis/宋代國際形勢與武術世界軸心的形成
189 Unorthodox Forces of the Martial Arts World/武術世界的非正統勢力
192 Murong family and the rise of Qiao Feng/慕容家族與喬峰的崛起
196 Qiao Feng's ups and downs and the Battle of Shaolin/喬峰的起落與少林寺之役
202 Rivers and lakes in the Shaolin Temple after the Battle of pattern/少林寺戰役之後的江湖格局
207 EPILOGUE/後 記
209 Beyond Borders Explain the school towards the conversion of the historical discourse/後記 超越邊界 朝向歷史話語的轉換性解釋學
215 Reprinted EPILOGUE/再版後記
217 Appendix /附 錄
219 Appendix I Chronology/大事年表
222 Appendix II Mingjiao Chronicles leader list/明教歷代教主列表
223 Appendix III Dialogue: chi master: the plagiarist in the history of China?/張三豐:中國歷史上最大的剽竊者?
230 Appendix IV Xie Xun ideological biography /謝遜思想傳記
233 Appendix V the MING HISTORY: WEI YIXIAO /《明史·韋一笑傳》
236 Appendix VI Urged into the table/勸進表
238 Appendix VII Heavenly Sword Dynasties/倚天叢考
281 References/基本參考文獻