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  • 中文名:劉路
  • 外文名:Liu Lu
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校新加坡國立大學
  • 職業:教育科研工作者
  • 學歷學位:博士研究生
  • 職稱:副教授


2004-2008 雲南大學,本科
2008-2013 新加坡國立大學,博士


2012-2013 淡馬錫生命科學研究所,新加坡,初級研究員
2013-2020 淡馬錫生命科學研究所,新加坡,博士後研究員
2020.06-至今 上海交通大學,農業與生物學院,長聘教軌副教授


1. 植物開花素和開花抑制素的調控、轉運及作用機制;
2. 植物大分子蛋白在細胞內轉導及跨細胞運輸對植株形態建成的影響;
3. 植物蛋白轉運在時間和空間上的調控,以及對外界環境和植物內源激素的回響;
4. Multiple C2 Domain and Transmembrane Region Proteins (MCTPs)家族蛋白在植物膜轉運系統中的功能。


  1. Liu Lu#, Zhang Yu, Yu Hao# (2020) Florigentrafficking integrates photoperiod and temperature signals inArabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62:1385-1398. (# co-correspondingauthor)
  2. Li Chunying*, Liu Lu*, Teo Zhi Wei Norman, Shen Lisha, Yu Hao(2020) Nucleoporin 160 regulates flowering through anchoring HOS1 fordestabilizing CO in Arabidopsis. PlantCommunications 1, 100033. (* these authors contributed equally)
  3. Liu Lu, Li Chunying, Teo Zhi Wei Norman, Zhang Bin, Yu Hao(2019) The MCTP-SNARE complex regulates florigen transport inArabidopsis. Plant Cell 31:2475-2490.(Issue Highlights)
  4. Liu Lu, Li Chunying, Song Shiyong, Teo Zhi Wei Norman, ShenLisha, Wang Yanwen, Jackson David, Yu Hao (2018) FTIP-dependent STM traffickingregulates shoot meristem development in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports 23: 1879-1890. (Featured in Facultyof 1000 Biology)
  5. Liu Lu, Li Chunying, Liang Zhe, Yu Hao (2018) Characterizationof multiple C2 domain and transmembrane region proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 176: 2119-2132.
  6. Liu Lu, Zhu Yang, Shen Lisha, Yu Hao (2013). Emerging insightsinto florigen transport. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16: 607-613.
  7. Liu Lu*, Liu Chang*, Hou Xingliang, Xi Wanyan, Shen Lisha, TaoZhen, Wang Yue, Yu Hao (2012). FTIP1 is an essential regulator required forflorigen transport. PLoS Biology 10: e1001313. (* these authors contributedequally) (Issue Highlights; Featured in Faculty of 1000 Biology; Embodied inPlant Physiology and Development, Sixth Edition)
  8. Song Shiyong, Chen Ying, Liu Lu, See Yen How Benjamin, Mao Chuanzao, GanYinbo, Yu Hao (2018) OsFTIP7 determines auxin-mediated anther dehiscence inrice. Nature Plants 4: 495-504.
  9. Wang Yanwen, Liu Lu, Song Shiyong, Li Yan, Shen Lisha, Yu Hao(2017) DOFT and DOFTIP1 affect reproductive development in the orchidDendrobium Chao Praya Smile. Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 5759-5772.
  10. Song Shiyong, Chen Ying, Liu Lu, Wang Yanwen, Bao Shengjie, Zhou Xuan,Teo Zhi Wei Norman, Mao Chuanzao, Gan Yinbo, Yu Hao (2017) OsFTIP1-mediatedregulation of florigen transport in rice is negatively regulated by theubiquitin-like domain kinase OsUbDKγ4. Plant Cell 29: 491-507.
  11. Zhu Yang, Liu Lu, Shen Lisha, Yu Hao (2016) NaKR1regulates long-distance movement of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 2: 16075.( Featured in Faculty of1000 Biology)
  12. Shen Lisha, Liang Zhe, Gu Xiaofeng, ChenYing, Teo Zhi Wei Norman, Hou Xingliang, Cai Weiling Maggie, Dedon PerterC., Liu Lu, Yu Hao (2016) N6-methyladenosine RNA modificationregulates shoot stem cell fate in Arabidopsis. DevelopmentalCell 38: 186-200.
  13. Hou Xingliang, Zhou Jiannan, LiuChang, Liu Lu, Shen Lisha, Yu Hao (2014) Nuclear Factor Y-mediatedH3K27me3 demethylation of the SOC1 locus orchestrates flowering responses ofArabidopsis. Nature Communications 5: 4601.
  14. Tao Zhen, Shen Lisha, Liu Chang, Liu Lu, Yan Yuanyuan, Yu Hao (2012). Genome-wideidentification of SOC1 and SVP targets during the floral transition inArabidopsis. Plant Journal 70:549-561.
  15. Shen Lisha, Kang Yin Ga Germain, Liu Lu, Yu Hao (2011) The J-domain protein J3mediates the integration of flowering signals in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23, 499-514.
  16. Fang Lei, Hou Xingliang, Lee Li YenCandy, Liu Lu, Yan Xiaojing, Yu Hao (2011). AtPV42a and AtPV42bredundantly regulate reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 6: e19033.


2013: Gold Medal of International Society of Plant Molecular Biology, National University of Singapore
2010: Excellent Teaching Assistant Award AY 2009/2010, National University of Singapore


