劉貴龍,男,1962年11月出生,江西廣昌人。理學博士,教授,博導,北京語言大學信息科學學院院長, 北京語言大學學術委員會副主任,全國高等院校計算機基礎教育研究會秘書長,國際粒計算學會中國分會主席。
- 中文名:劉貴龍
- 性別:男
- 籍貫:江西廣昌
1993-2000 中國地質大學(北京)信息工程學院任教,歷任講師、副教授、教授、院長。
2000 -至今 北京語言大學信息科學學院任教,現任北京語言大學信息科學學院院長。
1.國家自然科學基金: 廣義粗集的拓撲結構、方法及套用研究 (項目編號:60973148)
2.國家自然科學基金: 粗集的線性結構及其在粒計算中的拓展研究 (項目編號:61272031)
3.教育部科學技術研究重點項目: 數據挖掘中的粗集、模糊集理論與方法研究
4.教育部科學技術研究重點項目: 量子群的結構理論
[1]劉貴龍,Axiomatic Systems for Rough Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48(2008) 857-867.(SCI)
[2]劉貴龍, Generalized Rough Set Over Fuzzy Lattices, Information Sciences 178 (2008) 1651-1662. (SCI)
[3]劉貴龍,The Axiomization of the Rough Sets Upper Approximation Operations, Fundamenta Informaticae 69(2006)331-342. (SCIE)
[4]劉貴龍,William Zhu, The algebraic structures of generalized rough set theory, Information Sciences (21)178(2008) 4105-4113. (SCI)
[5]劉貴龍,Ying Sai, A comparison of two types of rough sets induced by coverings, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (3)50 (2009) 521-528(SCI)
[6]劉貴龍,Rough set theory based on two universal sets and its applications, Knowledge-Based Systems, 23(2010) 110-115. (SCI)
[7]劉貴龍, Ying Sai, Invertible approximation operators of generalized rough sets and fuzzy rough sets, Information Sciences (11)180(2010)112221-2229. (SCI)
[8]劉貴龍,Closures and topological closures in quasi-discrete closure spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters, 23 (2010) 772_776. (SCI)
[9] 劉貴龍, Using one axiom to characterize rough set and fuzzy rough set approximations,Information Sciences 223 (2013) 285–296. (SCI)
[10]劉貴龍,The relationship among different covering approximations, Information Sciences 250 (2013) 178-183. (SCI)
[11]劉貴龍,Kai Zhu, The relationship among three types of rough approximation pairs,Knowledge-Based Systems 60 (2014) 28-34. (SCI)
[12]劉貴龍, Special types of coverings and axiomatization of rough sets based on partial orders, Knowledge-Based Systems 85 (2015) 316-321. (SCI)
[13]劉貴龍, Ling Li, Jitao Yang,Yanbin Feng,Kai Zhu, Attribute reduction approaches for general relation decision systems, Pattern Recognition Letters 65 (2015) 81-87. (SCI)
[14]劉貴龍等, Rough sets and Zadeh’s extension principles, The Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing,180-185,2007
[15]劉貴龍,J.Liu,Linear Structure of Fuzzy Rough Sets,The Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing,432-437,2008
[16]劉貴龍等, An Equivalent Definition of Rough Sets,The Proceedings of RSCTC 2008, LNAI 5306, 52–60,2008
[17]劉貴龍, Closures of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations,LNAI 5589, pp. 281–288, 2009.
[18]劉貴龍, Lattice Structures of Rough Fuzzy Sets, RSFDGrC 2009, LNAI 5908, pp. 253–260, 2009.
[19]劉貴龍,劉潔, On Structure of Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets, The Proceedings of IEEE GrC09, 419-423,2009
[20] 劉貴龍,Lattices from arbitrary relations, The Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 326-329,2010
[21]劉貴龍, A comparison of two types of generalized rough sets. The Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 423-426,2011
[22]劉貴龍, Topologies Induced by Equivalence Relations, Y. Wu (Ed.): ICHCC 2011, CCIS 163, pp. 204–209, 2011. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
- The Scientific World Journal 編委
- International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems 編委.
- Publicity Chair of The Sixth International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2008).
- Program Committee Vice Chair of The 2008,2009 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC08,GrC09).
- 2008,2009,2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC08,GrC09,GrC10)程式委員會副主席, GrC11, GrC12, GrC13, GrC14,程式委員會主席之一.
- Information Science; International Journal of Approximate Reasonin; Knowledge-based systems; Applied mathematics letter; International Journal of computermathematics 審稿人.