曾參加國家高新技術發展規劃(863) 新材料領域“材料微觀結構設計與性能預測”專題中的“原子間相互作用勢庫及其對複雜材料的套用”課題的研究工作(863-715-010-0021; 1998.9-2000.12);參加了國家重點基礎研究發展規劃(973) 項目“材料計算設計與性能預測基礎問題”中的“材料中原子相互作用勢研究”課題的研究(G2000067101;2000.7-2005.9) 和“面向性能的材料集成設計的科學基礎問題”中“材料原子勢庫創新服務系統” 課題的研究(2006CB605101,2006.1-2010.6).
主持了國家自然科學基金項目“納米管及其衍生物的分子力場及套用”(10574036; 2006)和“金、硼和過渡金屬-矽納米管的結構與性能預測”(10874039; 2009.1 - 2011.12); 現為國家973項目“基於集成計算的材料設計基礎科學問題”中“複雜材料原子間相互作用勢庫的創新與拓展”課題(2011CB606401)的研究人員;主持河北省自然科學基金項目“硼/碳/矽基新型低維複合材料結構與物性的理論研究”(A2012205066; 2012-2014)。
在Phys Chem Chem Phys, Chem Phys Chem, Phys. Rev. B, J. Chem. Phys等國內外學術刊物發表論文40餘篇,其中關於Au42 納米管的預言,Nature 出版集團的NPG Asia Materials 的Research Highlight 欄目以“Nanostructures: Hollow gold nanotubes”為題進行了評述,評論指出“A hollow tube made from 42 atoms of gold has been added to chemists' list of curious target molecules to synthesize.”,“Scientists have previously made hollow gold clusters containing around 20 atoms, but this is the first time that such relatively large hollow gold nanotubes have been theoretically predicted.”;關於硼納米管的結構及傳輸特性的預言作為ChemPhysChem的Front Cover論文發表,編輯在扉頁評論中指出“It indicates the possibility, in the design of nanodevices, to control the electronic transport properties of boron nanotubes through their diameters.”。培養的博士生馬慶敏、王靜的學位論文分獲09年、11年河北省優秀博士學位論文。
參研項目“稀土-過渡金屬間化合物磁學性質研究”1999年獲河北省科學技術進步二等獎(No. 992016-6); 參研項目“有機共軛聚合物的物理特性研究” 2006年獲河北省自然科學二等獎(No. 2006ZR2001-04)。主持項目“低維納米體系奇異結構和物性的理論預測”獲2011年河北省自然科學獎三等獎(2011ZR3005-01)。
研究方向為“低維系統結構和特性的第一原理計算”和“材料物理特性的計算機設計與模擬”研究。目前主要的研究課題包括:1) 硼/碳基材料新的物相及其特性;2) 磁性納米糰簇的結構和磁矩;2)過渡金屬和第IV族元素混合團簇的結構和特性探索;3)貴金屬團簇的奇異結構和催化作用機理探索。
代表論文(*Corresponding author):
[1] Jing Wang, Hua Ning, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu†, and You-Cheng Li
Au42: A possible ground-state noble metallic nanotube
J. Chem. Phys. 129(2008)134705
*The work was featured as a research highlight by Nature Asia Materials.
“Nanostructures: Hollow gold nanotubes”,
[2] Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, You-Cheng Li,
A New Class of Boron Nanotube,
ChemPhysChem, 10(17)(2009)3119.
*The work is featured as the journal front cover.
[3] Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li,
Magnetic Silicon Fullerene,
Phys Chem Chem Phys, 12(2010)11428-11431
[4] Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Zun Xie, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li,
From SinNi to Ni@Sin: An investigation of configurations and electronic structure,
Phys. Rev. B 76(3)(2007) 035406
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035406; Times Cited: 23 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[5] Meng Lan, Zu-Hong Xiong, Guo-Qing Li, Ting-Na Shao, Jia-Le Xie, Xiu-Fan Yang, Jun-Zhong Wang*, and Ying Liu*,
Strain-driven formation of rubrene crystalline films on Bi(001),
Phys. Rev. B 83(2011)195322
[6] Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying*, Li You-Cheng,
Structures and magnetic moments of Fe-C clusters,
Phys. Rev. B76 (2007) 035412
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035412; Times Cited: 15 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[7] Ma Q M, Xie Z, Wang J, Liu Ying*, Li Y C,
Structures, binding energies and magnetic moments of small iron clusters: A study based on all-electron DFT.
SolidStateComm., 142(2007)114-119.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2006.12.023; Times Cited: 27 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[8] Ma Qing-min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying*, and Li You-cheng,
Structures, stabilities and magnetic properties of small Co clusters.
Phys. Lett. A, 358 (2006) 289-296.
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2006.05.033 ; Times Cited: 37 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[9] Xie Z, Ma Q M, Liu Y*, Li Y C.,
First-principles study of the stability and Jahn-Teller distortion of nickel clusters.
Phys. Lett. A, 342(2005) 459-467.
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2005.05.067 ; Times Cited: 34 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
全部論文(*Corresponding author):
[28] Zhi-Wei Zhao, Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu* & You-Cheng Li
Growth Pattern, Electronic Structures and Magnetic Moments of Small Lutetium Clusters,
Journal of Cluster Science, 23(1)(2012)133-145
[27] Meng Lan, Zu-Hong Xiong, Guo-Qing Li, Ting-Na Shao, Jia-Le Xie, Xiu-Fan Yang, Jun-Zhong Wang*, and Ying Liu*,
Strain-driven formation of rubrene crystalline films on Bi(001),
Phys. Rev. B 83(2011)195322
[26] Ma Qing-min, Xie Zun, Wang Bao-Ru, Liu Ying*, and Li You-Cheng,
Structure, stability and magnetic moments of the FenCr (n=1-12) clusters: All - electron density functional theory investigations. ,
SolidStateComm., 151(2011) 806-810
[25] Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li,
Magnetic Silicon Fullerene,
Phys Chem Chem Phys, 12(2010)11428-11431
[24] Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun, Liu Ying*, and Li You-Cheng,
The structures, binding energies and magnetic moments of Cr-C clusters,
SolidStateComm., 150(2010)1439-1444.
[23] Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li,
Au@Sin: Growth Behavior, Stability and Electronic Structure,
Physics Letters A, 374(2010)2736-2742
[22] Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu*, Zun Xie, and Jing Wang,
The Structures and Magnetic Moments of Co–C Clusters,
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(2010) 5490-5494
[21] Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, Qing-Min Ma, and Zun Xie,
Structures and Magnetic Properties of FenB (n=1–12)Clusters,
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(2010) 5413-5417
[20] Hui-Yan Zhao, Hua Ning, Jing Wang, Xiu-Jie Su, Xin-Ge Guo and Ying Liu*,
Structural evolution of Aun (n=20–32) clusters: Lowest-lying structures and relativistic effects,
Physics Letters A, 374(2010)1033-1038
[19] Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, You-Cheng Li,
A New Class of Boron Nanotube,
ChemPhysChem, 10(17)(2009)3119.
*The work is featured as the journal front cover.
[18] H.-Y. Zhao, J.Wang, Y. Liu*, and Y.-C. Li
The effects of nitrogen on the configurations and magnetic moments of small iron, cobalt and nickel clusters,
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys.48(2009)30601
[17] Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Rui-Ping Xu, Ying Liu*, You-Cheng Li,
3d transition metals: Which is the ideal guest for Sin(n = 15, 16) cages?
Physics Letters A 373(2009) 2869–2875
[16] Wang Bao-Ru, Ma Qing-Min, Liu Ying,* and Li You-Cheng,
Small FenMn clusters: Magnetic order and magnetic moment,
Solid State Comm. 149(2009) 210.
[15] Jing Wang, Hua Ning, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu†, and You-Cheng Li
Au42: A possible ground-state noble metallic nanotube
J. Chem. Phys. 129(2008)134705
*The work was featured as a research highlight by Nature Asia Materials.
“Nanostructures: Hollow gold nanotubes”,
[14] Bao-Ru Wang, Jing Wang, Qing-Ming Ma and Ying Liu†
Structures and magnetic ordering of MnnFe (n=1–12) clusters
Solid State Communications, 147(1-2)(2008)53-56
[13] Xie Z, Ma Q M, Liu Y*, Li Y C.,
Stability and growth modes of Ni-C clusters: A study based on all-electron density function theory.
CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 25(4)(2008)1270.
[12] Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Zun Xie, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li,
From SinNi to Ni@Sin: An investigation of configurations and electronic structure,
Phys. Rev. B 76(3)(2007) 035406
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035406; Times Cited: 23 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[11] Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying*, Li You-Cheng,
Structures and magnetic moments of Fe-C clusters,
Phys. Rev. B76 (2007) 035412
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035412; Times Cited: 15 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[10] Liu N, Ma Q M, Xie Z, Liu Ying*, Li Y C,
Structures, stabilities and magnetic moments of small Lanthanum-nickel clusters.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 436(2007) 184-188.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2007.01.024 ; Times Cited: 12 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[9] Ma Q M, Xie Z, Wang J, Liu Ying*, Li Y C,
Structures, binding energies and magnetic moments of small iron clusters: A study based on all-electron DFT.
SolidStateComm., 142(2007)114-119.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2006.12.023; Times Cited: 27 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[8] Ma Q. M., Xie Z.,Liu Ying*, Li Y.-C.,
Configurations, Electronic Structure and Magnetic Ordering of Small Manganese Clusters,
CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 24(7)(2007)1908.
[7] Xie Zun(謝尊), Ma Qing-Min(馬慶敏), Wang Jing(王靜),Liu Ying* (劉英), and Li You-Cheng(李有成),
Effects of charge on the structures and spin moments of Ni13cluster,
Chinese Physics,16(12)(2007)1009-1963
[6] Ma Qing-min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying*, and Li You-cheng,
Structures, stabilities and magnetic properties of small Co clusters.
Phys. Lett. A, 358 (2006) 289-296.
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2006.05.033 ; Times Cited: 37 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[5] Xie Z, Ma Q M, Liu Y*, Li Y C.,
First-principles study of the stability and Jahn-Teller distortion of nickel clusters.
Phys. Lett. A, 342(2005) 459-467.
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2005.05.067 ; Times Cited: 34 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
[4] Liu Ying, Kang Yanmei, Chen Nanxian,
ab initio Interatomic Potentials of Cubic Boron Nitride.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 349(2003) 17-22.
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(02)00911-8
[3] Liu Ying, Chen Nanxian, Zhao Hongmin,Wei Chengwen,
Monte CarloSimulation of the Reorientation Transition in Heisenberg Model with Dipole Interactions,
SolidStateCommunications, 126(2003)223-227. DOI: 10.1016/S0038-1098(03)00010-3
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Virtual Lattice Technique and the Interatomic Potentials of the Zinc-blend-type Binary Compounds.
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, 16(5-6)(2002)187.
DOI: 10.1142/S0217984902003622; Times Cited: 13 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)
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Physics Letters A, 375(24)(2011)2338–2347
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Times Cited: 9 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)