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  • 中文名:劉紅軍
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:黑龍江省友誼縣
  • 出生日期:1981年8月
  • 學位/學歷:博士


2009年9月-2013年7月於四川農業大學玉米研究所攻讀玉米分子遺傳博士學位,期間2010年9月-2012年9月,2013年7月-2013年12月受國家留學基金委和四川農業大學資助在美國愛荷華州立大學Thomas Lübberstedt教授課題組從事玉米分子遺傳研究;
在PNAS, BMC genomics, Frontiers in plant science等雜誌發表SCI文章17篇,同時擔任TAG,Plant Physiology, BMC genomics, BMC plant biology, Frontiers in plant science等雜誌審稿專家。




1. 山東農業大學人才引進啟動資金:玉米籽粒分子生物學(72127),2016-2021,項目主持人;
2. 山東省自然科學基金面上項目:玉米褐色葉中脈突變體基因家族調控網路和品質性狀遺傳改良 (ZR2017MC017),2017-2020,項目主持人;
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:玉米醇溶蛋白基因染色體重排和拷貝數變化的遺傳解析(31771799), 2018-2021,項目主持人;
4. 山東農業大學雙一流建設優勢創新團隊:玉米突變體庫構建與重要農藝性狀基因鑑定及套用(564043),2017-2020,主要參加人。


1. 一種新型的轉基因專用莖尖分生組織培養皿,2013,中國,ZL 2013 2 0295177.X (第4位);
2. 功能連鎖標記0707-1及其在玉米種質改良中的套用,2016,中國,申請號:201610133152.8(第2位)


1. Liu H, Ma L, Yang X, Zuo T, Zhang L, Zeng X, Peng H, Pan G, Wu Y, Shen Y: Integrative analyses of DNA methylation, mRNA, and small RNA during dedifferentiation of maize embryo. BMC plant biology 2017, 17(1):105.
2. Liu H, Zhang L, Wang J, Li C, Zeng X, Xie S, Zhang Y, Liu S, Hu S, Michael L, Thomas L, Zhao G: Quantitative trait locus analysis for 1 deep-sowing germination ability in the maize IBM Syn10 DH population. Frontiers in plant science 2017, 8:813.
3. Liu H, Shi J, Sun C, Gong H, Fan X, Qiu F, Huang X, Feng Q, Zheng X, Yuan N, Li C, Zhang Z, Deng Y, Wang J, Pan G, Han B, Lai J, and Wu Y*. Gene duplication confers enhanced expression of 27-kDa γ-zein for endosperm modification in quality protein maize. PNAS 2016, 10.1073.1601352113
4. Liu H, Yang X, Liao X, Zuo T, Qin C, Cao S, Dong L, Zhou H, and Zhang Y, Liu S et al: Genome-wide comparative analysis of digital gene expression tag profiles during maize ear development. Genomics 2015, 106(1):52-60
5. Liu H, Niu Y, Gonzalez-Portilla PJ, Zhou H, Wang L, Zuo T, Qin C, Tai S, Jansen C, Shen Y et al: An ultra-high-density map as a community resource for discerning the genetic basis of quantitative traits in maize. BMC genomics 2015, 16(1):1078.
6. Liu H, Zhou H, Wu Y, Li X, Zhao J, Zuo T, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Liu S, Shen Y et al: The Impact of Genetic Relationship and Linkage Disequilibrium on Genomic Selection. PloS one 2015, 10(7):e0132379.
7. Liu H, Qin C, Chen Z, Zuo T, Yang X, Zhou H, Xu M, Cao S, Shen Y, Lin H et al: Identification of miRNAs and their target genes in developing maize ears by combined small RNA and degradome sequencing. BMC genomics 2014, 15:25.
8. Jansen C, Zhang Y, Liu H, Gonzalez-Portilla PJ, Lauter N, Kumar B, Trucillo-Silva I, Martin JP, Lee M, Simcox K et al: Genetic and agronomic assessment of cob traits in corn under low and normal nitrogen management conditions. Theoretical and applied genetics, 2015, 128(7):1231-1242.(Co-first author).
9. Liu S, Zheng J, Pierre M, Ren J, Hu Y, He C, Liu H, Fu J, Frank F. W, Christopher T, Wang G: Unbiased K-mer Analyses Reveal Marked Changes in Copy Number of Highly Repetitive Sequences During Maize Domestication and Improvement. Scientific reports 2017, 7:42444
10. Ignacio T S, Michael L, Thomas L, Pedro J. G. P, Liu H, Jason D B, Jeff S, Juan P. S. M, Kanwarpal S. D: Mapping of QTL for N-metabolism related traits in a maize testcross population grown in the field under low and high nitrogen conditions. Theoretical and applied genetics 2017, 130(7):1453-1466
11. Yin F, Qin C, Gao J, Liu M, Luo X, Zhang W, Liu H, Liao X, Shen Y, Mao L et al: Genome-wide identification and analysis of drought-responsive genes and microRNAs in tobacco. IJMS 2015, 16(3):5714-5740.
12. Qin C, Yu C, Shen Y, Fang X, Chen L, Min J, Cheng J, Zhao S, Xu M, Luo Y, Liu H, et al. Zhang Z: Whole-genome sequencing of cultivated and wild peppers provides insights into Capsicum domestication and specialization. PNAS 2014, 111(14):5135-5140.
13. Ding H, Qin C, Luo X, Li L, Chen Z, Liu H, Gao J, Lin H, Shen Y, Zhao M et al: Heterosis in early maize ear inflorescence development: a genome-wide transcription analysis for two maize inbred lines and their hybrid. IJMS 2014, 15(8):13892-13915.
14. Chen Y, Liu H, Ali F, Scott MP, Ji Q, Frei UK, Lubberstedt T: Genetic and physical fine mapping of the novel brown midrib gene bm6 in maize (Zea mays L.) to a 180 kb region on chromosome 2. Theoretical and applied genetics, 2012, 125(6):1223-1235.
15. Wu Y, Ursula K. F, Liu H, Gerald D.L.F, Huang K, Wei Y, Thomas L: Combining genomic selection and doubled haploid technology increases efficiency of maize breeding, Book charpter: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2014 Studium Press LLC, USA. Book Charpter


