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  • 中文名:劉玉申
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 籍貫:山東臨清
  • 出生日期:1979年2月
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學 
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員
  • 學位:博士
  • 學歷:研究生


2011年8月晉升副教授,2016年8月破格晉升教授。 期間於2008年8月-2010年4月,赴台灣交通大學電子物理系從事博士後研究。








4、 江蘇省高等學校優秀科技創新團隊-微納結構與能源器件,2017年,30萬,主持
6、江蘇省科技項目-基礎研究計畫(自然科學基金)-面上項目,2014/07-2017/06, 10萬元,已結題,主持
7、國家自然科學基金專項基金項目,11247028, 分子熱電器件的理論和套用研究,2013/01-2015/12, 20萬,已結題,主持
8、國家自然科學基金專項基金項目,10947130, 量子點隧穿結中自旋相關的熱電效應,2009/01-2009/12,3萬元,已結題,主持


1、Yang Ming, Wang Zhang, Jie Tang, Xifeng Yang, Yu-shen Liu,* and Yan-qing Lu*, Nonlinear Wavy Metasurfaces with Topological Defects for Manipulating Orbital Angular Momentum States, ACS Photonics 8, 1896−1902(2021).
2、Yaojun Dong,†Xixi Tao,† Lihua Wang, Yinzhong Wu, Ning Yu, Long Bai, Xuefeng Wang, Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu*, Graphene-based nano-devices: high spin Seebeck and pure spin photogalvanic effects, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 26476–26481 (2021).
3、Donglei Wei, Xifeng Yang, Yushen Liu*and Hyo Jin Seo,* Boosting photodegradation of dye solutions based on Eu3+ doping in Bismuth-layered oxyhalogenide semiconducto rNaBi3O4Cl1.5Br0.5 Applied Surface Science 567 150814-150825(2021).
4、Haishuang Lu, Yu Chen,Kexin Yang, Yawei Kuang, Zhongguo Li* and Yushen Liu*, Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Responseand Carrier Dynamics in Layered Gallium Sulfide (GaS) Single-Crystalline Thin Films,Frontiers in Materials, 8,775048 (2021).
5、Zhenguang Shao, Hailin Yu, Yu-Shen Liu,* Xifeng Yang, Dunjun Chen,* Bin Liu, Hai Lu, Rong Zhang, and Youdou Zheng, Different I−V Behaviors and Leakage Current Mechanisms in AlGaN Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodiodes,: ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2, 2716−2720 (2020).
6、Hailin Yu,* Xuefan Jiang, Yaojun Dong, Zhenguang Shao, Xifeng Yang, Yongmei Tao, and Yushen Liu*, High on/off Current Ratio in Dual in-Plane Gate Spin Transistor Based on the VB Defect Hexagonal BN, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2, 545−555(2020)
7、Yushen Liu, Xilu Zou, Yaojun Dong*, Hailin Yu, Jie Zhang, Xifeng Yang, Xuefeng Wang, and Xifeng Yang*, Controlled single-spin transport in thermally driven molecular devices containing graphene electrodes modulated by quantum resonance, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 155415 (2020).
8、Yaojun Dong,Yinzhong Wu, Xuefeng Wang,*, Xifeng Yang,*, and Yushen Liu*, Nanoporous Graphene Nanoribbons: Robust Spin-Semiconducting Property and Perfect Spin Seebeck Effects. J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 29126−29132 (2019).
9、Xifeng Yang, Fangxin Tan, Yaojun Dong, Hailin Yu and Yushen Liu*, Transition metal containing molecular devices: controllable single-spin negative differential thermoelectric resistance effects under gatevoltages.,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 5243-5252 (2019).
10、Xifeng Yang; Zhenguang Shao; Hailin Yu; Yaojun Dong; Yawei Kuang and Yushen Liu*,Carbon chain-based spintronic devices: Tunable single-spin Seebeck effect, negative differential resistance and giant rectification effects. Organic Electronics, 55, 170-176 (2018).
11、Hailin Yu; Xuefan Jiang; Meng Qiu Cai; Jinfu Feng; Xiaoshuang Chen; Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu*,Electronic and magnetic properties of zigzag C2N-h2D nanoribbons: Edge and width effects.Chemical Physics Letters, 685, 363-370 (2017).
12、Zhenguang Shao; Qijia Gu; Xifeng Yang; Jiezhang; Yawei Kuang; Debao Zhang; Hailin Yu; Xuekun Kong; Jinfu Feng and Yushen Liu*,Trap-assisted tunneling in AlGaN avalanche photodiodes. AIP ADVANCES, 7(6), 122202-122205 (2017).
13、Hailu Wang; Mingxing Wang; Cheng Qian; Xuekun Hong; Debao Zhang; Yushen Liu and Xifeng Yang,Spin thermoelectric effects in organic single-molecule devices. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 381(20), 1738-1744 (2017).
14、Xifeng Yang; Yawei Kuang; Hailin Yu; Zhenguang Shao; Jie Zhang; Jinfu Feng; Xiaoshuang Chen and Yushen Liu,Zigzag C2N nanoribbons with edge modifications as multi-functional spin devices. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 12538-12545 (2017).
15、Zhixing Gan; Zhihui Chen; Lizhe Liu; Lifang Zhang; Wenguang Tu and Yushen Liu,Highly Effcient Solar-Driven Photothermal Performance in Au-Carbon Core-Shell Nanospheres. Solar RRL, 1, 1600032-1600039 (2017).
16、Xifeng Yang; Xilu Zou; Yawei Kuang; Zhenguang Shao; Jie Zhang; Xuekun Hong; Debao Zhang; Jinfu Feng; Xiaoshuang Chen and Yushen Liu,Adatom-induced local reconstructions in zigzag silicene nanoribbons:Spin semiconducting properties and large spin thermopowers. Chemical Physics Letters, 667, 113-119 (2017).
17、Yushen Liu; Xueyi Shao; Tan Shao; Jiayi Zhang; Yawei Kuang; Debao Zhang; Zhenguang Shao; Hailin Yu; Xuekun Hong; Jinfu Feng; Xifeng Yang; Xiaoshuang Chen and XUefeng Wang,Gate-enhanced thermoelectric effects in all-carbon quantum devices. Carbon, 109, 411-417 (2016).
18、Xifeng Yang; Yawei Kuang; Yushen Liu; Debao Zhang; Zhenguang Shao; Hailin Yu; Xuekun Hong; Jinfu Feng; Xiaoshuang Chen and Xuefeng Wang,Carbon-based molecular devices: Fano effects controlled by the molecule length and the gate voltage. Nanoscale, 8, 15712-15719 (2016).
19、Xuekun Hong, Yawei Kuang, Chen Qian, Yongmei Tao, Hailin Yu, Debao Zhang, Yushen Liu, Jinfu Feng, Xifeng Yang* and Xuefeng Wang,Axisymmetric All-Carbon Devices with High-Spin Filter Efficiency, Large-Spin Rectifying, and Strong-Spin Negative Differential Resistance Properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(1), 668-676 (2016).
20、Xifeng Yang; Hailu Wang; Yingshuang Chen; Yawei Kuang; Xuekun Hong; Yushen Liu; Jinfu Feng and Xuefeng Wang,Giant spin thermoelectric effects in all-carbonnanojunctions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 22815-22822 (2015).
21、Xifeng Yang; Hailu Wang; Xuekun Hong; *Yushen Liu; *Jinfu Feng; *Xuefeng Wang; Changwen Zhang; Feng Chi and Mingsu Si,Tunable half-metallic properties and spin Seebeck effectsin zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons adsorbedwith V atom or V-benzene compound. Organic Electronics, 24, 80-88 (2015).
22、Yushen Liu; Wenqian Zhou; Jinfu Feng and Xuefeng Wang,Enhanced spin thermoelectric effects in BN-embedded zigzaggraphene nanoribbons. Chemical Physics Letters, 625, 14-19 (2015).
23、Yushen Liu; Xue Zhang; Xifeng Yang; Xuekun Hiong; Jinfu Feng; Mingsu Si and Xuefeng Wang,Spin caloritronics of blue phosphorene nanoribbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 10462-10467 (2015).
24、Xifeng Yang; Wenqian Zhou; Xuekun Hong; Yushen Liu; Xuefeng Wang and Jinfu Feng,Half-metallic properties, single-spin negative differential resistance,and large single-spin Seebeck effects induced by chemical dopingin zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons. The Journal of chemical physics, 142, 024706-024716 (2015).
25、Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu,A photon-assisted single-spin quantum-dot heat engine. Superlattices and Microstructures, 75, 334-339 (2014).
26、Xifeng Yang; Yushen Liu; Jinfu Feng; Xuefeng Wang; Changwen Zhang and Feng Chi,Transport properties of bare and hydrogenated zigzag silicene nanoribbons: Negative differential resistances and perfect spin-filtering effects. Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 124312-1243129 (2014).
27、Xifeng Yang; Yushen Liu; Jinfu Feng and Xuefeng Wang,Large spin Seebeck effects in zigzag-edge silicene nanoribbons. AIP Advances, 4, 087116-087121 (2014).
28、Yushen Liu; Xue Zhang; Jinfu Feng and Xuefeng Wang,Spin-resolved Fano resonances induced large spin Seebeck effects in graphene-carbon-chain junctions. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 242412-242416 (2014).
29、Xifeng Yang; Yushen Liu; Xue Zhang; Liping Zhou; Xuefeng Wang; Feng Chi and Jinfu Feng,Perfect spin filtering and large spin thermoelectric effects in organic transition-metal molecular junctions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 11349-11355 (2014).
30、Mingxing Zhai; Xuefeng Wang; Vasilopoulos, P.; Yushen Liu*; Raojun Dong; Liping Zhou; Yongjin Jiang and Wenlong You,Giant magnetoresistance and spin Seebeck coefficient in zigzag alpha-graphyne nanoribbons. Nanoscale, 6, 11121-11129 (2014).
31、Xifeng Yang; Xue Zhang; Xuekun Hong; Yushen Liu; Jinfu Feng; Xuefeng Wang and Changwen Zhang,Temperature-controlled giant thermal magnetoresistance behaviors in doped zigzag-edged silicene nanoribbons. RSC Advances, 4, 48539-48546 (2014).
32、Yushen Liu; Xuefeng Wang and Feng Chi,Non-magnetic doping induced a high spin-filter efficiency and large spin Seebeck effect in zigzag graphene nanoribbons. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1, 8046-8051 (2013).
33、Yushen Liu; Xifeng Yang; Xuekun Hong; Mingsu Si; Feng Chi and Yong Guo,A high-efficiency double quantum dot heat engine. Applied Physics Letters, 103, 093901-093905 (2013).
34、Xuekun Hong; Xifeng Yang; Jinfu Feng and Yushen Liu,Temperature-controllable spin-polarized current and spin polarization in a Rashba three-terminal double-quantum-dot device. Chinese Physics B, 22, 057306-057315 (2013).
35、Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu,Pure spin current in a double quantum dot device generated by thermal bias. Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 164310-164313 (2013).
36、Yushen Liu; Xifeng Yang; Feng Chi; Mingsu Si and Yong Guo,A proposal for time-dependent pure-spin-current generators. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 213109-213113 (2012).
37、Xifeng Yang; Yushen Liu and Ying Fu,Optical absorptions in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum well for solar energy application. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(5), 054314 (2012).
38、Yushen Liu; Xifeng Yang; Xuekun Hong and Feng Chi,A single-spin-current thermal generator. Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 023710-023716 (2012).
39、Yushen Liu; Xuekun Hong; Jinfu Feng and Xifeng Yang,Fano-Rashba effect in thermoelectricity of a double quantum dot molecular junction. Nanoscale Research Letters, 6, 618-627 (2011).
40、Yushen Liu; Hsuan-Te Yao and Yuchang Chen,Atomic-Scale Field-Effect Transistor as a Thermoelectric PowerGenerator and Self-Powered Device. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 14988-14996 (2011).
41、Yushen Liu; Debao Zhang; Xifeng Yang; Jinfu Feng,The role of Coulomb interaction in thermoelectric effects of an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer. Nanotechnology, 22, 225201-225209 (2011).
42、Yushen Liu and Yuchang Chen,Single-molecule refrigerators: Substitution and gate effects. Applied Physics Letters, 98, 213103-213105 (2011).
43、Yushen Liu; Bailey C. Hsu, and Yuchang Chen,Effect of Thermoelectric Cooling in Nanoscale Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 6111-6125 (2011).
44、Yushen Liu; FengChi; Xifeng Yang and Jinfu Feng,Pure spin thermoelectric generator based on a rashba quantum dot molecule. Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 053712-053716 (2011).
45、Yushen Liu and Yuchang Chen,Counting statistics in nanoscale junctions. Physical Review B, 83, 035401-035407 (2011).
46、Yushen Li and Xifeng Yang,Enhancement of thermoelectric efficiency in a double-quantum-dot molecular junction. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(2), 023710-023713 (2010).
47、Yushen Liu and Xifeng Yang,Enhancement of thermoelectric efficiency in a double-quantum-dot molecular junction. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(2), 023710-023713 (2010).
48、Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu,Multiple-path Quantum Interference Effects in a Double-Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer. Nanoscale Research Letters, 5(7), 1228-1235 (2010).
49、Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu,Spin-flip effects in a parallel-coupled double quantum dot molecule. Superlattices and Microstructures, 48(1), 31-40 (2010).
50、Yushen Liu and Yuchang Chen, Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectric molecular junctions: First-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B, 2009, 79: 193101.
51、Yushen Liu, Yiren Chen, and Yuchang Chen, Thermoelectric Efficiency in Nanojunctions: A Comparison between Atomic Junctions and Molecular Junctions, Acs Nano, 2009, 3: 3497-3504.
52、Yushen Liu, Xifeng Yang, Xihui Fan, amd Jieyun Xia, Transport properties of a Kondo dot with a larger side-coupled noninteracting quantum dot, JPCM, 2008, 20: 135226.
53、Yushen Liu, Hao Chen, and Xifeng Yang, Transport properties of an Aharonov–Bohm ring with strong interdot Coulomb interaction, JPCM, 2007, 19: 246201.
54、Yushen Liu, Hao Chen, Xi Hui Fan, and Xifeng Yang, Inelastic transport through a single molecular dot in the presence of electron-electron interaction, Phys Rev B, 2006, 73: 115310.
55、楊希峰,況亞偉,張德寶,劉玉申,錢斌, wxAMPS仿真軟體在套用型本科“薄膜太陽能電池”課程中的套用,教育教學論壇,2016年11月,第44期,頁碼:416-418.


1、陶宇,殷文杰,劉玉申,張靜亞,徐健一種混合域壓縮採樣控制系統及其控制方法,專利號:ZL 2018 1 0394556.1,授權公告日:2021-03-19.
2、陶宇,楊可歆,劉玉申,張靜亞,徐健基於孔徑補全的壓縮感知MIMO雷達目標探測方法,專利號:ZL 2018 1 0391999.5授權公告日:2021-03-19.
3、劉誠毅,陶宇,劉玉申,況亞偉,李方強,徐健,一種套用於超密集異構網路的基於同頻干擾管理的多業務虛擬網路配置方法,專利號:ZL 2018 1 0745025.2授權公告日:2021-11-12.
4、劉誠毅,陶宇,劉玉申,況亞偉,李方強,徐健,一種套用於超密集異構網路的基於同頻干擾管理的多業務虛擬網路配置方法,專利號:ZL 2018 1 0743513.X授權公告日:2021-11-12.
5、楊希峰,尹興銳,李南星,張德寶,楊宏,劉玉申,況亞偉,顧利萍,孫蘇徽,趙明江.一種光譜可控的CdSe量子點製備方法.專利號:ZL 2017 1 0117670.5,授權公告日:2019-03-01.
6、況亞偉,馬玉龍,倪志春,魏青竹,楊希峰,朱丹鳳,劉玉申,馮金福.環形深層絕緣結構的石墨烯矽基太陽能電池及其製備方法.專利號:ZL 2016 1 1062791.6,授權公告日:2017-12-12
7、況亞偉,劉玉申,馬玉龍,徐競,沈小鵬,馮金福一種石墨烯雙結太陽能電池及其製備方法.專利號:ZL 2014 1 0624955.4,授權公告日:2017-02-15.
8、況亞偉,劉玉申,馬玉龍,薛春榮,徐競.一種石墨烯矽基太陽能電池及其製造方法.專利號:ZL 2014 1 0081157.1,授權公告日:2016-06-08.


