2012/7 ~至今: 教授,
國家青年千人計畫學者, 德國洪堡基金學者
2010/5 ~ 2012/6: Alexander & Humboldt Research Fellow of Germany (德國洪堡基金學者), RWTH-AVT Process Systems Engineering.
主持一項為期兩年的研究課題: Closed-loop System Identification and Control Design for Chemical Batch Process Optimization (簡譯: 套用閉環系統辨識和控制設計的化學批量生產過程的最佳化).
Host professor (合作研究教授): Wolfgang Marquardt (現任德國科學技術委員會主席, 控制學科領域國際頂級期刊Journal of Process Control的主編).
2010/1~2010/4: Research Assistant Professor (研究助理教授), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology-Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.
主要參與研究課題:Development of an Injection Molding Sensor for Through Cycle Monitoring and Control (簡譯: 套用注射成型感測器的周期循環監測和控制).
2009/6 ~ 2009/12: Senior Visiting Scholar (高級訪問學者), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology-Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
主要申請和參與研究課題: Development of an Injection Molding Sensor for Through Cycle Monitoring and Control (簡譯: 套用注射成型感測器的周期循環監測和控制).
合作研究教授: Furong Gao, 控制學科領域國際頂級期刊Journal of Process Control的副編輯).
2006/5 ~ 2009/5: Research Associate (助理研究員), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology-Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
主要參與研究課題:On-line Quality Prediction and Control Methods for Batch Processes (簡譯:針對批量生產過程的線上質量預測和控制方法).
合作研究教授: Furong Gao.
2002/4 ~ 2006/5: 於上海交通大學自動化系獲得控制理論與控制工程專業博士學位
博士論文題目: 化工多變數時滯過程的頻域解耦控制設計, 榮獲2007年上海市優秀博士論文.
2000/10 ~ 2001/6: 電氣工程師, 清華同方控制工程公司重慶代理—集智電氣自動化公司
1999/3 ~ 2000/4: 電氣工程師, 重慶源流集團
主要參與重慶天文台大廈項目, 從事自動化監控中央空調、電氣設備以及給排水系統的設計和施工安裝工作.
2016年1月, 獲準申辦第36屆中國控制會議(CCC), 將於2017年在大連召開, 擔任會議程式委員會主席.
2016年1月, 增選為中國自動化學會控制理論專業委員會委員
自2015年1月, 擔任化學工程領域國際重要SCI源英文期刊Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research編委,該期刊2014年影響因子2.235.
2014年8月8-11日, 承辦第25屆中國過程控制會議(CPCC), 擔任會議組織委員會主席,在大連高級經理學院召開.
自2013年10月, 擔任國際英文期刊Systems Science and Control Engineering副編輯(Associate Editor),該期刊收錄於國際著名學術資源資料庫Taylor Francis.
自2012年8月, 增選為中國過程控制專業委員會委員
自2012年7月, 受聘為新加坡國立大學電氣和計算機系的碩博士國際合作培養導師
自2012年1月, 擔任IEEE控制系統委員會關於系統辨識和適應性控制技術分會的委員(Technical Committee Member of “System Identification and Adaptive Control” of the IEEE Control System Society)
自2010年1月, 任國際電氣與電工技術協會(IEEE)控制系統分會高級會員(Senior member)
International Program Committee (IPC) Member of 2012 IASTED International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dec 27-29, 2012.
Chairman of the session ‘CAPE Simulation and Control—Dynamic Modelling’ in the 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE), Berlin, Sep 25-29, 2011.
Guest editor of the 4th Annual Workshop of Germany-China Chemical Engineering (GCCC) in the North Rhine-Westphalia state, May 28-30, 2011.
擔任控制學科領域國際和國內20多個主要學術期刊的審稿人, 如Automatica, Journal of Process Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Control System Technology, and Instrumentation & Measurement, AIChE Journal, Chemical Engineering Science, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Systems & Control Letters, Control Engineering Practice, 自動化學報, 控制理論與套用, 控制與決策等.
擔任控制學科領域國際和國內主要學術會議的會場主持主席和審稿人, 如the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE), American Control Conference (ACC), Asia Control Conference (ASCC), Chinese Control Conference (CCC, 中國控制會議), Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC, 中國控制與決策會議)等.
1. 工業和生物過程的數學建模、系統辨識、計算機仿真、動態模擬
2. 化工批量生產和周期性過程的線上監測、辨識建模、控制最佳化
3. 先進控制系統設計、線上自整定、運行最佳化
4. 套用於系統生物的納米/微納米級建模和控制設計
5. 一維和二維魯棒控制理論、疊代學習控制理論
6. 多變數系統的解耦控制設計
7. 帶有輸入/輸出約束的工業過程的反飽和控制設計
Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Prof. Furong Gao (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
Prof. Qing-Guo Wang (National University of Singapore)
Prof. Kok K. Tan (National University of Singapore)
Prof. Jianxin Xu (National University of Singapore)
Prof. Sigurd Skogestad (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Prof. Hsiao-Ping Huang (National Taiwan University)
Prof. S. Joe Qin (University of Southern California, USA)
Prof. Biao Huang (University of Alberta, Canada)
Prof. Sirish L. Shah (University of Alberta, Canada)
Prof. Tongwen Chen (University of Alberta, Canada)
Prof. Zoltan Kalman Nagy (Purdue University, USA)
Prof. Jie Bao (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
Prof. Zhiqiang Gao (Cleveland State University, USA)
Prof. Babatunde A. Ogunnaike (University of Delaware, USA)
Prof. Chien I-Lung (National Taiwan University)
Prof. Su Whan Sung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Prof. Alberto Leva (Polytechnic of Milan, Italy)
Prof. Jie Zhang (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
Prof. Nina F. Thornhill (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof. Yu-Chu Tian (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Prof. Moses Tadé (Curtin University of Technology, Australia)
Prof. Mingzhong Li (De Montfort University, UK)
Prof. Xue Zhong Wang (University of Leeds, UK)
Prof. Junghui Chen (Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan)
Prof. Keqin Gu (Southern Illinois University, USA)
Prof. Zidong Wang (Brunel University, UK)
Prof. Qinglong Han (Central Queensland University, Australia)
Prof. Torsten Soderstrom (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Prof. Hugues Garnier (Université Henri Poincaré, France)
Prof. Er-Wei Bai (University of Iowa, USA)
Prof. Yucai Zhu (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Prof. Daniel Rivera (Arizona State University, USA)
Prof. Konstantinos S. Tsakalis (Arizona State University, USA)
Prof. Han-Xiong Li (City University of Hong Kong)