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  • 中文名:劉洪臣
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:哈爾濱工業大學教授


1997年-2001年, 就讀於東北農業大學, 獲學士學位
2001年-2003年, 就讀於哈爾濱工業大學, 獲碩士學位
2003年-2007年, 就讀於哈爾濱工業大學, 獲博士學位


  1. 新能源發電系統之中的電力電子技術
  2. 矩陣式電力變換器及其套用研究
  3. 電力變換器系統建模、動力學分析及其控制
  4. 分散式供電系統中的能源管理及效率最佳化


  1. Liu Hongchen, Li Fei. A Novel High Step-Up Dual Switches Converter With Coupled Inductor and Voltage Multiplier Cell for a Renewable Energy System,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2016, 31(7):4974-4983
  2. Liu Hongchen, Li Fei. A Novel High Step-up Converter With a Quasi-active Switched-Inductor Structure for Renewable Energy Systems,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2016, 31(7):5030-5039
  3. Liu Hongchen, Ai Jian, and Li Fei. A Novel High Step-Up Converter with a Switched-Coupled-Inductor-Capacitor Structure for Sustainable Energy Systems, Journal of Power electronics,2016,16(2):436-446
  4. Liu Hongchen, Li Fei. Novel High Step-Up DC–DC Converter With Active Coupled-Inductor Network for a Sustainable Energy System, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015,30(12):6476-6482
  5. 劉洪臣,管恩慧,王雲,趙丹,周祺堃,徐永向. 單周期控制三電平Boost功率因數校正變換器的慢尺度分岔分析。物理學報, 2015, 64 (4): 040502(SCI檢)
  6. 劉洪臣,蘇振霞. 雙降壓式全橋逆變器非線性現象的研究。物理學報, 2014, 63 (1): 010505-1-010505-7(SCI檢: AB8GU, EI檢: 20140517256588)
  7. Liu Hongchen, Wang Guoli, Yu Hailong,Simplified circuit and modulation scheme for five-phase three-level voltage source inverter. IET ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2013, 49 (22) : 14 04-1405 (SCI檢:241OZ, EI檢:20134616965822)
  8. 劉洪臣, 楊爽. 單相H橋逆變器單極性正弦脈寬調製下的分岔及混沌行為研究. 物理學報, 2013, 62 (21): 210502-1-210502-7(SCI檢:258TP, EI檢:20134616980424)
  9. Liu Hongchen, Yang Shuang. Study on Nonlinear Phenomena in Buck-Boost Converter with Switched-Inductor Structure. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013, Article ID 907868. (SCI檢: 253YA)
  10. 劉洪臣, 楊爽, 王國立, 李飛. 基於開關電感結構的混合升壓變換器非線性現象研究. 物理學報, 2013, 62(15): 150505-1-150505-8(SCI檢:208BI, EI檢:20133516 678470)
  11. 劉洪臣, 李飛, 楊爽. 基於周期性擴頻的單相H橋逆變器非線性現象的研究. 物理學報, 2013, 62(11):110504-1-110504-8(SCI檢:162DH, EI檢:20132816496900)
  12. 劉洪臣, 王雲,蘇振霞. 單相三電平H 橋逆變器分岔現象的研究. 物理學報, 2013,62 (24): 240506-1-240506-8(SCI檢: 280OK, IF:1.027,EI檢:20140117166959)
  13. Liu Hong-Chen, Li Fei, Su Zhen-Xia. Symmetrical dynamical characteristic of peak and valley current-mode controlled single-phase H-bridge inverter. Chin. Phys. B, 2013,22 (11) :1105 01-1- 11050 1-6(SCI檢: 162DH,EI檢:20134917055073)
  14. Qi Chao, Liu Hongchen,Wei Yuanli, Dai Jingmin. Design and experimental research of angle self-compensation fitting for BSDF measurement. Chinese Optics Letters. 2009, 7(5):403-406(SCI檢:450RU,EI,EI檢:092412123242)
  15. Liu Hongchen,Feng Yong,Li Lingjing. Fast regularized image interpolation method. Chinese Optics Letters. 2007,5(3):149-152. (SCI檢: 288YY,EI檢: 071910594351)
  16. Liu Hongchen, Yu Hailong,Wang Guoli. Research on Three-to-Five Phase Z-source Indirect Matrix Converter. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering . 2013,11: 625-630(EI源)
  17. Liu Hongchen, Lu Zhiguo, Su Zhenxia. A novel three-phase five-level voltage source inverter based on SVPWM scheme . 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering . 2013,11:617-620(EI源)
  18. Liu Hongchen, Su Zhenxia, Liu Lei. Analysis on Harmonics in Output Voltage of A Single-Phase Voltage-Source Wavelet Modulated AC-DC Converter. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering . 2013,11:735-738(EI源)
  19. Liu Hongchen, Hailong Yu, Lishan Sun. The Modulation Strategy to Reduce Common-mode Voltage for Three-to-Five Phase Indirect Matrix Converter. Communi cations in Computer and Information Science, 2013, 28-36. (EI檢: 20133816757923)
  20. Liu Hongchen, Liu Lei, Sun Lishan. Research of IMC-Fed BLDCM Servo System Based on Fuzzy Control. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2013, 355: 19-27.(EI檢: 20133816757922)
  21. 劉洪臣,劉雷,孫立山. 小波調製逆變器電壓調製比的理論分析. 哈爾濱工業大學學報.2013,45(10):63-68(EI源)
  22. 劉洪臣,莊嚴,孫立山,劉雷. 基於混沌擴頻的雙級矩陣變換器調製策略的研究. 電源學報, 2012, 44(6): 9-13.
  23. 劉洪臣, 孫立山,莊嚴. TSMC-PMSM複合控制器的閉環控制系統. 電源學報, 2012, 44(3): 1-4.
  24. Liu Hongchen,Sun lishan, Pan xiao. Research Of IMC-Fed PMSM Control System Using Sensorless Technique. 3rd International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, 2011, 2: 204-209
  25. Sun lishan, Liu Hongchen, Pan xiao. IMC-fed PMSM Control System based on Fuzzy PI. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, 2011.3 (EI檢, 20113414258752)
  26. Liu Hongchen, Feng Yong, Li Lingjing. The multi-channel fast super-resolution image reconstruction based on matrix observation model. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010, 17(2):239-246(EI檢, 20102413003450)
  27. 劉洪臣,馮勇,趙永平. 基於Kronecker積的圖像超解析度快速算法. 電子學報,2009, 37(4):839-843(EI檢, 20092012082503)
  28. 劉洪臣, 陳希有, 沈濤, 馮勇. 用於抑制矩陣變換器共模電壓的零輸出換相策略. 中國電機工程學報. 2005, 25(3): 29-32. (EI檢, 05149025540)
  29. 劉洪臣, 陳希有, 馮勇, 邢海軍, 馬向前. 雙電壓合成矩陣變換器共模電壓的研究, 中國電機工程學報, 2004, 24(12): 182-186. (EI檢, 05058823213)
  30. 劉洪臣, 馮勇. 基於小波融合的圖像殘差金字塔超解析度方法. 光電子?雷射. 2007, 18(7): 847-849.(EI檢, 073510790299)
  31. 劉洪臣, 陳中建, 馮勇. X射線管道焊縫探傷中的視覺同步技術. 光電子?雷射. 2006, 17(6): 714-718 (EI檢, 063410082619)
  32. 劉洪臣, 馮勇, 楊旭強. 提高亞像元圖像解析度的小波B樣條方法研究. 華中科技大學學報. 2006, 34(8):4-6. (EI檢, 064510226279)
  33. 劉洪臣,馮勇,楊旭強. 基於雙三次B樣條曲面亞像元圖像插值方法研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報. 2007, 39(7): 1121-1124. (EI檢, 073410776667)
  34. Liu Hongchen, Feng Yong, Sun Guangyan. Wavelet domain image super- resolution reconstruction based on image Pyramid and cycle-spinning. 4th international symposium on instrumentation science and technology (ISIST’06), 2006, 8. Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol.48, no.1: 417-21 2006(ISTP檢, BGU20)
  35. 劉洪臣, 馮勇,陳曉麗. 亞像元成像系統細胞神經網路插值方法研究. 光學技術, 2006,32(4):604-606. (EI檢, 063610101617)
  36. 劉洪臣,楊旭強,馮勇. 亞像元成像系統B樣條插值方法. 光電工程. 2006, 32(2): 90-93. (EI檢, 06179840528)
  37. 劉洪臣, 陳中建, 馮勇. 結合顏色和形態特徵的雜草實時識別方法. 光電工程. 2006, 33(7):96-100. (EI檢, 063510092927)
  38. 劉洪臣,馮勇,李林靜. 滯環細胞神經網路實現多渦卷混沌發生器. 智慧型系統學報. 2007, 2(3): 63-66
  39. 劉洪臣, 霍炬, 陳希有. 運動目標地面仿真系統Visual C++6.0的實現, 電氣傳動, 2004, 34(5): 55-57.(核心)
  40. Liu Hongchen, Feng Yong, Li Lingjing. The multi-channel fast super-resolution image reconstruction based on matrix observation model. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
  41. Wu Weixin, Liu Hongchen. Noise removal using nonlinear anisotropic diffusion filtering based on statistic-local open system. The 2008 International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2008.5 (EI檢, 083911598761)
  42. Wu Weixin, Liu Hongchen. Improved method of nolinear anisotropic diffusion filtering based on open system. SPIE Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and pattern recognition. 2007, 11. (EI檢, 081811236021, ISTP檢, BHK04)
  43. Ju, Huo; Hongchen, Liu; Ming, Yang; Xiyou, Chen. The control strategy of matrix converter with adaptive capability for the input voltage's disturbance .Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2006.7. (EI檢, 071510543732, ISTP檢, BFG71)
  44. 霍炬, 劉洪臣. 新型矩陣變換器控制策略. 哈爾濱工業大學學報(增刊), 2004, 7.(核心)
  45. 關柏利, 劉洪臣, 徐殿國, 王立國. 矩陣變換器的四步換流法及硬體實現. 節能技術. 2004,22(1): 22-25.(核心)
  46. 楊旭強, 劉洪臣, 馮勇, 彭澤. 基於B樣條插值算法的亞像元技術的研究. 光學技術. 2006, 33(2):90-93. (EI檢, 05439426470)


  1. 2016.08 第三屆全國青年教師教學競賽工科組二等獎;
  2. 2015.9,黑龍江省五一勞動獎章;
  3. 2015.8,黑龍江省高校第三屆青年教師教學基本功競賽一等獎;
  4. 2015.10,哈爾濱工業大學三育人先進工作者;
  5. 2015.12,哈爾濱工業大學優秀專兼職工作者;
  6. 2015.6,黑龍江省高等教育學會優秀高等教育科學研究成果一等獎,序1;
  7. 2015.5,哈爾濱工業大學教學成果二等獎,序1;
  8. 2015.5,哈爾濱工業大學研究生教學成果二等獎,序2;
  9. 2014.9,電路國家資源共享課程,主講教師之一;
  10. 2014.6,哈爾濱工業大學先進個人;
  11. 2014.9,哈爾濱工業大學優秀教材獎,序3;
  12. 2014.6,哈爾濱工業大學優秀共產黨員;
  13. 2013.1,哈爾濱工業大學教學成果二等獎,序1;
  14. 2012.5,哈爾濱工業大學第二屆教學新秀獎;
  15. 2012.6,哈爾濱工業大學五好家庭;
  16. 2010.5,哈爾濱工業大學教學優秀獎二等獎;
  17. 2009.11,哈爾濱工業大學第三屆青年教師基本功競賽一等獎。


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