1. 1999.9-2003.7 浙江師範大學獲理學學士;
2. 2003.9-2008.3 同濟大學獲理學博士學位;
3. 2014.1-2014.3澳門大學訪學;
4. 2014.9-2015.8普渡大學訪學(國家留學基金委資助);
5. 2018.6-2018.7 香港城市大學,香港理工大學訪學
研究興趣為系統控制理論與複分析。近年已經在SIAM J、Automatica、IEEE 彙刊、Syst & Control Lett.、Neur. Comp.、Pacific J. Math.、中國科學(中/英)等國內外期刊發表論文60多篇,出版專著1部。
1. Q. Zhu, Y. Liu*, J. Lu, J. Cao,On the optimal control of Boolean control networks,SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 1321-1341, 2018.
2. Q. Zhu, Y. Liu*, J. Lu, J. Cao, Further Results on the Controllability of Boolean Control Networks,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI:10.1109/TAC.2018.2830642, 2018.
3. Y. Liu*, B. Li, H. Chen, J. Cao, Function perturbations on singular Boolean networks,Automatica, 84, pp. 36-42, 2017.
4. Y. Liu*, B. Li, J. Lu, J. Cao, Pinning Control for the Disturbance Decoupling Problem of Boolean Networks,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62:12, 6595-6601, 2017.
5. Y Liu*, H Chen, J Lu, B Wu, Controllability of probabilistic Boolean control networksbased on transition probability matrices,Automatica52, 340-345, 2015.
6. Y. Liu* and S.W. Zhao. Controllability for a Class of Linear Time-Varying ImpulsiveSystems With Time Delay in Control Input.IEEE Transactions on AutomaticControl, 56:395-399, 2011.
7. Y Liu*, B Jiang, et al, Event-Triggered Sliding Mode Control for Attitude Stabilization of a Rigid Spacecraft.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2867061, 2018.
8. Y Liu*, Y Zheng, et al, Constrained Quaternion-Variable Convex Optimization: A Quaternion-Valued Recurrent Neural Network Approach,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, To be published, 2019.
9. Y Liu*, D Zhang, et al, Stability analysis of quaternion-valued neural networks: decomposition and direct approaches,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems29 (9), 4201-4211, 2018.
10. Y. Liu*, Z. Chen, Y. Pan, Boundary Schwarz lemma for non-equidimensional holomorphic mappings and its application,Pacific Journal of Math., 295, 463-476, 2018.
1. 2017-2020,主持國家自然科學基金面上項目;
2. 2012-2014,主持國家自然科學基金青年項目;
3. 2010-2010,主持國家自然科學基金天元項目;
4. 2014-2016,主持浙江省自然科學基金一般項目;
5. 2010-2012,主持浙江省自然科學基金一般項目;
6. 2019-2022,參與浙江省自然科學基金重大項目;
1. 上海市優秀博士論文(2012.2);
2. 浙江省高校中青年學科帶頭人(2013.5);
3. 浙江省151人才工程第三層次(2013.9);
4. 浙江師範大學“我心中的好老師"(2016.12);
5. 浙江師範大學“雙龍學者”特聘教授(2017.6);
6.Acta Mathematica Scientia年度優秀論文(2017.12);
8. 浙江省青年英才計畫(2018.11)
1. 《Neural Processing Letters》編委(Spring出版社出版,SCI三區,IF:1.6);
2. 中國自動化學會TCCT邏輯系統控制學組秘書長;
3. 中國工程院院刊《FITEE》客座編委(Spring出版社出版,SCI,IF:0.9)