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劉江平,男,江西吉安人,理學博士,碩士生導師。2021年獲中國科學院大學博士學位,興滇英才計畫“青年人才”獲得者,昆明理工大學高層次引進人才。致力於大氣非均相光化學反應以及室內空氣污染;同時也關注大氣含硫/氮揮發性有機物(SVOCs)的催化降解,以解決能源與環境中存在的污染問題。目前,累計在Science Advances, Environmental Science & Technology等國際高水平期刊上發表SCI論文20餘篇,主持國家自然科學基金1項,省部級項目3項。


  • 中文名:劉江平
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 職業:教師
  • 籍貫:江西吉安


2021.09-至今 昆明理工大學 科研與教學工作 講師
2018.08-2021.06 中國科學院大學 環境科學專業 博士學位




  1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(主持,2023-2025年,在研,30萬元)
  2. 昆明理工大學高層次人才引進項目(主持,2021-2029年,在研,80萬元)
  3. 雲南省科技廳和昆明理工大學“雙一流”創建聯合專項(主持,2021-2024年,在研,20萬元)
  4. 雲南省教育廳科學研究基金(自科類)(主持,2022-2023年,在研,4萬)
  5. 中科院國際合作重點項目:海-氣界面的大氣光化學反應對VOCs和SOA生成的影響(參與,2019-2022,在研,115萬)
  6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“室內表面與二氧化氮非均相光化學反應生成亞硝酸研究”(參與,2019-2022,在研,68萬)


1. J. Liu, H. Deng, R. Zhang, W, Song, X, Li, Y, Luo, X, Wang, S. Gligorovski. Physical and chemical characterization of urban grime: An impact on the NO2 uptake coefficients and Ncontaining product compounds. Science of the Total Environment. 2022.833, 155973.
2. Pan Li, Hongwei Pang, Yiqun Wang, Huifan Deng, Jiangping Liu, Gwendal Loisel, Biao Jin, Xue Li, Davide Vione, and Sasho Gligorovski. Inorganic Ions Enhance the Number of Product Compounds through Heterogeneous Processing of Gaseous NO2 on an Aqueous Layer of Acetosyringone. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 5398-5408.
3. H. Deng, J Liu, Y. Wang, W. Song, X. Wang,X. Li, D. Vione, S. Gligorovski*, The Effect of Inorganic Salts on N-Containing Organic Compounds Formed by Heterogeneous Reaction of NO2 with Oleic Acid, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2021, 55, 12, 7831–7840.
4. Zhu, S.; Wang, Y.; Lu, J.; Lu, H.; He, S.; Song, D.; Luo, Y.; Liu, J*. Study of the Metal–Support Interaction and Electronic Effect Induced by Calcination Temperature Regulation and Their Effect on the Catalytic Performance of Glycerol Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 3149. https://doi.org/10.3390/ nano11113149
5. J. Liu, H. Deng, P. Lakey, H. Jiang, M. Mekic, X. Wang, S. Manabu*, S. Gligorovski*, Unexpectedly High Indoor HONO Concentrations Associated with Photochemical NO2 Transformation on Glass Windows, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020,54,24,15680-15688.
6. J. Liu, H. Deng, S. Li, H. Jiang, M. Mekic, W. Zhou, Y. Wang, G. Loisel, X. Wang, S. Gligorovski*, Light-Enhanced Heterogeneous Conversion of NO2to HONO on Solid Films Consisting of Fluorene and Fluorene/Na2SO4:An Impact on Urban and Indoor Atmosphere, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020,54,18,11079-11086.
7. J. Liu, S. Li, M. Mekic, H. Jiang, W. Zhou, G. Loisel, W. Song, X. Wang, S. Gligorovski*, Photoenhanced uptake of NO2 and HONO formation on real urban grime, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2019, 6, 413-417.
8. J. Liu, S. Li, J. Zeng, M. Mekic, Z. Yu, W. Zhou, G. Loisel, A. Gandolfo, W. Song, X. Wang, Z. Zhou, H. Herrmann, X. Li, S. Gligorovski*, Assessing indoor gas phase oxidation capacity through real-time measurements of HONO, NOx and ozone in Guangzhou, China, Environ. Environ. Sci.:Processes Impacts, 2019, 21, 1393–1402.
9. J Liu, D He, D Chen, H Hao, J Yu, J Lu,F Liu, P Liu , Y Zhao, Y Luo*,Promotional effects of rare-earth (La, Ce and Pr) modification over HZSM-5 for methyl mercaptan catalytic decomposition. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017,80,262-268.
10. Zeng J, Yu Z, Mekic M, Liu J, Li S, Loisel G, Gao W, Gandolfo A, Zhou Z, Wang X, Herrmann H, Gligorovski S, Li X. Evolution of indoor cooking emissions captured by using secondaryelectrospray ionization high resolution mass spectrometry [J]. Environment Science &Technology Letters: 2020, 7: 76-81.
1. 劉江平, 何德東, 陸繼長, 陳定凱, 余傑, 劉攀, 羅永明*. 稀土改性催化劑催化分解甲基硫醇的研究進展. 中國稀土學報 .2017 (5):559-570.
2. 劉江平, 何德東,胡亞楠, 余傑, 趙雨桐, 羅永明*. HZSM-5、CeO2、Al2O3催化劑對CH3SH催化分解的比較研究. 中國稀土學報. 2018 36 (5):550-557.

