


先後主持和參加國家科技重大專項、自然科學基金、973科技項目和中國科學院知識創新項目等其它省部級項目多項,出版專著2部,發表學術論文多篇,其中包含Scientific reports, Envionmental Science & Technology, Bioresource Technology, International Journal of Coal Geology, Energy & Fuels, Fuel 等。


  • 中文名:劉桂建
  • 畢業院校:中國礦業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境化學,環境地球化學(含環境有機地球化學)等
  • 任職院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 職稱:中國科學技術大學教授


1988.07~1995.09 山東煤田地質局從事地質勘探和技術管理工作
1995.09~2000.04 山東煤炭地質工程勘察研究院從事地質與環境科學研究工作
2000.04~2002.02 中國科學技術大學地球與空間科學學院做博士後研究工作
2002.03~2004  中國科學技術大學地球與空間科學學院從事教學與科研工作


3、1)地質學 2)環境地球化學


國外SCI 期刊
[1] Zhou C, Liu G, Cheng S, et al. The Environmental Geochemistry of Trace Elements and Naturally Radionuclides in a Coal Gangue Brick-Making Plant[J]. Scientific reports, 2014, (通訊作者)
[2]Chen J, Liu G, Li H, et al. Mineralogical and geochemical responses of coal to igneous intrusion in the Pansan Coal Mine of the Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China[J]. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 124: 11-35.(通訊作者)
[3]Dun W, Guijian L, Ruoyu S, et al. Influences of magmatic intrusion on the macromolecular and pore structures of coal: Evidences from Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy[J]. Fuel, 2014, 119: 191-201.(通訊作者)
[4]Li H, Liu G, Cao Y. Content and Distribution of Trace Elements and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fly Ash from a Coal-Fired CHP Plant[J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2014, 14: 1179-1188.(通訊作者)
[5]Fang T, Liu G, Zhou C, et al. Distribution and assessment of Pb in the supergene environment of the Huainan Coal Mining Area, Anhui, China[J]. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2014: 1-13.(通訊作者)
[6]Da C, Liu G, Sun R, et al. Sources and Risk Assessment of Organochlorine Pesticides in Surface Soils from the Nature Reserve of the Yellow River Delta, China[J]. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2014, 78(3): 779-786.(通訊作者)
[7]Chen J, Liu G, Kang Y, et al. Coal utilization in China: environmental impacts and human health[J]. Environmental geochemistry and health, 2014: 1-19.(通訊作者)
[8]Wu D, Liu G, Sun R. Investigation on Structural and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Perhydrous Bituminous Coal by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Thermogravimetry/Mass Spectrometry[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(5): 3024-3035.(通訊作者)
[9]Da C, Liu G, Yuan Z. Analysis of HCHs and DDTs in a sediment core from the Old Yellow River Estuary, China[J]. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2014, 100: 171-177.(通訊作者)
[10]Sun R, Sonke J, Heimbürger L E, et al. Mercury Stable Isotope Signatures of World Coal Deposits and Historical Coal Combustion Emissions[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014.(通訊作者)
[11]Zhou C, Liu G, Cheng S, et al. Thermochemical and trace element behavior of coal gangue, agricultural biomass and their blends during co-combustion[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014.(通訊作者)
[12]Zhou C, Liu G, Wu S, et al. The environmental characteristics of usage of coal gangue in bricking-making: A case study at Huainan, China[J]. Chemosphere, 2014, 95: 274-280.(通訊作者)
[13]Yuan Z, Liu G, Wang R, et al. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the Old Yellow River Estuary, China: Occurrence, sources, characterization and correlation with the relocation history of the Yellow River[J]. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2014, 109: 169-176.(通訊作者)
[14]Chuncai Z, Guijian L, Dun W, et al. Mobility behavior and environmental implications of trace elements associated with coal gangue: A case study at the Huainan Coalfield in China[J]. Chemosphere, 2014, 95: 193-199.(通訊作者)
[15]Fang T, Liu G, Zhou C, et al. Lead in Chinese coals: distribution, modes of occurrence, and environmental effects[J]. Environmental geochemistry and health, 2014, 36(3): 563-581.(通訊作者)
[16]Zhou C, Liu G, Fang T, et al. Partitioning and transformation behavior of toxic elements during circulated fluidized bed combustion of coal gangue[J]. Fuel, 2014, 135: 1-8.(通訊作者)
[17]Zhang J, Liu G, Wang R, et al. Concentrations and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water and Sediments from the Huaihe River, China[J]. Analytical Letters, 2014, 47(13): 2294-2305.(通訊作者)
[18]Yan Z, Liu G, Sun R, et al. Geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Huainan Coalfield, Anhui, China[J]. Geochemical Journal, 2014, 48(4): 331-344.(通訊作者)
[19]Chuncai Z, Guijian L, Ting F, et al. Leaching characteristic and environmental implication of rejection rocks from Huainan Coalfield, Anhui Province, China[J]. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2014.(通訊作者)
[20]Wu D, Liu G, Sun R, et al. Mercury-binding forms in coals and their geological provenances in coals of different types[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71(12): 4989-4995.(通訊作者)
[21]Chen Z X, Yu L, Liu W G, et al. Nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of water-soluble nitrate in Taihu Lake water system, China: implication for nitrate sources and biogeochemical process[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71(1): 217-223.(通訊作者)
[22]Da C, Liu G, Sun R, et al. Sources and Risk Assessment of Organochlorine Pesticides in Surface Soils[J].(通訊作者)
[23]Zhang J, Liu G, Yuan Z, et al. Levels and distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in middle reach of Huaihe River, China: anthropogenic influences and ecological risks[J]. Natural Hazards, 1-12.(通訊作者)
[1]袁宛清, 劉桂建, 葛濤. 某危險廢物處置場周邊地下水水質特徵及評價[J]. 環境化學, 2014, 3: 025.(通訊作者)
[2]儲婷婷, 葛濤, 劉桂建, 等. 淮南礦區謝橋礦 A 組煤底板灰岩組分結構及水化學特徵分析[J]. 中國煤炭地質, 2014, 26(3): 27-31.(通訊作者)
[3]王笑梅, 劉桂建, 黃潤. 淠河灌區集中式飲用水源地水質健康風險等級研究[J]. 環境科學學報, 2014, 34(3): 781-787.(通訊作者)
[4]盧嵐嵐, 劉桂建, 王興明, 等. 淮南顧橋礦土壤環境中微量元素的分布及其生態風險評價[J]. 中國科學技術大學學報, 2014, 44(002): 119-127.(通訊作者)
[1] Xie, F., F. Wu, L. Guijian, Y. Mu, C. Feng, H. Wang and J. P.Giesy (2013). "Removal of Phosphate from Eutrophic Lakes through Adsorptionby in situ Formation of Magnesium Hydroxide from Diatomite." Envionmental Science & Technology. (通訊作者)
[2] Chuncai, Z., L. Guijian, W. Dun, F. Ting, W. Ruwei and F.Xiang (2013). "Mobility behavior and environmental implications of traceelements associated with coal gangue: A case study at the Huainan Coalfield inChina." Chemosphere. (通訊作者)
[3] Da, C., G. Liu, Q. Tang and J. Liu (2013)."Distribution, sources, and ecological risks of organochlorine pesticidesin surface sediments from the Yellow River Estuary, China." EnvironmentalScience: Processes & Impacts.(通訊作者)
[4] Dun, W., L. Guijian, S. Ruoyu and C. Shancheng (2014)."Influences of magmatic intrusion on the macromolecular and porestructures of coal: Evidences from Raman spectroscopy and atomic forcemicroscopy." Fuel 119:191-201.(通訊作者)
[5] Dun, W., L. Guijian, S. Ruoyu and F. Xiang (2013)."Investigation of structural characteristics of thermally metamorphosedcoal by FTIR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction." Energy & Fuels27(10): 5823-5830.(通訊作者)
[6] Fang, T., G. Liu, C. Zhou, R. Sun, J. Chen and D. Wu (2013)."Lead in Chinese coals: distribution, modes of occurrence, andenvironmental effects." Environmental geochemistry and health:1-19.(通訊作者)
[7] Li guolian, Liu Guijian, Zhou Chuncai , Kang Yu, Yuan Wanqing, Xie Fazhi.Mobility, binding behavior and potential risks of heavy metals in the sedimentsof the fifth largest freshwater lake, China. Water Science and Technology. 2013(通訊作者)
[8] Li, Hui., Liu Guijian and Cao Yan (2013). "Content andDistribution of Trace Elements and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fly Ashfrom a Coal-Fired CHP Plant." Aerosol and Air Quality Research.(通訊作者)
[9] Ruwei, W., Z. Jiamei, L. Jingjing and G. Liu (2013)."Levels and Patterns of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Coal-FiredPower Plant Bottom Ash and Fly Ash from Huainan, China." Archives ofenvironmental contamination and toxicology: 1-10.(通訊作者)
[10] Sun, M., G. Liu and Q. Wu (2013). "Speciation of organicand inorganic selenium in selenium-enriched rice by graphite furnace atomicabsorption spectrometry after cloud point extraction." Food Chem 141(1): 66-71.(通訊作者)
[11] Tang, Q., G. Liu, C. Zhou and R. Sun (2013)."Distribution of trace elements in feed coal and combustion residues fromtwo coal-fired power plants at Huainan, Anhui, China." Fuel.(通訊作者)
[12] Tang, Q., G. Liu, C. Zhou, H. Zhang and R. Sun (2013)."Distribution of environmentally sensitive elements in residential soilsnear a coal-fired power plant: Potential risks to ecology and children’shealth." Chemosphere 93(10):2473-2479.(通訊作者)
[13] Tang, Q., W.-X. Ni, C.-F. Leung, W.-L. Man, K. K.-K. Lau, Y.Liang, Y.-W. Lam, W.-Y. Wong, S.-M. Peng and G.-J. Liu (2013). "Synthesisand antitumor activity of a series of osmium (vi) nitrido complexes bearingquinolinolato ligands." Chemical Communications 49(85): 9980-9982.(通訊作者)
[14] Wang, R., Y. Zhu, G. Liu and T.-C. Lau (2013)."Synthesis of La-doped Ag< sub> 1.4</sub> K< sub>0.6</sub> Ta< sub> 4</sub> O< sub> 11</sub>nanocomposites as efficient photocatalysts for hydrogen production and organicpollutants degradation." Applied Catalysis A: General 467: 335-341.(通訊作者)
[15] WU, D. (2013). "The Spectrum Studies of StructureCharacteristics in Magma Contact Metamorphic Coal." Spectroscopy andSpectral Analysis 33(10):2861-2864.(通訊作者)
[16] Wu, D., G. Liu, R. Sun and S. Chen "Mercury-bindingforms in coals and their geological provenances in coals of differenttypes." Environmental Earth Sciences: 1-7.(通訊作者)
[17] Chen, Z.-X., X.-B. Yin, G. Liu andG.-J. Liu (2013). Tracing Nitrogen Sources and Cycle in Freshwater ThroughNitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Research. Wastewater Reuse and Management,Springer: 399-429.(通訊作者)
[18] Yan, C., G. Liu and H. Chen (2013). "Effect of inducedairflow on the surface static pressure of pleated fabric filter cartridgesduring pulse jet cleaning." Powder Technology 249: 424-430.(通訊作者)
[19] Zhou, C., G. Liu, S. Wu and P. K. S. Lam (2013). "Theenvironmental characteristics of usage of coal gangue in bricking-making: Acase study at Huainan, China." Chemosphere.(通訊作者)
[20] Sun Mei,Liu Guijian, Wu Qianghua, Liu Wenqi. Speciation analysis of inorganic arsenic in coal samples by microwave-assisted extraction and high performance liquid chromatography coupled to hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Talanta 2013.106: 8–13. (通訊作者)
[21] Li Hui,Liu Guijian, Sun Ruoyu, Chen Jian, Wu Bin, Chou Chen-Lin.Relationships Between Trace Element Abundances and Depositional Environments of Coals from the Zhangji Coal Mine, Anhui Province, China. Energy exploration & exploitation. 2013 (31) 1: 89–107.(通訊作者)
[22] Chen Jian,Liu Guijian, Kang Yu, Wu Bing, Sun Ruoyu, Zhou Chuncai, Wu Dun, Atmospheric emissions of F, As, Se, Hg, and Sb from coal-fired power and heat generation in China, Chemosphere. 2013. 90 (6):1925-1936.(通訊作者)
[23] YAN Zhicao,Liu Guijian,Sun Ruoyu,Wudun,Wubin,Zhou Chuncai.Mercury distribution in coals influenced by magmatic intrusions, and surface waters from the Huaibei Coal Mining District, Anhui, China. Applied Geochemistry. 2013, 33:298-305.(通訊作者)
[24] Wang Ruwei, Zhang Jiamei, Liu Jingjing,Liu Guijian. Levels and Patternsof Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Coal-Fired Power Plant Bottom Ash andFly Ash from Huainan, China. Archives of environmental contamination andtoxicology. 2013: 1-10.(通訊作者)
[25] Wang Xingming, Zhou Chuncai,Liu Guijian, Dong Zhongbing. Transfer of Metals from Soil to Crops in an Area Neara Coal Gangue Pile in the Guqiao Coal Mine, China. Analytical Letters, 2013.(just-accepted).(通訊作者)
[26] Wang Ruwei,Zhu Yufeng,Yongfu Qiu,Leung Chi-Fai, He Jun, Liu Guijian, Lau Tai-chu. Synthesis of nitrogen-dopedKnbO3 nanocubes with high photocatalytic activity for watersplitting and degradation of organic pollutants under visible light. ChemicalEngineering Journal, 2013.(just-accepted).(通訊作者)
[27] 鄭劉根, 陳園平, 劉桂建, Chou chen-lin. 815℃灰化前後淮北煤中礦物質變化特徵.礦物岩石學雜誌. 2013.32(1)106-112.(通訊作者)
[28] 王婕,劉桂建,方婷,袁自嬌. 基於污染負荷指數法評價淮河(安徽段)底泥中重金屬污染研究. 中國科學技術大學學報, 2013, 43(02): 97-103.(通訊作者)
[29] 王帥,吳盾,劉桂建. 淮南丁集礦地表移動和變形規律分析. 中國煤炭地質, 2013, 25(02):48-51.
[30] 吳斌,吳盾,萬宗啟,劉桂建,孫若愚. 淮南潘二礦太原組灰岩稀土元素特徵及沉積環境的分析. 中國科學技術大學學報, 2013, 43(5): 355-362.(通訊作者)
[31] 孫曉輝,陳健,吳盾,劉桂建. 淮南煤田張集煤礦煤層中穩定有機碳同位素分布特徵. 中國煤炭地質, 2013,25(04):7-10.(通訊作者)
[1]Liu Yi, Liu Weiguo, Peng Zicheng, et al. Instability of seawater ph in the south china sea during the mid-late holocene: Evidence from boron isotopic composition of corals.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009, 73(5): 1264-1272
[2]Wang lei, Ju yiwei,Liu guijian, et al. Selenium in chinese coals distribution, occurrence, and health impact.environmental earth sciences, 2010, (60): 1641-1651
[3]Zheng liugen,Liu guijian, Kang yu, et al. Some potential hazardous trace elements contamination and their ecological risk in sediments of western chaohu lake, china.environmental monitoring and assessment, 2010, (166): 373-386
[4]Wang ruwei,Liu guijian, Chou chen-lin, et al. Environmental assessment of pahs in soils around the anhui coal district, china.Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 2010, (59) 62-70
[5]Wang ruwei,Liu guijian, Zhang jiamei, et al. Abundances of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in 14 chinese and american coals and their relation to coal rank and weathering.Energy and Fuels, 2010, (24): 6061-6066
[6]Sun Ruoyu,Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, et al. Characteristics of coal quality and their relationship with coal-forming environment: A case study from the zhuji exploration area, huainan coalfield, anhui, china.Energy, 2010, 35(1): 423-435
[7]Sun Ruoyu,Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, et al. Geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the zhuji mine, huainan coalfield, anhui, china.International Journal of Coal Geology, 2010, 81(2): 81-96
[8]Zheng Liugen,Liu Guijian, Kang Yu, et al. Some potential hazardous trace elements contamination and their ecological risk in sediments of western chaohu lake, china.environmental monitoring and assessment, 2010, 166(1): 379-386
[9]Qi cuicui,Liu guijian, Kang yu, et al. Sequential solvent extraction for forms of antimony in five selected coalsthe gournal of geology, 2011, 116(2): 192-200
[10]Chen jian,Liu guijian, Jiang mengmeng, et al. Geochemistry of environmentally sensitive trace elements in permian coals from the huainan coalfield, anhui, china.International Journal of Coal Geology, 2011, (88): 41-54
[11]Kang Yu,Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, et al. Arsenic in chinese coals: Distribution, modes of occurrence, and environmental effects.Science of the Total Environment, 2011,
[12]Li Guolian,Liu Guijian, Zhou Chuncai, et al. Spatial distribution and multiple sources of heavy metals in the water of chaohu lake, anhui, china.environmental monitoring and assessment, 2011, 1-11
[13]Liu Yi, Peng Zicheng, Wei Gangjian, et al. Interannual variation of rare earth element abundances in corals from northern coast of the south china sea and its relation with sea-level change and human activities.Marine environmental research, 2011, 71(1): 62-69
[14]Qi Cuicui,Liu Guijian,Kang Yu, et al. Assessment and distribution of antimony in soils around three coal mines, anhui, china.Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2011, 61(8): 850-857
[15]Qi Cuicui, Wu Fengchang, Deng Qiujing, et al. Distribution and accumulation of antimony in plants in the super-large sb deposit areas, china.Microchemical Journal, 2011, 97(1): 44-51
[16]Yang Mei,Liu Guijian, Sun Ruoyu, et al. Characterization of intrusive rocks and ree geochemistry of coals from the zhuji coal mine, huainan coalfield, anhui, china.International Journal of Coal Geology, 2011,
[17]Tang Quan, Liu Guijian, Yan Zhicao, et al. Distribution and fate of environmentally sensitive elements (arsenic, mercury, stibium and selenium) in coal-fired power plants at huainan, anhui, china.Fuel, 2012,
[18]Xie Fazhi,Liu Guijian, Wu Fengchang, et al. Selective adsorption and separation of trace dissolved fe (iii) from natural water samples by double template imprinted sorbent with chelating diamines.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,
[19]YAN Zhicao,Liu Guijian,Sun ruoyu et al. Geochemistry of rare earth elements in groundwater from the Taiyuan Formation limestone aquifer in the Wolonghu Coal Mine, Anhui province, China. Journal of geochemical exploration,2012.
[20]Zhou Chuncai,Liu Guijian,Yan Zhicao, et al. Transformation behavior of mineral composition and trace elements during coal gangue combustion.Fuel, 2012,
1.Liugen Zheng,Liu Guijian, Lei Wang and Chen-Lin Chou,2008,Composition and quality of coals in the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China,Journal of Geochemical Exploration,doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2007.11.002(SCI和EI收錄,通訊作者)
2.Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, Peng Zicheng, Yang Gang, Abundances and Isotopic Compositions of Rhenium and Osmium in Pyrite Samples from the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China,International Journal of Earth Sciences,2008,DOI:10.1007/s005
3.Zhang Ying,Liu Guijianet al. 2008.Sequential solvent extraction for the modes of occurrence of selenium in coals of different ranks from the Huaibei Coalfield, China,Geochemical Transactions, doi:10.1186/1467-4866-8-14(SCI收錄,通訊作者)
4.Qi Cuicui, Liu Guijian,et al. 2008.Sequential Solvent Extraction for Forms of Antimony in Five Selected Coals,Journal of Geology,116(2)(SCI,通訊作者)
5.Qi Cuicui , Liu Guijian, Chou Chenlin, Zheng Liugen 2008,Environmental Geochemistry of Antimony in Chinese Coals,Science of The Total Environment, 389,225-234(SCI和EI收錄,通訊作者)
6.Liugen Zheng, Guijian Liu, Cuicui Qi, Ying Zhang, Minghong Wong, 2008. The use of sequential extraction to determine the distribution and modes of occurrence of mercury in Permian Huaibei coal, Anhui Province, China.International Journal of Coal Geology,73(2): 139-155(SCI和EI收錄,通訊作者)
7.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2008. Abundance and modes of occurrence of mercury in some low-sulfur coals from China.International Journal of Coal Geology, 73(1):19-26(SCI和EI收錄,通訊作者)
1.Xue Jian , Liu Guijian , Niu Zhiyuan, Chou Chen-Lin, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Haoyuan, Factors that influence the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coals,Energy & Fuels,2007,21(2):881-890(SCI與EI 收錄,通訊作者)
2.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Nurdan S Duzgoren-Aydin, Gao Lianfen, Liu Junhua, Peng Zicheng. 2007, Health effects of Arsenic, Fluorine, and Selenium from indoor burning of Chinese coal.Review of Environmental Contaminate and Toxicology.189:89-106(SCI與EI 收錄)
3.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Ying, Qi Cuicui, Chen Yiwei,Zicheng Peng, 2007.Distribution and Mode of Occurrence of As, Hg and Se and Sulfur in coal Seam 3 of the Shanxi Formation, Yanzhou Coalfield, China,International Journal of Coal Geology.71(2-3):371-385(SCI與EI 收錄,通訊作者)
4.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying, 2007,Environmental geochemistry and health of fluorine in Chinese coals,Environmental Geology, 52 (7): 1307-1313(SCI與EI 收錄,通訊作者)
5.Liu Guijian, Niu Zhiyuan, Van Niekerk Daniel, Xue Jian, Zheng Liugen,2007Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Coal Combustion: Emissions, Analysis and Toxicology,Review of Environmental Contaminate and Toxicology.,192:1-28(SCI與EI 收錄)
6.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2007. The distribution, occurrence and environmental effect of mercury in Chinese coals.Science of The Total Environment,384(1-3):374-383(SCI與EI 收錄,通訊作者)
7.Chen Yiwei , Guijian Liu, Gong Yanming, Yang Jianli, Qi Cuicui,Gao Lianfen,2007,Release and Enrichment of 44 elements during coal pyrolysis of Yima Coal, China,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,80:283-288(SCI與EI 收錄,通訊作者)
8.Liu Guijian, Zhang Ying,Qi Cuicui, Zheng Liugen, Chen Yiwei,Peng Zicheng, 2007,Comparative on Causes and Accumulation of Selenium in the Tree-rings Ambient High-selenium Coal Combustion Area from Yutangba, Hubei, China.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,133(1-3):99-103(SCI收錄)
9.Guijian Liu, Cuicui Qi, Stanislav V. Vassilev, Yiwei Chen. 2007, Mineral and chemical composition of the Yanzhou coal and coal ash (China), and volatilization behavior to 1000°C.Journal of the Energy Institute.80(4):1-5(SCI收錄)
10.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying,2007, Geochemistry of Rare Elements in Permian Coals from the Huaibei Coalfield, China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31,167-176(SCI與EI 收錄,通訊作者)
11. Liu Guijian, Zheng liugen, Qi Cuicui, 2007,Relationship between Hg and sulfur in coal from Huaibei Coalfield, China. Geochemical et Cosmochimica Acta. 71(15):A588(SCI收錄)
12.its health impact,Geochimical et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007. 71(15), A589. (SCI收錄)
16.齊翠翠,劉桂建,2007, 煤中硫礦物及其在酸洗前後的變化,環境化學2007,26(4):547-548(通訊作者)
17.薜翦,邱實,伊浩等,2007,真空條件下高分辯質譜對不同煤質熱解釋放CO2分析,火災科學, 16(2):67-71(通訊作者)


一、“煤中微量元素環境地球化學研究” 2000年獲省科學技術進步二等獎,本人排名第一。
二、“構造變形煤儲層特徵及地質控制機理” 2007年省自然科學三等獎,本人排名第五。
三、“淮北煤田煤中微量元素分布與賦存” 2010年度中國煤炭工業協會科學技術獎,本人排名第二。
四、“濟北礦區地下水中特徵微量元素及其在水判別中的套用研究” 2012年山東省煤炭科學技術一等獎。本人排名第二。
五、“煤礦固廢資源化利用研究及生態環境示範基地建設” 2012淮南市科學技術進步獎二等獎,本人排名第三。
六、“環境科學專業課程體系建設研究” 2008年安徽省教學成果二等獎,本人排名第一。


